Debunking Denial
Written by Sir Aaron Richards
Mirrored from
For the main article, see Holocaust Documents
Also see Debunking "Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told"
The order that eliminated Jews from German economic life
Was Winston Churchill a warmonger?
"Hitler invaded Poland because the Poles were massacring ethnic German civilians!"
Debunking Eric Hunt's "Questioning the Holocaust: Why We Believed"
Citing opinions made 40 years ago from local town papers
The "scientific proof" canard
Refuting Gerard Menuhin's "Tell the truth and shame the devil"
"What Hitler reeeeeeeaaaaly meant when he said the Jewish race will be destroyed in Europe"
"The 6 million number has pre-war religious significance, dammit!"
Rabbi Benjamin Blech's post-war prophetic numerology game
An old Eric Hunt image
The "death camp" word game
The Stutthof Gas Chamber
"Why didn't they just escape from the trains?"
Rascher's letter to Himmler about testing combat gas on humans at Dachau's gas chamber
Dachau's unused gas chamber marked "Brausebad", at Barracke X
Did the Nazis make lampshades out of Jews?
Authenticity of the tattooed human skin found in Buchenwald
Did the Nazis make Shrunken Heads out of Jews?
The Pedal-Driven Brain-Bashing Machine
"Did you know 3,000 babies were born in Auschwitz?"
"So you say children were gassed? But child survivors were photographed during the liberation of Auschwitz?"
"But the Red Cross said there was no sign of homicidal activity at Auschwitz!!!"
"Did you know that HIMMLER worked WITH the RED CROSS to EVACUATE people from concentration camps?????"
The usual barrage of topics....
Understanding the demographic composition of the holocaust's death toll
Dimensions of Birkenau's Krematorium II and III gas chambers
How body temperature influences gas chamber temperature
The "Getting 2000 people into a gas chamber is impossible!" argument
The delousing chambers
The coke records of Auschwitz-Birkenau
Exposing the fraudulent "denier maths" done at Treblinka II
"Teeth remain after cremation! There should be millions of teeth strewn about the Aktion Reinhard camp sites!"
"Human cremation Ash would permanently scar the environment!"
The Kinna Report ("Poles have to die from natural causes, unlike the method employed on Jews...")
Jews of both sexes and of ALL AGES were executed for "aiding Partisans"
Reprisals (Massacre at Pančevo)
The Bochnia Massacre
Mental breakdown of the Einsatzgruppen
Himmler and the Korherr Report
"Mainstream (((historians))) repeatedly LIED about Auschwitz and here is proof!!"
"The ever decreasing figures of Auschwitz prove we've been lied to countless times"
Refuting the claim "Jews played a significant role in the slave trade"
The myth of "Judeo-Bolshevism"
Stalin's alleged "Torchmen Order" no. 428
The myth of German efficiency
Did Nobel Prize Winner Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn name the Jew?
Gitta Sereny was not a holocaust denier
More fake quotes...
"How Jewish is CNN?"
Hitler's Last Will and Testament
The order that eliminated Jews from German economic life

I have discussed the infamous "kauft nicht bei Juden" ('do not buy from Jews') anti-Jewish boycotts that occurred in April 1933, preceded and followed by years of anti-Jewish propaganda in German newspapers, here: a refutation to revisionist claims that it was International Jewry that "started everything in the first place" by calling for an anti-German boycott in March 1933, or, as the revisionists boldly put it, "JUDEA DECLARES WAR ON GERMANY!!!!". They LOVE bringing that up, which is why my above responses provide context. Things only got worse for German Jews after April 1933. The 1935 Nuremberg laws[1] (preventing Jews from marrying ethnic Germans and vice versa) are a simple google search away. As is the [Reichs-]Kristallnacht, also known as the Novemberpogrome[2] that occurred in that fateful month in 1938, during which many Jewish shops were vandalized and even Jews killed, also easily found in any encyclopedia. Revisionists often like to downplay this fateful event as uncoordinated outbursts of spontaneous antisemitism by the locals, and not any kind of top-down sentiment. The above document[3] (Nuremberg 1662-PS) however, is evidence, decreed by Hermann Göring, that Jews were systematically persecuted in Nazi Germany by the law and government itself, just for being Jewish, years before WW2 had even started. What follows is the translation[4]:
Order eliminating Jews from German economic life
of 12 November 1938
On the basis of the Decree of 18 October 1936 for the execution of the Four Year Plan (RGBl I, p. 887), the following is ordered:
Article 1
1. From January 1, 1938, operation of retail shops, mail order houses, independent exercise of handicrafts is forbidden to Jews. (Article 5 of the First Decree to Reich citizenship law [Reichsbuergergesetz] of 14 Nov 1935-RGBl I, 1933).
2. Moreover it is forbidden to Jews from the same date to offer goods or services in the markets of all kinds, fairs, or exhibitions or to advertise such or accept orders therefor.
3. Jewish shops operated in violation of this order will be closed by police. (Third Decree to Reich citizenship law of 14 June 1938-RGBl I, 627).
Article 2
1. No Jew can manage a firm according to the interpretation of the term "manager" under the law for national labor of 20 Jan 1934. (RGBl I, 45).
2. If a Jew is a leading employee in a business concern he may be dismissed with notice of six weeks. At expiration of this period all claims resulting from the employee's contract, especially claims of compensation or pensions, become null.
Article 3
1. No Jew can be a member of a cooperative society.
2. Jewish members of cooperatives lose membership from 21 Dec. 1938. No notice is necessary.
Article 4
Competent Reich Ministers are empowered to issue rules required by this decree. They may permit exceptions so far as this is necessary for transfer of Jewish firms into non-Jewish hands or for liquidation of Jewish concerns and in special cases in order to insure supplies.
Berlin, 12 November 1938
Was Winston Churchill a warmonger?

No, just a whole bunch of invented hoax quotes falsely attributed to him, in order to make him appear as someone whose main goal it was to wage war on Germany and bring about its destruction. Revisionists LOVE trying to turn the respected Churchill into a rabid anti-German warlord. Oh have they tried and tried... I have already refuted the oft-claimed assertion that Churchill never mentioned the holocaust in his post-war memoirs in my main blog here:
One such quote often peddled around by revisionists is the following, even provided with source:
"Germany’s unforgivable crime before the second world war was her attempt to extricate her economic power from the world’s trading system and to create her own exchange mechanism which would deny world finance its opportunity to profit. (Churchill to Lord Robert Boothby, quoted in the Foreword, 2nd Ed. Sydney Rogerson, Propaganda in the Next War, 2001, orig. 1938)"
The average reader, upon seeing a source attached to the quote, will find it hard to question its legitimacy. But those who do some digging will immediately find out the truth:
The hoax quote was invented in 2001 by a man named David Musa Pidcock, a convert to radical Islam who blamed the 9/11 attacks on a Jewish conspiracy to discredit Islam and undermine the West. The book 'Propaganda in the Next War' was published in 1938, but there is no trace in any reputable catalog or bookshop of there being a 2nd edition ever published. The supposed 'Foreword to the Second Edition' containing the purported Churchill 'quote' appears only on right-wing conspiracy sites.
The Churchill Centre, which holds a 13-million-word digitized archive of Churchill's writings, confirmed on request back in 2006 that nothing resembling the quote is held in their files.
Neo-Nazis and anti-Semites are angry with Churchill for "daring to declare war" on their beloved Hitler. This fake quote and the others in the above image are intended to convince people that Churchill was secretly in the pay of his Jewish overlords, and took Britain to war with the Nazis purely for the benefit of "world finance", Zionism and the creation of the State of Israel, even though what's funny is he wasn't even Prime Minister of Britain when war was declared on Germany, and interestingly, very few revisionists hate and have spun similarly extensive conspiracy theories regarding Neville Chamberlain by comparison.
Now let's take a look at another quote, namely the first one:
"You must understand that this war is not against Hitler or National Socialism, but against the strength of the German people, which is to be smashed once and for all, regardless of whether it is in the hands of Hitler or a Jesuit priest."
The source usually given is Emrys Hughes, "Winston Churchill - His Career in War and Peace", p. 145, and one site gives a further source, namely: quoted as per Adrian Preissinger, Von Sachsenhausen bis Buchenwald, p. 23.
First of all, who is Adrian Pressinger? I have no idea. Sounds like a pen name. The book "Von Sachsenhausen bis Buchenwald: Todesfabriken der Kommunisten" (somewhat telling in english: "From Sachsenhausen to Buchenwald - Communist death factories") was published in August 1997 by the Vowinckel Verlag, which in turn is part of the Verlagsgesellschaft Berg. Wikipedia states that the latter is Germany's largest right-wing extremist publisher:
But who are we to judge, right? Let's just call Preissinger a revisionist. However, Preissinger, in his book, is reproducing the quote he claims was originally made by Emrys Hughes. Emrys Hughes however, does not sound like a revisionist at all:
Here is a codoh thread (denier central) where even the smarter deniers have trouble affirming its authenticity in Emrys Hughes' book because...err...the "Winston Churchill - His Career in War and Peace" book in question is old and somewhat hard to get:
Of course, one (former) denier particularly known for painstakingly hunting down primary and secondary sources, especially when it comes to quotes, is TheBlackRabbitofInlé, who in that very thread, proves the quote is a fabrication by the liar Preissinger as it does not appear in Hughes' book at all, and I quote:
"It's a fake quote. The alleged quote does not appear on either page 45 nor 145 of Hughes' original 1950 edition, and it doesn't appear ANYWHERE in the 1955 "British Bulldog" edition."
Let's move on to the next quote:
"I do not want suggestions as to how we can disable the economy and the machinery of war; what I want are suggestions as to how we can roast the German refugees on their escape from Breslau."
What is the source? Not Churchill himself, but The Barnes Review, Volume 5. Page 30. 1999.
What is the Barnes Review? Basically denier fanfic:
How about tackling the less shocking crush quote?
“Germany is becoming too strong. We must crush her.” To American General Robert E. Wood, in November 1936. (Quoted in: Peter H. Nicoll, Englands Krieg gegen Deutschland, p. 82.)
I say less shocking, because in the years leading up to the war, this could be understood as political rhetoric directed against the power-factor of a nation-state rather than as an intent to genocide its people. Still, there is no solid evidence for this quote either, as it is based on hearsay. Keep in mind Churchill was not even in power back in 1936.
Of course, this mysterious "Peter H. Nicoll" is probably as much of a pen name as the above mentioned Adrian Preissinger. Similarly, his book is published by the Grabert Verlag, another extremist publishing house as per:
Now on to the last quote:
"I do not understand this squeamishness about the use of gas. [...] I am strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against uncivilised tribes."
Interestingly, this is the only quote that is actually genuine. It is shocking to hear Churchill talk about gassing people in such a carefree manner, but ONLY if you stick to the truncated quote as supplied by the revisionists (who accuse mainstream historians of truncating Hitler's speeches), which is the reason why I have included the [...] to show how they have cut out most of it. Here is Churchill's quote in its full length:
...and after reading that, you will realize his goal was to minimize human suffering, not maximize it, and the extended quote provides context as Churchill also vouched for the use of non-lethal gas as long as it demoralized the enemy. For even more context, please see:
And finally, to further demonize Churchill, revisionists like to claim he did nothing to alleviate the Bengal Famine of 1943, using out-of-context quotes of his youth when he spoke disapprovingly of people with dark complexion as proof that he is guilty of genocide. I'd like to remind everyone that the Bengal famine was primarily caused by the Japanese occupation of Burma blocking rice shipments to India, as well as crop damage from tidal waves and fungal disease.
British freighters were being sunk in the Atlantic by German U-boats to such an extent they could not possibly divert further resources to India without severely compromising the war effort.
"Hitler invaded Poland because the Poles were massacring ethnic German civilians!"

