Debunking "Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told"
Written by Sir Aaron Richards
Mirrored from
Also see his Holocaust Documents
CLAIM 1: "Germany, the would-be victor, was screwed over at the end of WW1 by the treaty of Versailles. She was also stabbed in the back (Dolchstoßlegende) by her own people, mostly Jews"
CLAIM 2: "Jewish elements tried to overthrow the German government via communist revolution in 1918 (Novemberrevolution)"
CLAIM 3: "Hitler created millions of Jobs and performed the greatest miraculous economic recovery in the history of any nation"
CLAIM 4: "Jews made up 2% of Germany's population but made up 50% of media, 70% of judges, and nearly 100% of the banking system."
CLAIM 5: "Hitler was compassionate toward Jews by letting them emigrate to Palestine."
CLAIM 6: "Hitler's invasion of Poland (Polenfeldzug) was justified because Poland was being genocidal toward ethnic Germans (Volksdeutsche) in its territories."
CLAIM 7: "Hitler offered a 16 point peace plan to Britain after the fall of France which the warmongering British refused."
CLAIM 8: "Hitler's invasion of the Soviet Union was a pre-emptive strike, unavoidable and necessary, to prevent an imminent full-scale Soviet invasion of Europe. In other words, Stalin was about to back-stab the Molotov-Ribbentrop Non-Agression Pact and invade, but Hitler and the Wehrmacht's heroic deeds saved Western Europe from Communism."
CLAIM 9: "Red cross documents disprove the holocaust" and various other empty claims.
CLAIM 10: "Auschwitz had a whole bunch of amenities like a swimming pool, brothel, orchestra etc., which means it couldn't possibly have been a death camp!"
CLAIM 11: "Allied fire bombing of Dresden and other cities" with vastly inflated death tolls and other atrocity propaganda
CLAIM 12: "Eisenhower's death camps where over 1 million German POWS were starved to death"

In our day and age, perhaps the most common entry-level drug into historic revisionism including holocaust denial is the widely disseminated "documentary" called Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told, often abbreviated TGSNT. It is a roughly 6.5 hour film made in 2013 by a person known as "Dennis Wise". Indeed, most people who recommend TGSNT to others don't even know who made the film, and those who do know it was Dennis Wise, don't know who he is. Shady, don't you think?
Dennis Wise is not a historian. Dennis Wise is not even any famous documentary director with years of experience in the medium. The only famous Dennis Wise on the internet is a former English football player, manager and Executive Director at Newcastle United. But that is not the Dennis Wise who made this film. Our Dennis Wise, is described [1] as "an independent film maker with a background in entertainment and media. Apart from researching and producing documentaries, today he still produces private videos for clients." Ouch. If revisionist sources themselves cannot hail this man's academic qualifications to direct a supposedly educational and game-changing historical documentary, things are looking dire indeed. I have also now come to know that Dennis Wise believes in the "New World Order".
But enough with the character assassination, right? Let's look at what this film has to offer. TGSNT's 6.5 hour message is basically a reversal of what historians have concluded. I.e. it instead says Hitler = good guy, Allies = Jew controlled bad guys. Its narrative basically says Germany was about to win WW1 but (((they))) brought America into the war, then enforced a totally unfair treaty of Versailles on a totally non-belligerent nation, and therefore Hitler was the correct answer, how there is no real evidence for the holocaust and how allied bombing raids killed a gazillion innocent German civilians. Let's take The Greatest Meme Never Told's claims apart piece by piece, shall we?
CLAIM 1: "Germany, the would-be victor, was screwed over at the end of WW1 by the treaty of Versailles. She was also stabbed in the back (Dolchstoßlegende)[2] by her own people, mostly Jews"
Fact 1: The German Empire declared war on Russia and not the other way round.
Fact 2: The German Empire declared war on France and not the other way round.
Fact 3: The German Empire marched through Belgium and brought Britain into the war.
Fact 4: Austria-Hungary wanted to avenge the archduke Franz Ferdinand's assassination by Gavrilo Princep and punish Serbia and hoped Germany would shield her from a Russian invasion, but Germany's aforementioned actions did not help here in the slightest, as Russia was merely mobilizing before war was declared on her by Germany.
Fact 5: Germany had plans to back Mexico in regaining her territories lost to the US.
Fact 6: Germany sank the Lusitania, and as a result of the latter two, also drew the United States into war. Therefore, for Austria? Worst. Ally. Ever.