Another revisionist lie is the one that tries to justify the Polenfeldzug or Fall Weiss (the invasion of Poland), launched on September 1st, 1939, as being a necessary one, because of the (false-flag) Gleiwitz-Incident, and (a later justification) because Adolf Hitler could no longer tolerate the genocidal Polish government, emboldened by their defense pact with Britain, massacring ethnic German civilians, something that peaked in what has become known as "Bloody Sunday", a mass killing that occurred in the town of Bromberg (Bydgoszcz).
To support the latter claim, the revisionists often show photos of dead people* they claim are "ethnic German civilians (Volksdeutsche) massacred by Poles" (discussed further below), and supply the following quote (with supposed "source"):
"Poland wants war with Germany and Germany will not be able to avoid it even if she wants to."
-Polish Marshal Rydz-Smigly reported in the Daily Mail, August 6th, 1939
I have seen this quote used extensively by Nazi apologists but so far not one has managed to produce the article in question.
I suppose one clue as to why this is a problem might be the date: August 6th, 1939 was a Sunday and there was no edition of the Daily Mail on a Sunday. The Daily Mail only started publishing a Sunday paper since 1982. Which is about 43 years after 1939. If the revisionist then backpedals and says "well I obviously meant the Mail on Sunday", then that is false, because The Mail On Sunday was first printed in 1982 and did not exist in 1939.
Another quote the revisionists often supply is the following, lengthier one:
"German men and women were hunted like wild beasts through the streets of Bromberg. When they were caught, they were mutilated and torn to pieces by the Polish mob. . . . Every day the butchery increased. . . . Thousands of Germans fled from their homes in Poland with nothing more than the clothes that they wore. On the nights of August 25 to August 31 inclusive, there occurred, besides innumerable attacks on civilians of German blood, 44 perfectly authenticated acts of armed violence against German official persons and property."
- William Joyce, Irish defector to Germany
Now who is William Joyce? William Brooke Joyce (24 April 1906 – 3 January 1946), nicknamed "Lord Haw-Haw", was an American-born, Irish-German fascist politician and Nazi propaganda broadcaster to the United Kingdom during World War II. In 1932, William Joyce joined the British Union of Fascists (BUF) under Sir Oswald Mosley, and swiftly became a leading speaker, praised for his power of oratory.
Gee, I better believe the word of an orator who operated as a pro-German radio broadcaster during the war, right? William Joyce was the Alex Jones of his time. Not a historian, or even eye-witness.
But what about those horrible images of mutilated dead people mentioned earlier (and linked below)? The pictures speak for themselves, don't they? Sure. But what do we see? Disfigured corpses, nothing more, nothing less. The accompanying text identifying them as Volksdeutsche victims, and the murderers as Polish perpetrators, and the motive of the murder as political/racial, i.e. "they were killed for being German" is nothing but the conclusion of the author of that text. Was this the result of an independent investigation ordered by a court, or was this just a German propagandist compiling a report for Herr Hitler? Because that's exactly what they were: compiled into a report called "Die polnischen Gräueltaten an den Volksdeutschen in Polen", translated as the polish atrocities on the volksdeutsche in Poland, and commissioned by the Auswärtige Amt, the German foreign ministry (you can't get more biased than that) and made available to the general public one year later, in 1940 by the publishing house known as the Volk und Reich Verlag. On September 19th, 1939, nineteen days after the invasion on Poland, Hitler gave a speech[1] in the Reichstag regarding the 'liberation of Danzig', in which he justified the invasion of Poland, and where he also spoke about these exact atrocities:
Hitler said:
"Ich muß aber auch erwähnen, daß neben der von uns zugegebenen Tapferkeit vieler polnischer Verbände die schmutzigsten Taten stehen, die vielleicht in den letzten Jahrzehnten irgendwo vorgefallen sind. Es sind Dinge, die ich als Soldat des Weltkrieges, der ich nur im Westen gekämpft habe, nie kennenzulernen Gelegenheit hatte. Tausende von niedergemetzelten Volksdeutschen, viehisch abgeschlachteten Frauen, Mädchen und Kindern; unzählige deutsche Soldaten und Offiziere, die als Verwundete in die Hände dieses Gegners gefallen sind, sie wurden massakriert, bestialisch verstümmelt und ihnen die Augen ausgestochen. Und das schlimmste – diese polnische Regierung hat das in ihrem eigenen Rundfunk ganz offen zugegeben –: daß abspringende Soldaten der Luftwaffe ermordet worden sind usw. Es gab wirklich Momente, da man sich sagen mußte: Soll man unter diesen Umständen sich selbst noch irgendeine Beschränkung auferlegen? Es ist mir nicht bekannt geworden, daß irgendeiner unserer demokratischen Staatsmänner es der Mühe wert gefunden hat, gegen diese Barbarei zu protestieren!"
"But I must also mention that next to the - and we admit - bravery of many Polish formations, are the dirtiest deeds that may have happened anywhere in recent decades. These are things that I never had the opportunity to get to know as a soldier of the Great War who only fought in the West. Thousands of slain ethnic Germans, brutally slaughtered women, girls and children; countless German soldiers and officers who fell into the hands of this enemy as wounded, they were massacred, bestially mutilated and their eyes were stabbed. And worst of all - this Polish government quite openly admitted that on their own radio - that parachuting Luftwaffe troopers were murdered, and so on. There were moments when one had to ask oneself: should one continue to impose any restrictions on oneself under these circumstances? It has not become known to me that any of our democratic heads of state found it worthwhile to protest against this barbarism!"
He repeated this claim two years later in his speech[2] from December 11th, 1941, saying:
German original:
"...allein im tiefsten Frieden sind damals in wenigen Monaten in Polen über 62.000 Volksdeutsche zum Teil unter den grausamsten Martern getötet worden."
English translation:
"...during peacetime alone, in the span of a few months, over 62,000 Volksdeutsche were killed partly under the most cruel tortures."
So, revisionists use the photos from the "polnische Gräueltaten" booklet, coupled with excerpts from the Hitler speeches, quotes from Lord Haw Haw, and the fake Polish general quote, as their main body of irrefutable proof that over 50,000 ethnic German civilians were killed by Poles, and that thus the conquest of Poland was justified.
* One link that has collected these stomach turning photos (warning!) is here:
Regarding these photos, these are pretty much all coroner photos of individual murder cases in pre-war Poland painstakingly scraped together and shown at once to create the impression that these were somehow systematic. They weren't. If I went to Detroit and asked for the last 10 years' worth of autopsy photos of whites killed by blacks, I'd fill several folders. But if I then presented these as legitimate evidence for a deliberate campaign by blacks to massacre whites in Michigan, I would be laughed out of any court.
Even if, for argument's sake, they were Volksdeutsche victims murdered by Poles, the revisionist arrives at the next roadblock: he needs to prove these murders occurred BEFORE the invasion of Poland. And even if he manages to do that, his next task is to prove they all occurred in the month(s) leading up to the invasion, rather than these being a compilation of murders over the years like they happen in every city. And even if he can prove they all happened in July and August 1939, he only has evidence of a few dozen murdered people collected in that booklet.
You see, the main problem for revisionists is, that the event they use these photos to prove, an event known as "Bloody Sunday" or "Bromberger Blutsonntag", an event which they then use to justify the invasion of Poland, actually occurred a few days AFTER the German invasion of Poland. Because it happened between September 3rd and 4th 1939, while the German invasion started on September 1st 1939! Furthermore its victims were Germans AND Poles, and what's more, there's many reports of German civilians, in the wake of the invasion of September 1st, having taken up arms and joining the fight against Poland as paramilitary units known as the "Selbstschutz"[3] and consequently getting their shit wrecked by the organized Polish Army. The advancing Wehrmacht still won the day by capturing Bromberg, and the defending Poles were summarily shot.
Were unarmed German civilians killed in the exchange before? Yes. Did Nazi propaganda inflate the death toll more than TENFOLD? HELL YES!! According to Dieter Schenk in "Hitlers Mann in Danzig" the figure of 58,000 was straight up invented by Hitler himself:
German original:
"Die Zahl der Opfer ist in der Literatur unterschiedlich angegeben worden und dürfte zwischen 1500 und 5800 gelegen haben. In dieser Höhe wurde sie von dem Leiter der Mordkommission des Reichssicherheitshauptamtes, Dr Bernhard Wehner, in einer ausführlichen Zeugen-Vernehmung nach dem Kriege beziffert (3479 Tote errechnete Gentzen anhand der Gräber- und Vermisstenkartei). Wehner war mit den Ermittlung in Bromberg beauftragt worden und meldete zunächst die Zahl 5800 Mitte Dezember 1939 dem Auswärtigen Amt, das mit dem Erstellen eines deutschen Weissbuches befasst war. Wehner berichtete: 'Kurze Zeit später erfuhr ich, dass Hitler wegen dieses Weissbuches sehr erregt gewesen sei. Auf seinen Befehl musste die gesamte gedruckte Auflage im Februar oder März 1940 eingestampft werden.' Hitler ordnete an, dass in der von ihm genehmigten Ausgabe die Zahl der Opfer zu verzehnfachen sei. Damit wurde von der deutschen Propaganda die Zahl von 58,000 Mordopfern der 'polnischen Septembermorde' übernommen. Intern korrigierte Wehner später die Gesamtzahl auf 3500 nach unten, nachdem in ehemals polnischen Gebiet deutsche Polizeidienststellen 'ordnungsgemäss' arbeiteten und die Vermisstenfälle erfassten."
English translation:
"The number of victims was stated differently in literature and was probably between 1500 and 5800. The head of the Homicide Commission of the Reich Security Main Office, Dr Bernhard Wehner, quantified this number in a detailed testimony after the war (3479 dead were calculated by Gentzen on the basis of the grave and missing persons file). Wehner had been commissioned with the investigation in Bydgoszcz and first reported the number 5800 to the Foreign Office in mid-December 1939, which was responsible for preparing a German White Paper. Wehner reported: 'A short time later I learned that Hitler had been very excited about this White Paper. On his order, the entire printed edition had to be stopped in February or March 1940.' Hitler ordered that in the edition approved by him the number of victims be increased tenfold. Thus the number of 58,000 murder victims of the 'Polish September murders' was taken over by German propaganda. Internally, Wehner later corrected the total number downwards to 3500, after German police stations in former Polish territory worked 'properly' and recorded the missing cases."
And finally, BEFORE the war, the British had also investigated the Nazis' claims about the Polish mistreatment of the German minority in Poland via diplomat Howard William Kennard and had concluded: "German allegations of mass ill-treatment of German minority by Polish authorities are gross exaggerations, if not complete falsifications." And several points were listed in the telegram sent by Sir H. Kennard to Viscount Halifax on August 27th, 1939, which you can read here:
In the scale and scope of the Second World War with its 60 million dead, the event known as 'Bloody Sunday', that in reality had less than a few thousand victims, is a blip. The combination of its death toll having been vastly inflated (the figure often touted by revisionists is 58,000), revisionists deliberately ignoring to mention the armed resistance from German Volksdeutsche, and the fact that it happened AFTER the invasion had begun, rather than being the casus belli that led to the invasion of Poland, are all reasons why it fades to irrelevance and why historians don't give it much importance. And not because there is some kind of huge cover-up going on, as the revisionist tinfoils try to claim.
Ironically, Bromberg would, just a few weeks later, become the site near which the Germans, together with the help of the very same Volksdeutsche paramilitary units (Selbschutz), commit mass killings[4] of Jews, Polish intelligentsia and other undesirables as part of Intelligenzaktion Pommern[5]
Debunking Eric Hunt's "Questioning the Holocaust: Why We Believed"