Fact 7: Around 100,000 Jews joined Imperial Germany's armed forces[12], 320,000 Jews joined the Austro-Hungarian armed forces[4], and 12,000 Jewish soldiers died fighting FOR Germany in World War I. The Iron Cross was awarded to 18,000 German Jews in World War I.[3] Austria-Hungary's military forces had an even higher Jewish death toll: 40,000.[4]
All these facts are the reason historians conclude Germany was an aggressor instead of victim during World War I and that the majority of Jews involved in the war fought and bled for her, rather than Dennis Wise and his revisionist buddies' claim that Jews as a whole were disloyal to Germany/Austro-Hungary and tried to bring about their defeat.
If we define "colonialism" as a foreign power (in terms of language, customs, culture) ruling over another, then Austria-Hungary was a colonial empire whose colonies weren't located overseas, but within Europe. The Austrians and Hungarians were ruling over a multitude of different ethnicities (Czech, Croat, Bosniak, Slovak, Slovene, Serb, etc.) whose identities and languages were often suppressed by the government. Anybody who condones Britain, France, Spain etc. losing their colonies should also be happy that Austria-Hungary lost its colonies after its defeat in WW1 via the treaties of Saint-Germain and Trianon, peacefully in a conference room, rather than inevitably being fought for in a bloody revolution several times the size of the Balkan War in the 90s, had Austria-Hungary been allowed to keep her territories and absolute monarchy. Similarly, the areas Imperial Germany lost via the Treaty of Versailles, it had earlier gained by conquest as well; the ethnic populations in these territories weren't just Germans, but also French (Alsace) and Poles (Pommerania, Silesia). Still crying "unfair" that aggressors are punished for losing a great war they started, is ludicrous.
Dennis Wise has been caught lying-by-omission, and removing materials which do not support his intended conclusion, while he presents myths which were already discredited decades ago.
For example: He claims the Treaty of Versailles caused World War 2, and how Germany was severely punished by reparation payments which were impossible to pay, while presenting Germany as an innocent victim in all of this.
In his segment on Versailles, he stole the footage from the BBC documentary, "Make Germany Pay" (1977). Now comes the "lying by omission" part: Compare both and watch him remove any reference to the Dawes-Young Plan of 1924-1929, showing how with investments received from around the world, although largely from the United States via J.P. Morgan & Co, the German economy was recovering! This is also why the German people disliked the NSDAP, which initially received less than 3% of the vote, only until the 1929 stock market crash caused these same investments to shortly end in Germany.
Germany also had no major problems meeting its reparation payments as Dennis Wise falsely claims.
(see: "The Myths of Reparations" by Sally Marks, and "American 'Reparations' to Germany, 1919-33" by Stephen Schuker)
Another example of lying by omission is why France was so "harsh" toward Germany in the first place. The background of this is that after Germany's victory in the Franco-Prussian war, Germany had imposed harsher conditions than Versailles against France in 1871.
(see: "The Second World Wars" by Victor Davis Hanson)
CLAIM 2: "Jewish elements tried to overthrow the German government via communist revolution in 1918 (Novemberrevolution)"
Let us first remind ourselves that these revisionists pointing out how utterly traitorous an attempted coup d'état is, are the ones defending Hitler, who however tried to do just this, i.e. overthrow the government in Bavaria in November 1923 (Beer Hall Putsch) and was jailed as a result. Hypocrite, much? What's with Novembers and attempted coups anyway (remember remember, the 5th of November: Guy Fawkes Night, Nov 5th 1605).
The Novemberrevolution in 1918 was NOT started by Jews, but by a German sailor mutiny called the Kiel mutiny[5]. This snowballed into a nationwide revolution that resulted in the Kaiser abdicating and handing over power to the Social Democrats, who in turn were tried to be overthrown by Communists and this failed. The leader of the latter was Karl Liebknecht[6] who was NOT a Jew, no matter how many dumb right wing sites claim (without source) to say otherwise. In any case, the Novemberrevolution did not claim many lives at all, compared to actual bloody revolutions like the French or Russian revolutions.
CLAIM 3: "Hitler created millions of Jobs and performed the greatest miraculous economic recovery in the history of any nation"
I'm so tired of this "Hitler fixed the economy" meme that is spouted even by many ignorant normal people to this day. The actual dude in charge of repairing the economy was Hjalmar Schacht. Schacht realised the economy of Germany was entirely unsustainable without some reforms, otherwise conquests would be necessary to fund it. The actual Nazis (Göring, Hitler,..) made sure to kick him out especially because they did not agree with his economic policies that helped revive the German economy.
Yes, Schacht was a member of the Nazi Party but he also publicly expressed his disgust at the treatment of the Jews as soon as 1938, and tried to co-conspire against Hitler after 1938. So I'd hardly call this man a Nazi. It is my view (though I'm not a historian) that this man helped reform the German economy and get it out of a depression, despite the Nazis being in power.