Beginning, I believe, in 2015, a young holocaust denier called Eric Hunt (who I have talked about here: released several feature-length videos onto YouTube (a family-friendly platform that can potentially reach out to a worldwide audience of billions) which made holocaust denial a tangible, palpable format for the modern audience than, say, grainy old VHS videotapes uploaded of 80s and 90s deniers, or worse, boring revisionist books that barely anybody reads even among the far-right audience. Each of Eric Hunt's original videos had a view-count numbering in the hundreds of thousands before YouTube started to block them in those countries where Holocaust denial is illegal, and eventually the original uploads were removed, but promptly re-uploaded by disposable accounts (a single user on YouTube can create several accounts) and today, still on the site and with a few thousand views.
Eric Hunt's videos, "The Treblinka Archeology Hoax", "The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth", "Last Days of the Big Lie" and "Questioning the Holocaust (Part 1)" have burned themselves into holocaust deniers' collective playlist of YouTube videos, that also include other "classics" like "David Cole in Auschwitz", denierbud's 4-hour long "One Third of the Holocaust", and general revisionist videos like Dennis Wise's 6-hour "The Greatest Story Never Told" (debunked here: or "Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany" (a numerical exaggeration debunked here:, and then further expand into revisionist persecution videos like the ones involving Ernst Zündel or Ursula Haverbeck.
"Questioning the Holocaust", sometimes further subtitled "Why We Believed (Part 1)", is a 90 minute film with which Eric Hunt hopes to turn the average target audience into holocaust deniers. Instead of focusing on individual camps (Treblinka, Majdanek) like in his other films, in this film Hunt takes a different, more general appoach: pointing out several inconsistencies he considers deliberate 'lies, indoctrination, propaganda'.
The film features carefully selected snippets of US Army footage of Dachau shot shortly after liberation (i.e. before anyone had the time to properly analyze and document what had happened in the camp) and footage they got from Majdanek, in which Eric Hunt points out that at Dachau, footage of delousing chambers (and the clothes hung outside them) as well as their doors are mixed up with Barracke X, a gas chamber built towards the end of the war, but never used for mass extermination (there is still debate whether a single gassing involving a handful of prisoners was carried out or not). So even though the Dachau museum admitted on a sign that this chamber was not put to proper use, Eric Hunt still finds the very presence of the sign upsetting, in that they even dared call this building a gas chamber (that was not put to use). Well, Eric, mind telling us what the REAL purpose of Barracke X's gas chamber was? That's right, you have no idea, as you do not even claim it was used for delousing (other rooms nearby were indeed). Nor was it a communal shower, as that would have had to have its piping attached to a water supply (and witnesses recalling having showered there). A big, useless room that is built like a homicidal gas chamber but didn't see use (as the war ended before it could be put to use) is somehow deliberate lying propaganda and it really had a different use...namely...err...jeez...umm...idk? LOL!
Eric Hunt then points out to the Majdanek footage used where a real shower room (with windows on one side) with real shower heads is shown in the US Army film as a gas chamber with fake shower heads. Even though he knows perfectly well that historians to this day maintain the actual homicidal gas chambers at Birkenau, Mauthausen, Treblinka, etc. had fake shower heads installed for deception, and therefore, filming row upon row of real shower heads still makes sense to give the viewer an idea of how the real gas chambers (most of them destroyed by the Nazis before leaving) might have looked like on the inside, is not lying at all, especially when the narrator does not explicitly claim the footage to be that of an actual homicidal gas chamber. No, Eric is terribly upset that they DARED to use footage of real showers at Majdanek to portray and give the audience an impression of the similar interiors real homicidal gas chambers elsewhere really did have, OH HOW DARE THEY, THESE DECEPTIVE, LYING, PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE DIVISIONS! :-)
In this 90 minute film, considerable amount of time is spent on two topics alone:
One of them revolves around the holocaust survivor Gina Turgel. Eric Hunt spends what felt like 20 minutes emphasizing over, and over, and over again how she has lied, how her interview was published in reputable online newspapers (NBC news, the Sun,...) as "the woman who walked out of a gas chamber", how the original article's editor is famous and has won awards and yet published her lies, how this outrageous deception is damaging to impressionable minds and so on. So, what is the claim? Gina Turgel (born 1923) is giving an interview. When she is very old. Filmed some 60 years after WW2. Where Eric Hunt "catches her lying" when she says a shower room she went into had holes in the ceiling, that she showered with a group of others, and when they came out, bystanders were exasperated and said it is a miracle they survived, as they were not supposed to, because the building they had been in, was a homicidal gas chamber. Eric Hunt says he has caught her mixing her own personal normal showering experience elsewhere with claims of having been in one of the homicidal gas chambers (Krema II or III) at Birkenau (as she mentioned having seen holes in the ceiling), and how even historians maintain these only had fake shower heads used for deception, not real, functioning ones for water, so it is impossible she had gotten a real shower in a gas chamber. As mentioned, Eric Hunt triumphantly waves this ONE example of a confused old lady, interviewed decades after her experience, around as some kind of definitive proof of deliberate, large-scale mass-brainwashing. The fact that he dedicates so much of his film to this one example is proof of how starved for material revisionists really are. I hadn't even heard about Gina Turgel until Eric Hunt's video made her "famous". You understand where I am going with this? Revisionists claim the masses are being brainwashed by liars, yet in reality it is their own "exposed!" videos that make these few individuals who embellished their experience known to a broader public in the first place. If I had heard about Gina Turgel in school, or if holocaust historians had used her as a reliable source, if she had appeared to testify in court and so on, THEN you can make the case that revisionists are accomplishing something. In this case, out of all the holocaust survivors, they elevated an absolute WHO to celebrity-tier status (a strawman) which they then tear down saying they did the world a favor and exposed a big liar. Mhm.
The second issue on which Eric Hunt's film spends considerable time on, is the Nordhausen Bombing. Relying on the label an old US Army film released just after war had used, i.e. calling this place "Concentration Camp Nordhausen" (even though in reality it wasn't a concentration camp, but a Luftwaffe military barracks used to detain inmates, the "Boelcke Kaserne"), Eric Hunt makes the case that it was the Allies who were responsible for parts of the Holocaust, as their bombing of Nordhausen killed thousands, and how photos of these corpses have been published in the USHMM website as well as other holocaust sites is proof positive of deception, lies, and brainwashing because, and Eric Hunt REALLY wants to make this clear, the victims of the Nordhausen bombings are n-o-t h-o-l-o-c-a-u-s-t v-i-c-t-i-m-s and therefore should not be used in anything related to the holocaust. Again, Eric Hunt spends lots of time meticulously hammering home the point that it was ALLIED bombing that killed these people, and therefore THEY are to blame. Of course, the question Eric Hunt does not ask himself is: What were these people doing here in the first place? Why were civilians, from different walks of life, forcefully taken from their homes, the Shtetls, their ghettos from different towns and countries, and concentrated by the Nazis against their will here? If Allied bombs killed these people, are the Allies really to blame? Or are the Nazis rightly blamed for concentrating these people here against their will in the first place? Think about it. If the Nazis hadn't dragged these innocents here into one place, they would not have all been killed by a few bombs. Which were dropped by the unsuspecting Allies on a legit MILITARY TARGET (the Boelcke Kaserne barracks, as thats where these people were housed!) Oh, the evil, evil Allied war criminals.... So once again, Eric, why is it SO WRONG for people to blame Germans for these dead civilians? Why is it SUCH AN ERROR if their corpses' photo shows up in holocaust related topics?
This goes in line with the next segment of the film, Allied footage of the Liberation of Bergen Belsen including British bulldozers moving hills of corpses into mass graves, where Eric Hunt claims these are NOT holocaust victims, as he tries to link two unrelated topics together: the terrible state Jewish prisoners liberated in concentration camps by the Western Allies were in, and Allied saturation bombing of Germany's infrastructure (cities, towns,...) by 1945. Eric Hunt's (and many other holocaust deniers') claim is this: It was Allied Saturation Bombing including railway lines and supply lines, that systematically cut off supplies to concentration camps in the West, and THEREFORE, mass starvation and outbreaks of disease like typhus happened in those camps. He literally uses a grand total of ONE interviewed survivor testimony video as proof of how "fine a place" Bergen Belsen was before 1945. Ergo: Claim Western Allies are responsible for the holocaust of Jews and others in 1945, due to their bombing. Here is the crux of the issue: There is no book written by any historian (or even revisionist, not even Irving!) that can link the two together, i.e., provide independently verifiable evidence (bomber squadron, bombing date, bombing location, supply documents, camp commander documents) of any kind of systematic supply line failure and subsequent starvation and disease outbreak BECAUSE of Allied bombing. I.e., if the Allies hadn't dropped certain bombs on certain locations, then the camps would have continued to function. Not one historian has accomplished this. Yet deniers just use things like "instinct" and "gut feeling" to link the two together and point and laugh at anyone who remains skeptical and begins to apply the same rigorous standards of evidence to this belief of theirs, as THEY otherwise do to holocaust survivor testimonies.
But EVEN if it were true (just for sake of argument) it again would not change the fact that the Germans are still rightfully to blame, as it was THEY who concentrated these people - innocent civilians - against their will into camps which could be cut off from supplies and in which disease could easily spread.
The bottom line is, Eric Hunt's "revolutionary film" elicits nothing but a yawn, as it does not even include any of the key revisionist debating points that are supposed to debunk the holocaust, like finding an explanation for the missing six million Jews showing up elsewhere after the war after all (they don't), demonstrating how gassing people with Zyklon-B is impossible (it isn't), demonstrating how cremating all these victims in the time given with the various methods available is impossible (it isn't) and so on. No, instead, Eric's film consists of one old, senile survivor's embellished memory, erroneous US Army footage narrated and shot in 1945/46 (before the first historians even had time to begin examining everything) and trying to link Allied bombing to starvation and disease in the camps without any kind of conclusive evidence except one or two mentions of Jewish train transports strafed by allied planes. "Questioning the Holocaust: Why We Believed" is a piss-poor attempt at debunking as extensively researched and documented an event as the Holocaust, I really would have expected far more solid material. Too bad, 0 out of 5.
By end of 2016, Eric Hunt did a 180° on his holocaust denial positions, and came back to his senses. Having realized 50 years of revisionism still has not managed to produce any evidence of six million European Jews who were alive in 1938 (as per pre-war census NOT having died (as they remain missing as per post-war census, he turned his back on revisionism, debated denier Fritz Berg (see and has no longer produced any content anymore.
Holocaust History: 1
Revisionism: 0
Citing opinions made 40 years ago from local town papers

This newspaper snippet is part and parcel of deniers providing "proof of Jewish Auschwitz survivors denying gas chambers" usually delivered with the spinning of their old yarn about "newspapers back in the day reporting the truth before they all got (((shut down)))". To begin with, this newspaper isn't any kind of major one with responsibility and journalism standards (i.e. thorough investigative research) like the New York Times. Instead, it is a local newspaper from the city of Hutchinson, Kansas, with a population of around 42,000. That is the first point to consider. The second point, is that this article isn't the newspaper editors interviewing the alleged survivor, but rather the OPINION of a 'M. R. Wright, 15 Hilltop' about the holocaust, in which he talks about the 'Israeli Citizen, Esther Grassman, who was a concentration camp prisoner of Buchenwald and Auschwitz', and calling her 'just one small item out of literally volumes of informations now available' without going further as to specify where he obtained the quote from, and where everything else is available. The third point is, even if we assume there existed an Esther Grassman who indeed told the public she saw no gas chambers, and who indeed was a survivor of Auschwitz and Buchenwald, saying she saw no gas chambers does not mean she actively denied their existence. Around 100,000 people could be interned in Birkenau at a time, and the notion that they have had to have seen the gas chambers, if these had really existed, is a revisionist strawman to begin with. The only people who routinely saw the gas chambers were the Sonderkommando working in the crematorium areas, and the SS going there to crack open cans of zyklon and murder over a thousand victims at a time, fresh off the rail ramp, having failed the selection and deemed unfit for labor (unlike the laborers in the camp), and having been told a shower would be awaiting them. 99.9% of Auschwitz-Birkenau SURVIVORS, by definition, never saw the inside of one, and from the outside, two of them were underground and therefore not visible, and another three were attached to the crematory buildings at ground level and therefore not distinguishable as distinct gas chamber buildings, not to mention that the crematory buildings themselves had a camouflage bush/reed fence surrounding them (as is photographed here: The only such buildings WITHOUT an adjacent crematorium complete with smokestack, and therefore distinguishable as a distinct gas chamber building, would have been the little red house and the little white house, both slightly outside the barbed-wire perimeter of Birkenau camp, and therefore even further out of sight of the inmates.
The rest of the article reads like your typical denier's diatribe. It is true, that these days even local papers would not allow such opinions to be aired, so in that sense the far-right has a point when they say they are being shut down. But when you parade your opinions as facts, and when the newspaper is a private company not obligated to air your disinfo, I don't see anyone's 1st Amendment Rights being infringed.
The "scientific proof" canard

How do you "scientifically prove" the Holocaust? Or, for that matter, how can any other historical event be scientifically proven? The longer one pauses and thinks about this question, the more absurd this demand (frequently made by revisionists/deniers) begins to sound. When presenting their arguments to the broad public, deniers know perfectly well that the term "scientific proof" sounds very good, because the public holds science in high regard. Therefore, presenting newspaper articles like the above (published during the Zundel trials in the 1980s and involving one of the most highly regarded holocaust historians, Raul Hilberg) is part and parcel of the denier strategy to make the public aware of the, according to them, truly shocking fact that an event of such magnitude had up till then no scientific proof whatsoever. Keep in mind how the date is not supplied with the above article; another attempt to misguide the viewer into thinking this might be a recent article, when in reality it is from the 1980s.
Now, read carefully what the article really says: What holocaust historian Raul Hilberg said in court was, (that up until the 1980s) he wasn't aware of the existence of any scientific reports that had been undertaken to prove Jews were exterminated in the gas chambers. Later however, after the deniers Fred Leuchter and Germar Rudolf had published their 'scientific' reports wherein they had tested the walls of the gas chambers at Auschwitz and Birkenau for cyanide residue (and found them to be severely lacking compared to the residue inside the walls of the delousing chambers, and therefore unscientifically and automatically concluded that there had been no homicidal gassings) the Krakow Institute for Forensics (KIFR) did publish a forensic report as a follow-up, where they concluded that the testing methods of Leuchter and Rudolf had been fraudulent, and that the very low amounts of cyanide residue on the walls of the homicidal gas chambers do make sense. But the point is, that before the Zundel trials, there had indeed been no scientific reports conducted on these chambers, and that is exactly what Raul Hilberg was (as the deniers put it) "forced to admit". But this observation is not shocking at all:
While historians and archaeologists frequently use and depend on scientific methods (e.g. radiocarbon dating, stratigraphy etc.) to properly date their findings, the bulk of historiography, especially regarding the last 1000 or so years, does NOT primarily rely on these methods and is instead established via analysis of primary and secondary sources such as documents, manuscripts, paintings, photos, and also stories passed down orally (which makes deniers who try to brand eyewitness testimony as 'unreliable' sound all the more ridiculous, since by doing so they are attacking a central pillar of historiography).
Furthermore, the denier assumption that the historical existence and use of a gas chamber can, via science, conclusively be proven or disproven is UTTER NONSENSE. All of this once again boils down to the deniers desperately trying to focus all attention on the debate regarding the presence, the formation and the quantity of cyanide residue on the walls of the gas chambers, which is, in fact, NOT something that can be easily explained by science at all. Go ahead and ask any scientist or specifically chemist and he will tell you the same: There are plenty of factors that can inhibit its formation (visible as Prussian Blue), such as the amount of carbon dioxide in the room (produced by hundreds of hyperventilating, panicking people), the pH level of the brickwork, the duration of the gassing, the dimensions of the gas chamber, the presence of a ventilation system, whether or not the walls were routinely washed, and so on, and this has been lengthily discussed on other sections of my blog:
The bottom line is, there is a perfectly reasonable explanation why, despite Zyklon-B having been used, you will not see blue pigmentation on the ruins of the gas chamber walls as you do on the walls of the delousing chambers. But for deniers, this absence is "scientific proof" that nobody was gassed. On a similar 'scientific' note, the deniers point out the absence of autopsy reports performed on corpses proving they were gassing victims (explainable by the fact that gassing victims were cremated, so there were no bodies left to autopsy), and therefore boldly proceed to ignore anything and everything the survivors have to say - unless of course, they happen to come across the odd survivor who says he did not see any gas chamber (see that's when the deniers immediately wave that testimony around as legitimate proof of the non-existence of homicidal gas chambers. This inconsistent and unscholarly methodology is why revisionism will never be considered serious historiography.
Refuting Gerard Menuhin's "Tell the truth and shame the devil"

It would be nice if right-wing extremists and antisemites, in their search for truth, were to surprise us by finding actual truths which could no longer be denied or talked away.
Unfortunately for them, none have succeeded in doing so. Neither the clever minds of the Institute for Historical Review, nor Mr. Jeff Rense, David Irving, Harry-Elmer Barnes, James Bacque, or, in this case, "the revisionist Jew" Gerard Menuhin.
This book is so full of falsehoods, that pointing out and refuting every single one of them would produce a tome as many pages in length as the above book itself. And I won't do that without payment, my time is too precious for such a task ;-)
But this book is available for free as PDF on the net, so I was able to scroll through its pages briefly and I already managed to uncover half a dozen lies, all in the span of 10 minutes:
In the early chapters where this book tries to deny the holocaust, all sorts of "evidence" is shown in the form of images. For example, on page 16, a scan from Bad Arolsen can be seen, which shows the REGISTERED deaths in SOME concentration camps (, and then the assertion is made that these numbers do a good job representing EVERYONE who perished in German concentration camps,
... which is, of course, nonsense because Bad Arolsen and the Red Cross have emphasized over ( and over ( again that these incomplete records have been used since the Ernst Zündel process in the 80s by Neo Nazis to estimate only 270,000 victims for the holocaust. The document does not even list the extermination camps Sobibor, Belzec or Treblinka, where the Höfle Telegram ( shows that more than one million people were deported here by end of 1942, and then disappeared without a trace.
Whats even funnier is that Menuhin commits the same logical flaw as your average 16 year old troll in a youtube comment section by implicating the International Red Cross in his denial, saying THEY said this, when in fact we have many letters published by the IRC who repeatedly say they never published a death count in concentration camps, as linked above. So, who is the liar here? The International Red Cross, or Ernst Zündel and his denier buddies like Menuhin?
On page 14, Gerard Menuhin writes the next lie: "It is only rational to recall that there were never 6 million Jews under German control during the war."
Perhaps Mr. Menuhin was asleep during history class? The Nazis controlled the entirety of Europe and Western Russia at one point in the war, with the exception of the Iberian Peninsula, the British isles and three other neutral countries, namely Switzerland, Sweden and Turkey.
When solid census data from 1933 shows us 9.5 million Jews were living in Europe (see, and Nazi estimates made at Wannsee in January 1942 estimated upto 11 million Jews, which I consider an exaggeration but nonetheless, it is factually impossible for there to have been less than half under German control during the war. It's simple logic like this that makes Mr. Menuhin's carefully constructed "alternative facts" come crashing down like a house of cards when someone stops to think and begins to question them.
The book includes a number of hoax quotations implicating prominent figures, e.g. Churchill, on page 77:
"Germany’s unforgivable crime before the second world war was her attempt to extricate her economic power from the world’s trading system and to create her own exchange mechanism which would deny world finance its opportunity to profit."
Even with source! "Churchill to Lord Robert Boothby, quoted in the Preface to Sydney Rogers, Propaganda in the Next War, 2nd edition, 2001, orig.1938"
Which might look convincing to the uneducated average person, given there is source, but whoever does some digging will quickly find that this hoax quote was invented by a man named David Pidcock in 2001, a convert to radical Islam who attributed the 9/11 attacks on a Jewish conspiracy to discredit Islam and undermine the West. The book 'Propaganda in the Next War' was indeed published in 1938, but there is no trace in any catalog or bookstore that a "2nd edition" was ever published. The alleged "Preface to the Second Edition" with the Churchill 'quote' appears only on right-wing conspiracy sites.
The Churchill Center, which holds a digitized archive of Churchill's writings, confirmed upon request in 2006 that nothing that corresponds to the quote can be found in their files. The quotation is thus off the table, unless the author manages to procure this mysterious "2nd edition with foreword".
More hoax quotes attributed to Winston Churchill here:
Or on page 59 it is claimed that in Dresden 500,000 people were killed by the allied air attacks, which is also wrong, because these figures are based on a hoax document called "Tagesbefehl-47", which was exposed as a forgery because it turned out the Reichspropagandaministerium simply added an additional 0 to the death toll, and even the official propaganda number cited in the Third Reich was less than 500,000. Today we know that in Dresden a grand total of 26,000 perished. We also know that David Irving's Dresden book is full of errors, because he later admitted that he had relied on this hoax document. More on that here:
All in all, this book is simply a tangle-up of quotations which are either torn out of context or a complete hoax, as well as featuring several antisemitic comics (!) and pictures, and similar unscholarly garbage (consider, for instance, the book's cover which shows a man tearing away a parasite that has wrapped itself around a strong tree), and also without having nicely arranged chapters and sub-chapters you would expect in a history book, because Gerard Menuhin clearly wants to make life hard for anyone seeking to refute this book chapter by chapter.
This was not even a warm-up. I could go on and keep exposing more and more quotations from the book as lies, but it would exceed the scope of this already long review, so I will stop here, even though I do enjoy exposing the knowledge gaps revisionist "truth seekers" have, who otherwise like to think they're smarter than the rest of us sheeple. ;-)
"What Hitler reeeeeeeaaaaly meant when he said the Jewish race will be destroyed in Europe"

The above infograph was posted by a stormweenie desperate to prove to me that Adolf Hitler, in his January 30th, 1939 speech, didn't actually express any desire to physically exterminate European Jews.
But it's quite telling how almost every additional quote he provides, only confirm the Führer's genocidal tendencies, with perhaps the only revelation here being, that he will not hesitate to do this, but only IF the war happened. Since Hitler was utterly convinced the Second World War was brought about by International Jews, he went ahead with his plan and took revenge on the European Jews under his control during the war.
If Hitler really only wanted to end Jewish power/influence in Europe by removing/deporting Jews out of Europe, he would have said so. There are plenty of words in the German language to make this clear.
"Annihilation of Jewish Power" would translate to "Vernichtung der jüdischen Macht" or "Beseitigung des jüdischen Einflusses". Hitler never used those phrases. Instead, for example on Feb 24th 1942, he even goes to say: "the elimination of these parasites". And it's quite telling that despite the code-words "Umsiedlung" or "Auswanderung" being used on documents, Hitler never once in his speeches informed the German public that Jews were being deported out of the Reich and into Russia or wherever. Surely if a non-genocidal solution to the Jewish question was being carried out across Europe, Hitler would elatedly inform the masses that the problem is finally being moved out of European soil once and for all. He didn't. Because once it had begun, the Final solution to the Jewish Question (physical extermination) was Geheime Reichssache (secret Reich matter).
I have elsewhere extensively showed Hitler's documented genocidal intent:
and here:
"The 6 million number has pre-war religious significance, dammit!"

In response to debunking a denier infograph that showed pre-war newspaper articles talking about six million jews coming under threat by pointing out that this is a cherry picking and omits all pre-war articles that talk about 4 million jews, 5 million jews and 7 million jews in my article here:
...I was given the above response. Let's start:
"In 2006 Moshe Friedman spoke about a prophecy made before World War II"
Oh really. Why doesnt he provide a source for his claim? "Moshe said..." is anecdotal evidence, rather than direct evidence. I have tried to find this alleged prophecy, this "six million must die for Israel to be reborn" or something like that, and could not come across the original source at all, just tons of stormweenie sites saying such a prophecy exists.
In the American Hebrew article of 1919 used as the next piece of evidence, nowhere does it say six million jews have been killed. Read what it says:
"six million men and women call to us for help."
It goes on to say they're famished and are facing starvation. Which makes perfect sense as in 1919, right after WW1 and the unfolding Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, Eastern European Jews were indeed living in a part of the world ridden with poverty and political turmoil. Most Jews were living in small villages called shtetls and were destitute.
Also, the word "holocaust" dates back to the 19th century. No historian is claiming the term was coined post 1945.
The only smoking guns we got here is "The Open Court" claiming six million Jews lost their lives during the Bar Kokhba revolt. Good job on the revisionists highlighting that. I'll let you know how many historians used A MONTHLY MAGAZINE published in 1897 as historic source for estimating the death toll of the Bar Kokhba revolt. Oh right, zero.
Here are some fundamental questions to ask any revisionist if he tries to play the 6 million number game:
1) Are there also pre-war newspaper articles that speak of 3 million jews, 4 million jews, 5 million jews, or 7 million jews coming under threat of starvation or persecution? Yes or No.
2) In light of this, can one legitimately accuse the author who ONLY showed you the pre-war "6 million Jews" articles of cherry picking? Yes or No?
3) Is 3 to 7 million a realistic estimate for the pre-war Jewish population in a loosely defined geographical region called "Eastern Europe"? Yes or No?
4) Did various parts of this region come under political turmoil in the late 19th / early 20th century, face famines, and did the Jews living here suffer from antisemitic measures, like conversion attempts, and were therefore persecuted by the Tsar? Yes or No?
Since these simple observations will back them into a corner, they will lose.
The other "smoking gun" is Max Nordau saying during the Zionist Congress of 1911 that six million people could be exterminated if European Governments' policies continue as they currently did. Turns out he underestimated things, as in WW1 18 million people died. It was only in April 1940 when Vladimir Jabotinsky says Jews can be saved from extermination if they are evacuated from Europe.
Rabbi Benjamin Blech's post-war prophetic numerology game

Deniers often claim that 6 million is some kind of a holy number in Judaism, either from the Talmud or Kabbalah, and that's why it kept occurring in all the pre-war newspapers (discussed here: imgur . com/Ef0XTcM and imgur . com/wEOP8gw) and that that's why it also became the Jewish death toll of the holocaust, i . e. they make the claim that from a historiographic standpoint, it is worthless and only has religious significance. Well, let's just say that if you go and ask any Jew, Israeli, or anyone who knows Hebrew the question whether six million is a symbolic number in Judaism, well, they will tell you: No.
7 is a holy number in Judaism. 13 is a symbolic number. 40 is a symbolic number. But six million? Heck, there isn't even a word for "million" in Hebrew!!!!! If you want to write "six million" with only Hebrew words and translate the result back to English it would be something like "six hundred-ten thousands".
But holocaust deniers assure us, that THEY didn't make any of this up. They got it from a well-known and respected JEWISH RABBI! Are we to doubt the word of a Jewish scholar? Wouldn't that be antisemitic? You see how deniers operate - they want to shift the blame onto Jews themselves: the TASHUVU / You Shall Return prophecy. Except this one doesn't talk about the holocaust, but is a lone man's a posteriori interpretation of a religious verse, that is to say, he made this {!#%@} up AFTER the war.
see google books:
And indeed, it is true - the above passage comes from the above pictured book. So where did Rabbi Benjamin Blech get his prophecy from? The Liberty Bell, an iconic symbol of American independence located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, contains an inscription IN ENGLISH which is the first half of Leviticus 25:10. With the same kind of mind-bending "logic" used by people who talk about a "Bible code" and other numerology BS like "9+1+1 = 11 = shape of the twin towers = therefore 9/11", Rabbi Benjamin Blech (whose writings about what follows have been repeated in a book called "The Holocaust Dogma of Judaism" by a certain Ben Weintraub, probably a pen name of the book's publisher Robert L. Brock[1]) starts babbling on pages 214 and 215 of his own book "The Secrets of Hebrew Words", that in the second half of Lev 25:10, "ye shall return" in Hebrew is spelled incorrectly (where? certainly not on the Liberty Bell where the inscription is in English!) as תָּשֻׁבוּ instead of תָּשֻׁוּבוּ. Therefore, it is missing the letter וּ (or vav) which according to Rabbi Blech also stands for the number six, which in turn he magically interprets as the number six MILLION (because 6 suddenly becomes 6,000,000, right?), and therefore claims we have a prophecy where the second half of Lev 25:10 not inscribed on the Liberty Bell, but saying "ye shall return every man unto his possession and ye shall return every man unto his family" (KJV), which actually talks about the eventual end of slavery, is somehow actually talking about Jews returning to Israel in 1948 minus six million because "ye shall return" is misspelled (somewhere) and what's missing is a vav which stands for six but actually six million.
Of course, another key point around which Blech makes his claim is that the misspelled תָּשֻׁבוּ (TaShuVU) would, were you to turn the syllables into numbers, add up to the number 708. Keeping in mind that Hebrew is written from right to left, we add up (from the right) תָּ (tav) = 400, שֻׁ (shin) = 300, ב (vet) = 2, וּ (vav) = 6. So we get 400 + 300 + 2 + 6 = 708. Israel was founded in 1948 according to the Gregorian Calendar[2], which would translate to the year 5708 according to the Jewish Calendar[3]. And Blech claims that in Jewish dating, the millennium is ignored, so 5708 becomes 708. There you have it. The misspelled word adds up to the year of the founding of Israel as per the Jewish calendar, and what's missing is a vav, or a 6, or 6 million according to the Rabbi. Therefore six (million) had to die for Jews to be able to return to their ancestral homeland Israel. What a load of dangerous nonsense.
Dangerous, because first of all, Rabbi Benjamin Blech isn't just "some dude", but has been ranked #16 in a list of the 50 most influential Jews in America[4] and secondly, because figures of authority such as this spouting nonsense leads to other morons repeating it, such as Rabbi Zev Brenner[5], president and CEO of Talkline Communications Network, a Jewish radio and TV network. If you've got BIG JEWS unironically spreading such prophetic claims (and little Jews such as Rabbi Solomon Cohen on his website[6]), I can't even feel bad if deniers pick it up and start spreading it even more. The only problem is that deniers like to pretend it is some kind of already existing pre-war prophecy somewhere in Jewish Scripture, and therefore it explains the pre-war use of the 6 million figure in newspapers. Which has been thoroughly debunked here: imgur . com/Ef0XTcM and imgur . com/wEOP8gw as deniers cherry-picking newspaper articles from a pool of varying estimates regarding the pre-war Jewish populations including 3, 4, 5 and 7 made by journalists who typed those articles.
The German denier debunking website Holocaust Referenz has also written an article about this:
[1]: https://www . amazon . com/Holocaust-Dogma-Judaism-Keystone-World/dp/0972416005
[2]: https://en . wikipedia . org/wiki/Israel
[3]: https://www . hebcal . com/converter/
[4]: https://web . archive . org/web/20060215100028/http://www . hci-online . com/bblech
[5]: http://jewishweek . timesofisrael . com/the-joy-of-six/
[6]: https://ourjewishagenda . weebly . com/the-shoah . html
An old Eric Hunt image