Let me stress this again: Hitler didn't fix the economy, Hjalmar Schacht did. Hitler then fired him and ran the economy into the ground again.[7]
Here's some more fun facts: If you stop treating German Jews as citizens of Germany, begin to systematically kick them out of their jobs and public life, hand over these vacancies to unemployed ethnic Germans, create more jobs simply by pursuing the goal of massive re-militarization, and de facto make it illegal to be an unemployed German citizen (those who resisted were labeled "Asoziale" or anti-socials and sent to concentration camps that had opened long before the outbreak of WWII), any totalitarian nation can achieve 100% employment among its citizens (reminder that Jews were no longer citizens). There is nothing miraculous, spectacular or commendable about this at all. Quite the contrary: it is abhorrent.
Even if you assume that Hitler fixed the economy (he didn't), you still can't separate that from the fact that the German economy was essentially converted into a war machine dependent upon its upcoming conquest and looting, which in turn set the stage for a genocidal campaign through Eastern, Central, and Southern Europe...all of this ending with the complete collapse of the German state, its defeat in an unwinnable war, and its partition subsequently. If you're judging by immediate legacy, Hitler was the worst economic leader ever (even restricting that to just the German people he deemed racially worthwhile).
CLAIM 4: "Jews made up 2% of Germany's population but made up 50% of media, 70% of judges, and nearly 100% of the banking system."
An unsourced claim therefore, as the Hitchens Razor goes: "What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."
CLAIM 5: "Hitler was compassionate toward Jews by letting them emigrate to Palestine."
It wasn't Hitler who collaborated with Jewish groups, rather the other way round: Jewish groups tried to broker a deal with the early National Socialist leadership in helping them with their goal of getting Jews out of Germany via the Haa'vara Agreement.[8] This only saved the lives of 60,000 Jews. They saved their asses via a shitty deal rather than remaining in the Reich until things worsened to the point of ghettos and forced deportation to concentration and extermination camps. The strawman here, is that Dennis Wise is being deliberately quiet about the Functionalist (rather than Intentionalist) view historians have about the holocaust, and builds the strawman that if Hitler physically exterminated the Jews, he would have done so in the very beginning itself and since he didn't in good ol' 1933, he clearly had no intention to do it 1940-45.
I wouldn't claim the NSDAP allowing emigration to Palestine an act of compassion either, because one of Hitler's pals was Haj Amin al-Husseini[9], who was trying to work out a genocidal plan with Hitler in dealing with Jews pouring into the Palestine region.
CLAIM 6: "Hitler's invasion of Poland (Polenfeldzug) was justified because Poland was being genocidal toward ethnic Germans (Volksdeutsche) in its territories."
WRONG! The event alleged in TGSNT as "the Danzig massacre" is a hoax; what Dennis Wise is most likely referring to is rather an event known as "Bloody Sunday" which took place in Bromberg (today the city of Bydgoszcz) and firstly happened three days AFTER the German invasion of Poland and secondly many of the involved Volksdeutsche were in reality part of a poorly trained Pro-Nazi paramilitary force called the Selbstschutz who attacked the organized Polish Army during the German invasion and got the shit wrecked out of them as a result. When the Wehrmacht came across this, they reported their deaths back to Nazi leadership in Germany who used it for propaganda purposes ("muh innocent defenseless German civilians hacked to death by Polish barbarians") to justify their invasion of Poland that had already begun via false flag (Gleiwitz incident[10]) and subsequent reprisals against the Polish populace once the nation was erased from the world map for the next 6 years and turned into a new entity known as the Generalgouvernement.
Also, Poland never owned Danzig during the pre-war time. It was a free city under administration by the League of Nations. The war started because Hitler wanted the Danzig corridor. When Poland refused to just hand the area over (as had been the case with Czechia ceding the Sudetenland and getting entirely annexed in the progress while the world remained silent), Hitler invaded. It's a bit like a bully threatening you to do as he says to keep the peace (while there was already peace). Hitler and pals repeatedly stressed the fact that the current status quo regarding the Danzig question was intolerable and untenable - which makes them the biggest hypocrites of all, because South Tyrol had been handed over to Italy after Austria had lost WW1, but Hitler made no efforts to take this German-majority land back. Why? Because the Italian dictator Mussolini was his buddy and ally. So, really, it wasn't about any kind of noble goal of reuniting German territories under one Reich at all, but simple coercion and power play directed towards the Polish state.
When Czechia handing over the Sudetenland and its subsequent erasure from the world map proved that Hitler could not be sated, and the continued existence of South Tyrol under Italian control proved that Hitler's primary goal wasn't about unifying German territories, historians conclude the Danzig question was nothing but an excuse to go to war with Poland.