Let's tear apart this laughable pic, shall we?
Note how the maker of that image (an absolute uninformed mongoloid, no doubt) forgot to list several extermination camps such as Maly Trostenets, or Janowska and labeled other extermination camps, such as Jasenovac as "concentration camps"...
Also, the next hilarious blunder in his pic is that he boldly claims "Similar claims about homicidal gas chambers were made in camps liberated by the Western Allies but these claims were investigated and proven false"
Wrong again! The Mauthausen gas chamber proves him wrong, still viewable by tourists today, and all holocaust historians still claim it's a homicidal gas chamber that killed thousands. Mauthausen was also liberated by Western Allies and located this side of the iron curtain. Check and mate (again).
And finally, as if two mistakes werent enough, he goes on to copy-paste the long debunked pasta that "Autopsies were performed and no victims of poison gas were identified"
Apparently this guy not pay attention to US Army forensic pathologist Dr. Charles P. Larson when he claimed in his book:
"Well, they took those people to the crematorium. First, however, they were taken to a big windowless building next to the crematorium where the ceiling was covered with false shower heads. The victims were then ordered to strip and take a 'shower.' Outside the building, guards dropped in cyanide pellets. Then they'd blow the cyanide gas out and remove the bodies next door to the crematorium ovens. I think this is what happened to most of the truly psychotic prisoners and those they considered unruly and unmanageable and who, in the Gestapo's opinion, were incorrigibles. But, in my opinion, ONLY RELATIVELY FEW of the inmates I PERSONALLY EXAMINED at Dachau WERE murdered in THIS manner. Still, medical facilities were totally inadequate. When people fell hopelessly ill and death was imminent, and when they grew so weak they could no longer work or function, they were taken to the cyanide room for disposal. The Nazi called them 'mercy killings' because there was no hope of them getting well. Actually, the Germans considered them a liability, and extermination was the answer." ('Crime Doctor,' McCallum & Larson, p. 61. ISBN 0-916076-20-2; Library of Congress Catalog Number: 78-16403)
The "death camp" word game

The left half of the above image is part and parcel of "holohoax redpills" circulating the internet among far-right forums such as stormfront, 4chan, 8chan etc. In fact, it was one of the earliest images I came across that piqued my interest in this subject matter, and made me become an anti-revisionist in the first place. What you see there, is an unsourced holocaust denier claim that once upon a time (during the final months of the war, I assume) every German Nazi camp was classified as a "death camp". Then, so deniers claim, all those camps inspected by the US Army (sometimes this tale changes to "Western Allies"), allegedly were redefined as "concentration camps", and only those remaining camps out of reach of the Western Allies, but which were liberated by the Soviet Union (and henceforth isolated behind the Iron Curtain, beyond reach of western scholars for decades), kept their "death camp" classification, complete with what the deniers like to call "atrocity propaganda, such as gas chambers".
Notice the colors deniers use: dark red for death camp, pastel green for concentration camp. The image almost reads like camps inspected by Western Allies being given an "all clear" sign that nothing bad happened here after all.
But what exactly is a 'death camp'? Is there even any kind of official definition? I sure am not aware of any. Because when I ask around, the definition varies from person to person. The only official classification I know of, which Nazi camps can be divided into, classifications employed by holocaust historians and therefore the terminology I like to use, are 'concentration camps' and 'extermination camps'.
In both these camp types, people died under horrible conditions. But in the former, people were mostly put to work rather than immediately killed, but those that died (and these camps still had a considerable mortality rate), did so through labor attrition, disease, starvation, medical experimentation and summary execution according to the whims of the Lagerpersonal. In the latter, only a skeleton crew operated the camp while almost everyone who entered it was put to death immediately upon arrival.
Whether or not a camp contained homicidal gas chambers is not part of any definition. For instance, there are concentration camps that used homicidal gas chambers (Mauthausen, Natzweiler-Struthof, Majdanek) and extermination camps that did not use homicidal gas chambers (Jasenovac, Janowska, Maly Trostenets). The only exception to this was Auschwitz-Birkenau which was a dual purpose labor/extermination camp with the selection being done right at the train ramp.
Now let's look at the right half of the image above, which is a response compiled by anti-revisionists. In it, they tally up the death tolls all the "harmless" concentration camps named in the left image and arrive at over half a million dead. And this doesn't include the death tolls of all the concentration camps still left. So, even without counting any person who was murdered in an extermination camp, we'd still arrive at genocidal levels of camp deaths these "mere" concentration camps exacted.
The Stutthof Gas Chamber

Stutthof (Sztutowo) is the name of a small village situated 36 km (22 miles) from Gdansk (Danzig) and 3 km from the Baltic coast. A “camp for civilian war prisoners” (Zivilgefangenenlager) was established there in September 1939. By November 1941 it had become a "labour education" camp, administered by the German Security Police (SiPo) and by 7 January 1942, it officially became a concentration camp.
The precise date when construction of the pictured gas chamber at Stutthof began is uncertain. The chamber, 5 m long, 3 m wide and 2.5 m high, was originally built as a room for delousing clothing, a purpose for which it continued to be utilized even when functioning as a homicidal gas chamber. As at Auschwitz-Birkenau, the killing agent used was Zyklon B, which was introduced via a small opening in the ceiling. The chamber was heated externally by a small oven you see attached to the front of the building, connected by piping running along the gas chamber's interior, before each operation to hasten the release of the hydrocyanic acid from the pellets. The homicidal gassings were supervised by SS-Unterscharführer Otto Karl Knott, who, during the course of a visit to Stutthof by SS-Obersturmbannführer Rudolf Höss, the former commandant of KL Auschwitz, had been given detailed instructions on the gassing procedure to be followed.
The first known homicidal gassing at Stutthof occurred on 22 June 1944, when about 100 persons, mainly Poles and Byelorussians, were killed. On 26 July 1944, 12 members of a Polish resistance group were gassed, to be followed by approximately 70 invalids transferred from a Soviet POW camp. The camp commandant, SS-Hauptsturmführer Paul Werner Hoppe, then received orders to kill the Jewish inmates of the camp. Between August and November 1944 more than 1,450 victims, most of them Jewish women, are known to have been gassed.
Gassing operations at Stutthof ceased in early November 1944. It has been estimated that at least 65,000 inmates died in the camp from all causes, during its existence. The total number murdered in the gas chamber has not been conclusively determined. The doors on this gas chamber are not the original homicidal gas chamber doors, as Soviet photographs upon the camp's liberation reveal empty door frames. You can see, both inside and outside, a bluish-green discoloration across the brick-work, which revisionists point out is conclusive proof of HCN gas having been present within this chamber. Then, so they ask, why this discoloration (referred to as "Prussian Blue") is not present in the homicidal gas chamber of Mauthausen, or in any of the homicidal gas chambers of Auschwitz-Birkenau, especially when the latter have a death toll several magnitudes larger than this one at Stutthof. Essentially, the holocaust denier logic is: "if only a bit of homicidal gassing causes these stains, why has tons of alleged homicidal gassing not caused any in Auschwitz-Birkenau? Therefore all the stories of mass gassings there are nothing but a propaganda hoax!" The Prussian Blue staining argument is CENTRAL to revisionists' denial of the Holocaust. I have debunked their silly beliefs elsewhere ( ...erase the .jpg ending from your URL bar to read my article attached to the image).
But what remains, is the correct observation of the staining present on these walls. The answer is truly simple: This chamber was dual-purpose: not "just" a homicidal gas chamber, but ALSO a delousing chamber. The staining can be explained by the substantially longer time (~ 24 hours) needed for a single delousing compared to the time (less than half an hour) needed for a single homicidal gassing. Yes, it takes a lot longer to kill the cold-blooded louse than it takes to kill warm-blooded humans. From this we can conclude the overwhelming majority of the time hydrogen cyanide gas was present in this chamber during the camp's operation, was for delousing purposes. Comparatively, only a tiny fraction of time was spent homicidally gassing people. The homicidal gas chambers over at Auschwitz-Birkenau, as holocaust historians maintain, were NOT dual-purpose, i.e. NO delousing was done there - separate delousing chambers a fraction of the size of Birkenau's homicidal gas chambers existed in that camp complex. Hence, no staining.
For those asking "why did the evil Nazis take the trouble of providing delousing facilities for the incarcerated", it's again pretty simple: they were in this camp along with the inmates and did not walk around in hazmat suits. An inmate population purposely left to be ravaged by typhus and other diseases is a scenario that will result in the infection and deaths of the staff and overseers as well. And the primary purpose of Stutthof was forced labor: A DAW (Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke) munitions facility was located next to the prisoner barracks. Inmates also labored in local brickyards, in private industrial enterprises, in agriculture, or in the camp's own workshops. In 1944, as forced labor by able-bodied concentration camp prisoners became increasingly important in armaments production, a Focke-Wulf aircraft factory was constructed at Stutthof. Eventually, the Stutthof camp system had become a vast network of forced-labor camps. Those deemed unfit for labor were sent to the gas chamber.
Gutman, Israel ed. Encyclopedia of the Holocaust. Macmillan Publishing Company, New York, 1990
Kogon, Eugen; Langbein, Hermann; Rückerl, Adalbert; eds. Nazi Mass Murder, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1993
Orski, Marek. The Last Days of Stutthof, Muzeum Stutthof w Sztutowie, 1998
"Why didn't they just escape from the trains?"

Another "clever question", mostly just rhetorical in nature, which revisionists sometimes ask, is how millions of Jews could just patiently let themselves be packed like cattle into Holocaust trains and then stay in them for hours, sometimes days, without trying to escape, when many of these trains were headed to extermination camps such as Treblinka. They go into great detail showing how prisoner transports in the United States and other places even back then looked like, the security measures employed, and then proceed to mock the wagons used for Holocaust transports by the Deutsche Reichsbahn and other operators like the Romanian CFR. Again, we have to deal with a revisionist straw man here, namely that the Jews already knew certain death awaited them and that they were headed for an extermination facility. They didn't. The majority did not know what awaited them when they were still in the train, except for the false information given to them by the Nazis, namely that they were being resettled (this was also why many of them took some of their belongings with them before leaving). At worst, they were expecting to be put to hard work in a labor camp. Plus, do you really expect exhausted Jewish civilians rounded-up and taken from the cities, Shtetls and especially ghettos where their physical health and mental faculties had already been waning for weeks, if not months, to break through barbed wire or break open enough wooden planks and then, one after the other, climb out of a small opening and jump from a moving train, survive the fall, survive the machine gunner on the last wagon, run for the woods... and then what? Find a farm in the insanely low chance that a Pole there is willing to hide you? And this is a scenario that does not take into account that such an action would separate families from one another, and most would prefer to stay with their family to wherever they were headed to, than abandon them halfway there. This is why very, very few managed to accomplish this, and also not in the life-threatening sequence I have detailed. To conclude, having anything other than barbed wire installed on a cattle train wagon would have been overkill for the purpose.
Now let's talk about the trains themselves. The Holocaust trains consisted of mainly freight cars (Güterwagen) and cattle cars and a few third class passenger carriages when the SS wanted to keep up the "resettlement to work in the East" myth, particularly in the Netherlands and in Belgium. The Güterwagen boxcars were only fitted with a bucket latrine. The SS manual covered such trains, suggesting a carrying capacity per each trainset of 2,500 people in 50 cars, each boxcar loaded with 50 prisoners. In reality however, boxcars were crammed with up to 100 persons and routinely loaded from the minimum of 150% to 200% capacity. This resulted in an average of 5,000 people per trainset; 100 persons in each freight car multiplied by 50 cars. Notably, during the mass deportation of Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto to Treblinka in 1942 trains carried up to 7,000 victims each.
First these trains were used to transport Jews from all over Europe into the ghettos, then used to clear the ghettos 1942 onward. After the Wannsee conference that took place on the 20th of January 1942 where the Final Solution to the Jewish Question was disseminated from the higher ups to the middle echelons of the Nazi leadership, the liquidation of the ghettos began 1942, the trains were used to transport the victims to the extermination camps Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor, Chelmno and later to Auschwitz and Majdanek.
Deportations on this scale required the coordination of several German government ministries and state organisations. The RSHA (Reich Main Security Office) coordinated and directed the deportations; the Transport Ministry organized train schedules; and the Foreign Office negotiated with German-allied states and their railways about "processing" their own Jews.
An argument presented by holocaust deniers is that transporting several million Jews halfway across Europe while a war was going on is an absurd and expensive undertaking, but keep in mind it is these revisionists themselves who are convinced millions of Jews were resettled to the East via so-called transit camps anyway, which also requires such a mass transport of millions of people to have occurred. Besides, for an ideology-driven regime which has found itself embroiled in a world war, and one that has since its inception been firmly convinced that Jews are behind all wars to begin with, such a regime will make it a priority to get rid of Jews especially BECAUSE of the war.
Truth be told, this was a very efficient method of performing the Final Solution, because although the trains took away valuable track space, they allowed for the mass scale and quick duration over which the extermination took place: It is far easier to commit large-scale genocide when you concentrate your victims in a small geographical location, than it is if you have to kill them in every European city.
An average transport took about four days. Due to delays and cramped conditions, many deportees died in transit. On 18 August 1942, Waffen SS officer Kurt Gerstein had witnessed at Belzec the arrival of "45 wagons with 6,700 people of whom 1,450 were already dead on arrival." The longest transport of the war, from Corfu, took 18 days. When the train arrived at the camp and the doors were opened, everyone was already dead.
Rascher's letter to Himmler about testing combat gas on humans at Dachau's gas chamber

This is a letter dated August 9th, 1942 and penned by German SS doctor Sigmund Rascher, who had been conducting deadly experiments on humans involving freezing, blood coagulation and simulated high altitude, under SS leader Heinrich Himmler’s patronage, to whom his wife Karoline “Nini” Diehl had direct connections. When police investigations uncovered that the couple defrauded the public with their supernatural fertility by ‘hiring’ and kidnapping babies, she and Rascher were arrested in April 1944. He was accused of financial irregularities, murder of his former lab assistant, and scientific fraud, and brought to Buchenwald and Dachau before being executed. After his death, the Nuremberg Trials judged his experiments as inhumane and criminal.[1]
The translation of the letter above is included in the bottom half of the pic. The "installation in Linz" Rascher is referring to, was the small gas chamber of Hartheim Castle. The reason this letter is important is because with the first sentence, Rascher confirms the existence of Dachau's homicidal gas chamber as being under construction by the summer of 1942. Not only this, but he goes on to insinuate the true purpose of the "Invalidentransporte", i.e. transports of laborers deemed unfit for work: they all ended up in this special installation. And since they end up there anyway, he asks Himmler whether [instead of using CO or hydrogen cyanide, not directly mentioned in the letter] one could instead test combat gases [such as Tabun or Sarin] on those persons destined for the chambers anyway. He also supplies a reason, namely that so far no experiments of the effects of combat gases on humans have been conducted, and so it was time to further science in this regard. So far, the only rebuttal revisionists have been able to offer as pertains to this document is the presence of spelling mistakes ("wißen" instead of "wissen" or "Einrichtu" instead of "Einrichtung"). The revisionist conclusion is that this is an American fake. Of course, they never managed to deliver more proof that would solidify this theory of theirs, than the presence of these two spelling mistakes. Meanwhile, several German history books[2][3] mention this letter when talking about the life of Sigmund Rascher.
[2] page 534 of German biologist Erhard Geißler's "Biologische Waffen - Nicht in Hitlers Arsenalen"
[3] page 244 of Canadian historian Michael H. Kater's "Das 'Ahnenerbe' des SS 1935-1945"
Dachau's unused gas chamber marked "Brausebad", at Barracke X

In May 1942, Dachau's camp administration ordered the construction of a larger building opposite the first crematorium, the so-called Barrack X. In addition to two entrance rooms, there were several morgue rooms. The new crematorium was equipped with four ovens, which were used for cremation from April 1943 to February 1945[1]. The building also contained four disinfection chambers for inmate clothing, which had been in operation since the summer of 1944. Then there was this room (pictured) and above its entrance there was (and still is) an inscription attached which reads "Brausebad" ("shower bath"). When Dachau was liberated, this room was tiled white, had a peephole and 15 simple dummy showerheads. On the outside wall there were two small flaps, which would have enabled the pouring of Zyklon B. US troops identified this chamber on April 29, 1945 as a homicidal gas chamber.
However, there have been no mass killings conducted via gas in the camp, not even by war's end. This is also attested to by former prisoners: "After completion [of the gas chamber] the fears of mass killings did not materialize, [...]".[2]
Whether, over the course of the camp's history, individuals or a small group of people had ever been homicidally gassed with Zyklon B or other gases such as combat gases (as had been suggested by Dr. Sigmund Rascher's letter to Heinrich Himmler) in this chamber, cannot be proven, because many documents had been destroyed by war's end. But the surviving letter[3] from SS-physician Rascher to Himmler, dated 9 August 1942 indicates he wanted to conduct experiments testing combat gases on humans here: "As you know, the same facility is being built in KL Dachau as in Linz [Hartheim Castle]. After the transports of invalids end up in certain chambers [gas chambers] anyway, I ask if it is not possible to test in those chambers the effects of our various combat gases on the persons destined there anyway." Another indication is the statement of the inmate Frantisek Blaha: "The gas chamber was completed in 1944; I was called to Rascher to investigate the first victims. Of the eight to nine people who were in the chamber, three were still alive and the others seemed to be dead."[4]
Historian Barbara Thistle concludes: "Whether the testing of combat gases on inmates as proposed by Rascher was realized is not clear to this day, but according to the statements of former prisoners, such use cannot be ruled out."[5]
The overall consensus of holocaust historians however, has been that mass gassings did NOT occur in Dachau.[6] Instead the SS preferred to deport Dachau prisoners destined for homicidal gassing to the gas chamber of Hartheim or Auschwitz.
[1]: Stanislav Zámečník: (Comité International de Dachau): "Das war Dachau" (Luxemburg 2002)
[2]: ibid, page 298–300
[4]: IMT Nuremberg Document 3249 PS
[5]: Barbara Distel: Die Gaskammer in der „Baracke X“ des Konzentrationslagers Dachau. In: Günther Morsch, Bertrand Perz: Neue Studien zu nationalsozialistischen Massentötungen durch Giftgas. Berlin 2011, ISBN 978-3-940938-99-2, page 339
[6]: ibid, page 338/339.
Did the Nazis make lampshades out of Jews?

Or let me rephrase this question: "Is it true that at Buchenwald concentration camp a human lampshade was made?"
The short version is: YES. The lampshade has NOT been debunked: There is corroborating testimony that a single specimen was made, but which was destroyed by the SS by 1942 because of its potential nature as incriminating evidence. Based on these still lingering rumors by war's end, a lampshade was presented to the public upon the camp's liberation, but this was a different one and it disappeared by end of April 1945. And another lampshade displayed in the museum for decades was forensically tested after the end of Communist East Germany, and found to not be of human origin.
Here is the long version:
Answered by Dr. Harry Stein, curator of Buchenwald museum:
The story actually has three chapters:
1. Was there ever such a lampshade of human skin at Buchenwald and who really saw it?
2. Was the lampshade still existing in April 1945 and did it serve as evidence?
3. What became of the story with the lampshade; how and by what means was it perpetuated?
1. Was there ever such a lampshade of human skin at Buchenwald and who really saw it?
For the existence of a lampshade made out of human skin, there are two witnesses who delivered testimony under oath: Dr. Gustav Wegerer, Austrian, political prisoner, Kapo der Pathologie; and Josef Ackermann, political prisoner also working in pathology and secretary of the camp doctor Waldemar Hoven. Dr. Hans Mueller, later SS physician on the Obersalzberg, was from March 1941 to April 1942 a pathologist in Buchenwald. Dr. Gustav Wegerer explained under oath: "At about the same time [1941], one day camp commandant Koch and SS doctor Müller appeared in my work command, the pathology. At that time, a lampshade of tanned, tattooed human skin was being made for Koch. Koch and Müller looked for motifs with suitable tattoos for the lampshade under the available tanned, parchment-thin human skins. From the conversation that the two led, it emerged that previously chosen motives had not had the approval of Ilse Koch. The lampshade was then completed and handed over to Koch." The lampshade's base had been fashioned from a human foot and shinbone; while on the shade tattoos and even nipples were visible. The timeline of this event can be further clarified by Ackermann's statement. Ackermann, as he testified in court in 1950, was the lamp bearer. On the occasion of the birthday party of Koch [August 1941], he had been commissioned by camp doctor Hoven to bring the lampshade to the Koch Villa. He did. One of the party guests had told him later that the presentation of the lamp had been a huge success. The lampshade had immediately disappeared after higher SS leadership had learned of it. Ilse Koch could not be accused of making the lampshade (according to Smith, A. L .: "Die Hexe von Buchenwald", Weimar, Cologne, Vienna 1994, page 192).
"Higher SS leadership" most probably meant the higher SS and police leader Josias, Hereditary Prince of Waldeck and Pyrmont, who had Koch arrested for the first time in 1941 because of corruption and unbridled power development. There are indications that already in the environment of this arrest the lampshade was destroyed due to its eventuality of being an incriminating piece of evidence. Dr. Kurt Sitte, political prisoner and since spring 1942 in the pathology, remembers that in his time in the pathology he had been told about the lampshade, but he himself had no longer been able to see it. On the second arrest and search of the house of Koch in August 1943, SS-Richter Morgen found no corresponding evidence. Thus it can be said, according to the testimony, that the lampshade made of human skin - manufactured as a perfidious "party gift", which fits perfectly into Karl Koch's psychogram - existed in the second half of 1941. As evidence, it was lost long before the end of the war.
2. Was the lampshade still existing in April 1945 and did it serve as evidence?
What you see above is a photograph taken by Walter Chuchersky and kept in the National Archives, Washington. On April 16, 1945, German citizens from the nearby town of Weimar were marched by the US Army to the Buchenwald concentration camp to (forcibly) take a good look at the horrors their SS-compatriots had been unleashing on the inmates for the past few years. A table full of pathological specimens, including a number of tanned, tattooed human skins, two shrunken heads and a lampshade, were presented in the liberated Buchenwald camp. Photos as well as film shots of this table made headlines around the world (see 7:38 onward at The lampshade, which can be seen on various photos from the 16th to 21st April 1945, was no longer among the evidence by the end of April, and has not been found in any American collection ever since. What material it was really made of, therefore, is no longer verifiable. In my opinion, it was the table lamp from the office of the commander Hermann Pister.
3. What became of the story with the lampshade; how and by what means was it perpetuated?
The lampshade made of human skin was part of the press and newspapers' post-war narrative, especially leading up to the two trials against Ilse Koch in 1947 and 1950. Even though these charges were NOT brought upon Mrs. Koch during the trial itself, the lampshade story remained an integral part of Buchenwald lore for many decades. The first exhibition on the history of the camp in 1954 showed the small, simple screen of a night light lamp as a "lampshade made out of human skin". It had been handed over by Karl Straub, a former prisoner, and probably came from the camp. In all subsequent exhibitions leading up to 1985, this small lampshade was displayed as a "lampshade made of human skin". It was only with the fundamental revision of the collection and exhibition stock carried out after the end of East Germany, that its authenticity was checked. The expert's report prepared by the Institute for Forensic Medicine of the Medical Academy of Erfurt (Prof. Dr. sc. Med. Leopold) on 6.7.1992 states: "On the other hand, specimen IV (lampshade) can not be identified serologically as human in origin. However, it cannot be completely ruled out that it is still biological material." Prior to that already, the lampshade had been taken from the permanent exhibition but is still in the museum's storage.
So let's recap: Three lampshades existed. The real one, according to several survivors' testimony under oath, fashioned out of humans in 1941 and destroyed by the SS in 1942, a second one on display by the US forces upon camp liberation but disappearing shortly thereafter, and a third one that was on display in the museum and which was tested negative.
I hope this answers the question.
Authenticity of the tattooed human skin found in Buchenwald

As stated in the previous post, on April 16, 1945, German citizens from the nearby town of Weimar were marched by the US Army to the Buchenwald concentration camp to (forcibly) take a good look at the horrors their SS-compatriots had been unleashing on the inmates for the past few years. A table full of pathological specimens, including a number of tanned, tattooed human skins, two shrunken heads and a lampshade, were presented in the liberated Buchenwald camp. Photos as well as film shots of this table made headlines around the world. The image above shows two examples of the tattooed human skin, which were also filmed while being displayed on table (see 7:38 onward at
In my previous post ( I have already offered (testimony) evidence for the existence of a lampshade made of human skin in 1941 but destroyed by 1942, while showing the post-war lampshade tested negatively as to any human origin. I'd now like to focus on the tattooed human skin presented on that table - real or fake? Short answer: Real.
Some of the pieces that were shown back then were later tested for their authenticity by specialists of the US army. Major Reuben Cares, head of the pathology of the Seventh Medical Laboratory, APO 403, New York, produced a report on the authenticity of three pieces of tanned and tattooed human skin found in Buchenwald. He came to the conclusion that "all three specimens are tattooed human skin". The report is dated 25.5.1945 and was part of the evidence during the Buchenwald trials. Some of the items on the table in Buchenwald were stored and saved in different places and by successive persons until 1947: from April 29th, 1945 by Major Purry E. Thomsen, Infantry, 12th Army Group ; from 15.10.1945 by Lt. Colonel Ottmar Eichmann, Cavalry; from 1.12.1946 by Alexander von Blumenthal, CWO, USA; from January 15, 1947 by William D. Denson, War Department of Civilian Attorney, Chief Prosecutor for the Buchenwald Concentration Camp Case. Today, most are located in the National Archives Washington D.C. and the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington D. C. Among the pieces of skin stored in the National Archives is one that indicates a further use (trapezoidal cut, perforations).
Now one question remains, which is: What was the purpose of scraps of verified human skin being kept by the Nazis in Buchenwald? Were they destined for lampshade material? An alternate theory is this:
An SS doctor was pursuing a research project based on the thesis that tattooing was a sign of membership in a population group that had a hereditary tendency to criminality. The project was accepted by the Concentration Camp Inspectorate, part of the WVHA, and an order was sent to collect specimens of tattooed skin from deceased prisoners who were "career criminals" (Berufsverbrecher - BV).
On a side note, the term "BV" is sometimes falsely claimed to be the short form for the milder term "befristete Vorbeugungshaft", aka "temporary preventative custody", but the author of this false claim is survivor and historian Eugen Kogon who never explained how he came to this meaning for the BV abbreviation. See as source:
Returning to the tattooed human skin project, it is believed that the aim was to display specimens of tattooed skin in a proposed Museum of Criminality. For that purpose, particularly egregious examples of tattooing, particularly of a sexual nature, were required, as indications of a criminal nature.
Whether prisoners with tattoos that met the above criteria were selected and killed specifically for the purpose of collecting their tattooed skin is unknown, although that accusation was made by concentration-camp survivors. Given the high death rate in the camps, it may not have been necessary.
When the staff of Buchenwald concentration camp fled in April 1945, leaving the camp under the control of a group of Communist prisoners who had for a long time been running a sort of underground parallel administration, the prisoners found specimens of tattooed skin that were still in the camp medical block, not yet having been sent to the WVHA at Oranienburg. This is how the scraps of tattooed, real human skin ended up on the display table of the Allied liberators for the horrified civilians of Weimar (and the world press) to witness. Regardless whether they were to be used for lampshades, or to be displayed in a Nazi museum dedicated to prove the genetic predisposition of certain humans to become criminals, the fact remains that these were genuine examples of Nazi insanity.
Did the Nazis make Shrunken Heads out of Jews?