CLAIM 7: "Hitler offered a 16 point peace plan to Britain after the fall of France which the warmongering British refused."
The world had learned Hitler's "peace offers" weren't worth the paper they were written on after what happened with his Munich Agreement[11]. Every time a revisionist tries acting clever by bringing up Hitler's "many peace proposals" and asks why they were ignored, answer the question by asking him why Hitler invaded Czechia in 1939, especially considering he had already "saved" the ethnic German population by annexation of the Sudetenland from that country prior to this... Hitler's annexation of the rest of non-German Czechia dispels the myth that this "man of peace" was only trying to expand Germany by its ethnic territory:
"Munich brought Hitler not only three million more citizens but also the bulk of the Czechoslovakian armaments industry, perhaps the best in the world at the time. In March of 1939 Hitler destroyed Czechoslovakia as a state, thus removing any illusions that his goals were limited to ethnic Germans." (Timothy Snyder in "Bloodlands", p114.) In any case the peace plan was shitty because it would effectively give Germany control over all areas it had conquered and make British guarantees to Poland worthless.
CLAIM 8: "Hitler's invasion of the Soviet Union was a pre-emptive strike, unavoidable and necessary, to prevent an imminent full-scale Soviet invasion of Europe. In other words, Stalin was about to back-stab the Molotov-Ribbentrop Non-Aggression Pact and invade, but Hitler and the Wehrmacht's heroic deeds saved Western Europe from Communism."
Dennis Wise attempts to justify Hitler breaking yet another Non-Aggression Pact, of 1939 [German-Soviet] with claims made by bargain-bin novel authors Igor Bunich or Victor Suvorov in, "Icebreaker" where the claim is that Stalin planned to invade Germany so Hitler (even though he has been writing since 1924 about pushing German territories toward the east, see; 'Lebensraum') made a 'pre-emptive strike.' The truth is, at this same time, a completely oblivious Stalin was still sending oil and grains with other resources to Germany and had no reason to break the peace.
Because Dennis Wise has never studied Stalin, he thinks stalin was the same kind of revolutionary communist like his exiled rival, Leon Trotsky. Trotsky believed in the spread of Communism by a constant state of expanding "world revolution", however Stalin had opposite views, and followed the doctrine of "Socialism in One Country", believing in a slow acceptance and not by forced revolution.
Stalin also refused to believe his internal reports that Germany was planning to invade in the months leading up to June 1941, that is how 3 million Germans managed to invade and overrun the Red Army on the border who had little resources of defence.
I have written more about this pre-emptive BS called "Operation Groza" here:
(also, see: "Grand Delusion; Stalin and the German Invasion of Russia" by Gabriel Gorodetsky)
CLAIM 9: "Red cross documents disprove the holocaust" and various other empty claims.
My blog deals with and refutes these and many more: The "red cross" denier claim is dealt with here:
CLAIM 10: "Auschwitz had a whole bunch of amenities like a swimming pool, brothel, orchestra etc., which means it couldn't possibly have been a death camp!"
Most of these facilities were located in the comparatively tiny Stammlager, rather than over at Birkenau where most of the Jews were, and some of these weren't even located in Auschwitz, or even Birkenau, but a mile or so away in a small sub-camp where only a few dozen people worked, see my debunkings:
Angora bunny rabbit farm:
"Auschwitz" stables:
"Auschwitz" Greenhouse:
"Auschwitz" football team
Swimming pool:
CLAIM 11: "Allied fire bombing of Dresden and other cities" with vastly inflated death tolls and other atrocity propaganda
Refuted here:
CLAIM 12: "Eisenhower's death camps where over 1 million German POWS were starved to death"
Vastly exaggerated numbers made famous by Canadian fiction author James Bacque's novel "Other Losses", refuted here:
So overall, while Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told might be gospel/preaching to the choir to the white supremacist and/or antisemite, and perhaps even appear convincing to the average layperson on the street "with an open mind" who only possesses a rudimentary middle school education, people who have studied history even a little bit will immediately be able to spot its many many errors, strawmen, lack of sources and vastly exaggerated claims with which it hopes to concoct a whitewashing of National Socialist Germany and at the same time atrocity propaganda against Allied powers. TGSNT is debunked, and people who claim it isn't, are in denial (no pun intended). What's more, the length of this film can be drastically cut if it skips all the long sections where there is no narration and merely video reels of not much significance accompanied by the same overused soundtrack again, and again, and again. TGSNT is already tedious enough to watch, it's almost like Dennis Wise wants people to not watch it all the way...
also, credit to youtube commenter michael.perry for his input regarding claims 1 and 8
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