Holocaust deniers often build the following strawman argument: "Well, back in the day we were lied to about Jew soap, lampshades and shrunken heads, now the (((historians))) have been forced to drop these absurdities, this atrocity propaganda against Germans. So how long till the gas chambers are also dropped?"
The argument is a strawman because holocaust historians have not "dropped" anything. I have written, with sources, about the non-jewish but human soap ( and single lampshade ( that was indeed made, as well as about scraps of tattooed human skin preserved ( and now it's time to tackle the historicity of the Nazi shrunken heads.
The production of souvenirs from human corpses such as shrunken heads is supported by the following letter from the local SS physician in Weimar (SS - Standortarzt Weimar), dated May 7, 1942, addressed to the Director of Pathology at the Buchenwald Concentration camp, which says that the production of such items has to cease immediately (which, come to think of it, would not be necessary to order if they had not been made in the first place):
The German text of the message reads:
"It is brought to [your] attention that, effective immediately, the preparation of so-called gift articles (shrunken heads etc.) is to be stopped. A written report is to be made to the local SS physician for the SS Medical Academy in Graz on the 1st and 15th of every month concerning the status of current assignments.
The medical treatment of internees falls outside the framework of pathology and is prohibited, effective immediately. This order is also to be made known to the internees involved with pathology."
As German-speaking members can see from the signature block, the order was issued by the SS garrison doctor at Weimar (SS-Standortarzt Weimar), or someone authorized to act for him. The signature block suggests he was a Captain in the SS Reserve (SS-Hauptsturmführer d. R.). As with many doctors' writings, the signature is illegible. If you want to know who served as SS garrison doctor at Weimar in May 1942, most likely it was Waldemar Hoven (signature looks similar and he was appointed Standortarzt in 1942).
The shrunken heads were said to be of Polish political prisoners at Buchenwald (from US Army Report presented at the IMT: "two young Poles who had been hanged for having relations with German girls"), so to answer the titular question, no they were most likely not Jews, but still victims of the Nazis.
To understand the background of this, you need to understand the history of the pathology department of Buchenwald. The Pathology Department had an ongoing assignment to prepare anatomical specimens from the bodies of deceased prisoners and send them to the SS Medical Academy at Graz, Austria, presumably for teaching purposes.
Staff of the Pathology Department involved in the preparation of those anatomical specimens were also making unauthorised use of the bodies from which the specimens were taken in order to produce "souvenirs", such as shrunken heads.
The order from the Weimar garrison doctor prohibits such unauthorized use of the bodies. It commands the KL-Buchenwald Pathology Department to continue making regular twice-monthly reports on the authorized work it was doing for the Graz SS Medical Academy.
It also appears that the staff of the Pathology Department was interfering with the medical treatment of the prisoners in some way. Perhaps that interference consisted in ensuring that sick prisoners died so that there would be a regular supply of bodies from which to prepare anatomical specimens, and also to prepare their unauthorised "souvenirs".
That interference is also prohibited by the Weimar garrison doctor's order. Presumably there is a connection between the two prohibitions; the garrison doctor wishes to stop members of the Pathology Department from causing unnecessary deaths of prisoners for the purpose of having additional corpses from which to prepare their unauthorised "souvenirs".
The Pedal-Driven Brain-Bashing Machine

Some of the cleverer deniers know that in order to convince everyday people to start doubting the holocaust, it won't do them any good if they use sources that the audience quickly realizes are revisionist/denier sources like ihr, rense, or linking to codoh, stormfront etc. Perhaps the target audience has also developed the ability to shrug off sensationalist newspaper articles. Therefore, the cleverer denier will start using official sources - sources even holocaust historians use. Such as excerpts from the court transcripts of the International Military Tribunal (IMT), complete with URL link, as the above denier screenshot has made sure to include. You that if the reader remains skeptical, he can always look it up himself on this legit website, and, lo and behold, there it is. Oh dear...was he perhaps lied to his entire life? That's the clever way for revisionists to use sources. However, these "examples" are obviously carefully selected and cherry-picked from a total volume of documents and pages that numbers in the tens of thousands, freely available here:
For a dedicated group that hates Jews and wants to make sure the world will "wake up", the fact that deniers have only managed to scrape together a handful of such scans regarding incredulous claims presented at the IMT, is pretty telling how few and far between they are among the thousands of pages of proceedings. Nevertheless, let's address even these little quirks: obviously, the way a court works is that in order for a claim to be examined by the judges, it has to first be presented. And all of this becomes part of the transcript. Even those claims and allegations that ultimately ended up being dismissed.
The Brain-Bashing Machine (popularized among the denier community by denier Carlos Whitlock Porter) was part of a Soviet affidavit of the Sachsenhausen SS man Paul Waldmann. By itself the machine is not nonsensical - it is a spring-loaded bolt hidden in a purported height measuring apparatus, used to kill a person quickly. The only question is whether it existed. The balance of probabilities says no (for instance, the Sachsenhausen researchers don't seem to know anything about it), although I would not exclude a possibility that something like this was tried out in early stages. Keep in mind the Nazis committed murder spanning from individual executions to wholesale mass killings, depending on the camp. One should take into account that the killing at Sachsenhausen was sometimes disguised as a height-measuring procedure - but from most of the available evidence we know that it was accomplished by shooting normal bullets into the back of the neck, not a spring-loaded bolt.
To conclude, there is nothing about this apparatus that would defy the laws of physics or logic, however the previous page of the document (not scanned) does allege this machine was used for systematic wholesale mass executions of Soviet prisoners of war at Sachsenhausen. The author of this claim is said to be the testifying Waldmann. But here's the thing: He did not testify the above at Nuremberg. He allegedly testified to a Soviet court, who had then presented this testimony as part of document USSR-52 to the IMT. However, C.W. Porter and other deniers like to use this a proof to call the IMT a "kangaroo court". See how they take one thing (a Soviet report) and try to pin it on another (the IMT) to try and discredit the Nuremberg Trials? No evidence of this device has been found, and the allegation was also not further followed upon by the IMT. Therefore, I fail to see the damage.
credit to Sergey Romanov from Holocaust Controversies
"Did you know 3,000 babies were born in Auschwitz?"

Here's roughly how holocaust deniers formulate this 'great find' of theirs: "Wow, what an absolute, mind-blowing shocker of biblical proportions, right?!!!! Babies were born in Auschwitz!!!!! There was an actual midwife working at Auschwitz going by the name of Stanislawa Leszczynska!! Boy, oh boy, if word of this got out, millions would wake up, then this whole thing would BLOW UP right in their faces."
Sometimes, holocaust deniers combine this with a photo showing young Jewish mothers cradling their babies, which is actually a photo taken in one of Dachau's sub-camps. I have written about that here:
Still, it is true that babies were born in Auschwitz: Obviously not every pregnant Jewess off the train was sent to the gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau. Many of them were only a few weeks pregnant, impossible for anyone to tell, while they were being selected. Of course as the months passed they'd eventually have to deliver the babies if their daily workload hadn't already resulted in a miscarriage, so yes, why should it surprise anyone that babies were born in Auschwitz?
Now for the next part: why don't deniers ask this midwife of Auschwitz, Stanislawa Leszczynska, what happened to all the Jewish babies born there? Oh, she'll tell them what happened. Virtually every single one of them was put to death, while non-Jewish babies had more luck.[1] Of course, it would take one snip of a revisionist's fingers to prove me wrong by, for example, providing us with a list of all those HUNDREDS of Jewish babies allegedly born in Auschwitz AND surviving. So where are they? If revisionists claim over 3000 babies were born, surely it would be easy to find a least a few hundred Jewish babies that survived? What's that? No???? Once again, revisionism croaks a pitiful death at the hands of any scholarly scrutiny.
After the murder of her husband in Poland and the forced removal of her son to another work camp, Stanislawa Leszczyńska and her daughter entered Auschwitz with only one hope: that they would survive. Soon after she arrived, however, Stanislawa began to realize that her particular set of skills as a midwife might be her saving grace. The women’s barracks at Auschwitz weren’t set up even for basic medical care — let alone caring for pregnant women and their babies. Stanislawa was pragmatic and resourceful, assuring that the beds closest to the barrack’s stove, which were apt to be the warmest, were reserved for a makeshift maternity ward.
The Nazis assumed that the babies would never survive to term–let alone labor and delivery, but when they realized that she had not lost a single baby — or mother — since she had begun practicing midwifery in the camp, they instructed her to drown the newborns in a barrel in the barracks. She refused, and risked her life by doing so. Instead, the task was given to an imprisoned German midwife who had been convicted of infanticide.
As Stanislawa continued to bring babies into the world despite the camp’s conditions, the Nazis began to take any children born with Aryan features, sending them to orphanages to be adopted by German families. The devastated mothers found a way make fellow inmates tattoo the babies as well, with the hope that one day mother and child would be reunited.
Released when the camp was liberated, until her retirement in the 1950s, Stanislawa (whose children became doctors) never really spoke of her time in Auschwitz. What she did share before her death in 1974, and what others who had been in the camp with her shared, went on to be documented as justification for her beatification by the Catholic Church as a saint, a process that began in 2010.[2]
Barbara Puc (pronounced Putz) is one example of such an "Auschwitz baby", daughter of Stefania (three months pregnant at the time) and Stanislaw Peronczyk who were brought to the camp upon charges of sabotaging an arms factory. Puc, whose family was Catholic, was born in 1944 on a brick tunnel furnace that ran through the middle of a barracks in Auschwitz II-Birkenau, the labor and extermination camp built next to Auschwitz after the flood of prisoners flowing in from across Europe and the Soviet Union overwhelmed the original camp. Stanislaw was transferred to Mauthausen and murdered in its gas chamber shortly before liberation in 1945.
Infants were registered in a registry book, which has survived until this day and holds records of 378 babies having been born. These privileges, however, were very short-term; the vast majority of these mothers, and those of their children who were not murdered soon after birth, perished not long after in the gas chambers.
There is a notation from January 10, 1945 that mentions a total of 247 pregnant women and midwives, and 156 living children ages 0 to 3 on that day. Yet on January 27 — just 17 days later — when the Soviets liberated the camp, there were only 60 children there.
One of the main reasons these children survived was the fact that their mothers weren’t forced to join the Death March. Nine days before liberation, the Germans forced 60,000 prisoners to walk 35 miles to the town of Wodzisław Śląski; 1,500 of them died on the way.
Another Auschwitz baby who is still living today, Stefania Wernick, was born a couple of months later. Her mother, Anna, was also Catholic.
Stefania and Barbara were lucky they were born towards the end of the war. It was only from 1943 that the SS ceased to instantly and automatically kill both children and their mothers right after delivery in all cases. Many women whose pregnancies were noticed by camp doctors were subjected to abortion. Babies who were born in the camp were thrown into the trash, drowned in a bucket of water or, most commonly, killed with an injection of phenol to the heart.[3][4]
"So you say children were gassed? But child survivors were photographed during the liberation of Auschwitz?"

One of the many, many ways holocaust deniers try to discredit homicidal gassing (mostly of people deemed too young, too old or too frail for work) is by using the few children photographed by the Soviets who liberated Auschwitz on January 27th, 1945 - International Holocaust Remembrance Day - as proof of their survival (as a sidenote, it is worth mentioning the Soviets actually re-enacted the liberation of the camp a few days later, possibly into the early days of February. Re-enacting a historical event within a short period of time once the cameramen have arrived, so that it can be properly disseminated to the news and media doesn't invalidate the historicity of the event itself, by the way. This is pretty common regarding war footage showing combat on the frontlines, soldiers firing guns or artillery etc. The famous US Marine photo of raising the flag on Iwo Jima's Mt Suribachi was a re-enactment of a smaller flag raising that happened more than an hour earlier. Doesn't mean the Marines didn't raise the flag on Iwo Jima).
But returning to the depicted children, of the 7000 or so survivors of Auschwitz, this photo, from footage shot by Alexander Voroncov from the film unit of the First Ukrainian Front, shows some of the tiny percentage of children not immediately killed upon arrival at the camp: this group included Non-Jewish children and Jewish twins who had been kept alive to be used in experiments by Dr. Josef Mengele. 6 of the children here are identified as Gabi Neumann, Marta Weiss, Bracha Katz, Tomy Shacham, Erika Dohan and Shmuel Schelach, from Slovakia.[1]
You also have to remember Himmler had given an order by end of October 1944 to stop the homicidal gassings[2], in an effort to negotiate with the Allies (which I have written about here: imgur . com/a9xfpaU) behind Hitler's back (Hitler found out, though, and kicked him out of the NSDAP for his betrayal in the weeks before the end of the war)[3]
So since gassings had stopped by November 1944, it makes perfect sense for children to have existed in Auschwitz-Birkenau by end of January 1945 for the Soviet liberators to come across.
Sergey Romanov from Holocaust Controversies has summarized the history of the comparatively tiny percentage of children at Auschwitz, and why their existence in the camp is not paradoxical at all, here:
The denier claim that their existence disproves homicidal gassing, is therefore laughable nonsense.
[2]: IMT Document PS-3762; IMT Volume XXXII, p. 68., Statement by SS-Standartenführer Kurt Becher before the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal [The original German text reads: Etwa zwischen Mitte September und Mitte Oktober 1944 erwirkte ich beim Reichsminister SS Himmler folgenden Befehl, den ich in zwei Originalen, je eins für die SS-Obergruppenführer Kaltenbrunner und Pohl und einer Copie für mich erhielt: "Ich verbiete mit sofortiger Wirkung jegliche Vernichtung von Juden und befehle im Gegenteil die Pflege von schwachen und kranken Personen. Ich halte Sie (damit waren Kaltenbrunner und Pohl gemeint) persönlich dafür verantwortlich, auch wenn dieser Befehl von untergeordneten Dienststellen nicht strikt befolgt wird!" Ich überbrachte Pohl das für ihn bestimmte Exemplar persönlich in Berlin in seiner Dienststelle und gab das Exemplar für Kaltenbrunner in seinem Sekretariat in Berlin ab. Note of the translator.]
"But the Red Cross said there was no sign of homicidal activity at Auschwitz!!!"

Holocaust deniers often like to use large, reputable organizations as a shield to validate their denial. Their theory is, that by doing so this would inadvertently mean that the person they are arguing with, who holds a position contrary to theirs, would, in order to continue arguing against them, have to attack the credibility of such a huge organization as well, which in turn, should intimidate and deter the opponent from doing so and, perhaps, make him realize there is "something to it after all".
Except....deception is always part and parcel of holocaust denial. I have already debunked other attempts by revisionists to tie the IRC into their denial (e . g. by using the Red Cross, & Bad Arolsen by extension, as "source" for their claim that less than 300,000 people died in all German camps) which you can read here:
Now the image above at least, is a more credible attempt. However, pay close attention: According to the letter, the IRC reports no extermination installations could be discovered by their delegate in the Auschwitz camp by end of November 1944. Which makes perfect sense, since the only homicidal gas chamber this small camp had (Krema I), had already been converted into an air-raid shelter by 1944, given that it had ceased gassing operations by mid 1943, from where on homicidal gassings had been moved over to Birkenau approximately 1 mile away, which had four large gas chambers attached to crematoria (Kremas II, III, IV, V) and two make-shift gas chambers (the 'red house' and 'white house').
This fact can be read by any of the over 1 million tourists that visit this small camp each year, displayed on a large sign informing the reader about the small gas chamber building's history:
Had the IRC letter mentioned "no traces of extermination installations at Birkenau" instead, THEN the revisionists would have had an interesting document in their hands, with which they could challenge historians. But even if they did, they'd still have to face the next hurdle which is the fact that IRC delegates were never given full access to every corner of the camp, and again, even suppose they were, to an external observer new to the camp, the crematoriums at Birkenau would not at first glance appear to be homicidal if during the day of inspection no homicidal activity was going on, as they look like normal crematoriums externally:
Krema II and III's underground rooms were morgue rooms refashioned into an undressing room and a gas chamber disguised as a shower room. Perhaps the only strange observation would have been the four little chimneys on each of these two gas chambers' roof sections through which the Zyklon would be poured into the gas chamber below. But keep in mind these crematoria's courtyards were protected by a camouflage fencing as I have explained here:
In the case of Kremas IV and V, the Zyklon introduction points would look even more inconspicuous as they were thrown in via externally locking windows, explained in the article to this image:
These observations make clear that an IRC delegate, even if he had hypothetically been led to the extermination section of Birkenau during a formal visit, something that did NOT happen, could have been easily fooled into thinking nothing suspicious was going on here, if there was no homicidal activity there on the day of his visit. But the most damning piece of evidence that debunks the revisionist argument with this letter, is again, the date: November 1944. By this time, the crematoria at Birkenau were busy being dismantled, as can be seen by aerial photographs taken during this time: Therefore, the IRC letter, even if it had spoken of Birkenau, would still not be any kind of trump card for revisionists to wave around. At its current state, and regarding the historicity of the IRC's presence in those places of the camp complex the Germans wanted them to be, the letter above is not even worth the paper it is typewritten on.
P.S: By "one of our delegates", I am assuming the person in question was Maurice Rossel. Claude Lanzmann interviewed him (Rossel was also given a tour of the Nazi Potemkin Village Theresienstadt) for his documentary "Shoah". You can find out more at:
"Did you know that HIMMLER worked WITH the RED CROSS to EVACUATE people from concentration camps?????"

This is the next revisionist truth-bomb I have encountered dropped onto the unsuspecting layman, but one that doesn't show up all too often:
The idea of portraying Heinrich Himmler (who the media vilifies, remember?) as a GOOD GUY who undertook many humanitarian efforts to save what was left; from his attempts to negotiate a surrender of Nazi Germany to the Allied forces over his order to halt homicidal gassings by late October 1944 as per SS-Standartenführer Kurt Becher's testimony in Nuremberg Document PS-3762 (toooootally not related to Himmler's efforts to broker an agreement with the Allies, right?) to his - and that's what this article is about - cooperation with the Red Cross to get concentration camp detainees out of the camps and into safety.
Well, this seems like a lot to take in for the average layperson who has been taught Himmler to be the son of Satan. The revisionist scholar hopes that by shattering these preconceived notions, by doing his best to portray Himmler's actions in the last months of the war in as good a light as possible, with sources etc. to back all claims up, the baffled reader will finally be ready to be eased into the notion of Allied anti-German propaganda like unilateral vilification of National Socialist leaders and steadily guide him down the slippery slope until he accepts the holocaust with its homicidal gassing of millions was a Jewish hoax to secure the West's eternal allegiance to Israel via guilt complex after all.
When viewed in context (something the revisionist scholar goes out of his way to obscure), one will realize Himmler's actions were primarily about saving his own skin. He also wanted the Allies to realize the error of their ways and side with the remains of Nazi Germany and continue the fight against the Soviet Union's "Jewish Bolshevism" (which I have discredited here:
But back to the White Buses: These predominantly rescued Scandinavian inmates from camps, jails and prisons all over the Reich that never had any large scale extermination program going on. When the revisionist scholar (or any kid on youtube) brings the White Buses into a holocaust discussion involving Jews, he displays his sheer ignorance about the subject matter. Of these 15,000 prisoners rescued, the overwhelming majority were NOT Jewish, but political prisoners, and the majority of Scandinavian origin.
"White Buses" was an operation undertaken by the Swedish Red Cross and the Danish government in the spring of 1945 to rescue concentration camp inmates in areas under Nazi control and transport them to Sweden, a neutral country. The term "white buses" originates from the buses having been painted white with red crosses, to avoid confusion with military vehicles.
All told, an operational staff of about 300 persons removed 15,345 prisoners from camps and jails; of these 7,795 were Scandinavian and 7,550 were non-Scandinavian (Polish, French, etc.). In particular, 423 Danish Jews were saved from the Theresienstadt concentration camp (Potemkin Village for the Red Cross) inside German-occupied territory of Czechoslovakia, and thousands of women were saved from Ravensbrück.
To understand the background: Denmark and Norway were invaded by Germany on 9 April 1940. As tensions intensified between the Nazi authorities and the resistance, increasing numbers of Norwegians were arrested and detained in Norwegian prisons and camps; and later deported to camps in Germany. The first groups of Norwegian prisoners arrived in Sachsenhausen camp in early 1940. Arrests in Denmark began with the resignation of the coalition government in the summer of 1943. The Scandinavian prisoners in Germany were divided into various categories, from the civil interned who lived privately and had certain freedoms, to the Nacht und Nebel (NN) or "Night and Fog" prisoners who were destined to be worked to death.
The energetic diplomat Niels Christian Ditleff in Stockholm continued to implore Sweden to rescue Scandinavian prisoners. In September 1944, Ditleff raised the question with Count Folke Bernadotte of the Swedish Red Cross, who was immediately positive about the plan. While Ditleff tried to influence the exiled Norwegian government the Danes obtained a German permit to retrieve prisoners. The first ones transported back to Denmark were Danish policemen from Buchenwald, with the first transport started on 5 December. By the end of February 1945, the Danes had transported 341 prisoners home, most of them ill.
The Baltic German Felix Kersten was Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler's personal masseur. He lived in Stockholm and acted as an intermediary between the Swedish foreign department and Himmler. Walter Schellenberg, a trusted subordinate of Himmler, had long held the view that Germany would lose the war and encouraged Himmler to explore the possibility of a separate peace treaty with the Western powers; in this Sweden could be a useful intermediary.
Bernadotte flew to Berlin on 16 February 1945 and met several Nazi leaders such as the foreign minister Joachim von Ribbentrop, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, head of the RSHA (Reich Main Security Office), Himmler and Schellenberg. Himmler was initially negative to the transportation of prisoners to neutral Sweden, but finally agreed.
The expedition was divided into two groups, both would pick up prisoners from all over the Reich and bring them back to Neuengamme, and from there on, the main reception station in Denmark was in the city of Padborg, on the border with Germany; and Malmö in Sweden. The first group was assigned the responsibility of transporting Scandinavian prisoners from Sachsenhausen, north of Berlin. The evacuations started on 15 March. During seven missions, around 2,200 Danes and Norwegians were transferred to Neuengamme.
The other group was responsible for collecting prisoners from southern Germany. This included Dachau to the north of Munich, Schönberg (some 80 kilometres south of Stuttgart) and Mauthausen (12 kilometres/7.5 miles east of Linz). The distances for this mission were greater, as Munich alone was 800 kilometres (500 mi) away. The journey back was difficult as most of the prisoners were in poor physical condition, as Swedish nurse Margaretha Björcke documented:
"I have never in my twelve years practice as a nurse seen so much misery as I here witnessed. Legs, backs and necks full of wounds of a type that an average Swede would be on sick leave for just one of them. I counted twenty on one prisoner, and he did not complain."
Neuengamme concentration camp was overcrowded, and to have space for the Scandinavian prisoners, prisoners of other nationalities were moved to other camps by the SS.
From 8 April 1945, the "white buses" were a mixed Swedish-Danish expedition, with the Swedes in command. The Danish Jews who had not been able to escape the arrests of 1943 had been deported to Theresienstadt, near the city of Terezín in today's Czech Republic. It required patience before the Germans gave permission to proceed. On 15 April the column had collected 423 Scandinavian Jews from Theresienstadt.
By April 20th 1945, all Scandinavian prisoners in Neuengamme had been evacuated.
Ravensbrück was a concentration camp about 90 kilometres (56 mi) north of Berlin, established in 1938 for female inmates. When the column arrived at the camp, it was in chaos as it was to be evacuated due to the advancing Soviet forces. Arnoldson was told he could collect all French, Belgian, Dutch and Polish women, a total of about 15,000. Arnoldson accepted, even though this was more than three times as many as the "white buses" could carry. They collected 112 sick women, and on arriving in Lübeck, Arnoldson managed to inform Bernadotte that further transport was needed.
The Swedes were fortunately able to use a train – 50 goods wagons with 80 female prisoners in each wagon. The train departed Ravensbrück on 25 April and arrived in Lübeck on 29 April, and then on to Denmark. A total of 3,989 female prisoners were rescued by this method. Within a few days around 7,000 female prisoners were evacuated from Ravensbrück to Denmark and then on to Sweden.
The usual barrage of topics....

The above is a 4chan screenshot (open in a new tab to be able to read the "clever questions") that has been shared surprisingly often enough that I felt the need to make a personal response to it. I will tackle the points sentence by sentence, numbering them so you don't lose track of where we are. As source I will add imgur links from my Holocaust Documents blog. You need to remove the .jpg ending from them in your browser URL to be able to read the article attached to the image.
1) Dr. Charles P. Larson, American pathologist, claimed some of the bodies he autopsied had been killed by cyanide poisoning. Says so in his book "Crime Doctor", page 61 (see: The Soviet state commission also has forensic reports of gassing victims killed in gas vans (
2) Second sentence in the infograph also a lie, see Sonderkommando photographs (see: imgur . com/DHde0B7)
3) Third sentence: The Höfle telegram was intercepted, it documents the deportation of over 1.2 million people to only a handful of extermination camps by end of 1942. What happened to them afterward? Revisionists have no answers. But they KNOW they weren't exterminated there. Suuuure, buddy. Like you don't know but you know... (see:
4) Goebbels' diary ( Or Johann Paul Kremer's diary ( Both speak of ongoing extermination.
5) If WW2 had a 60 million death toll, where are the 54 million remaining graves or bodies, especially considering these weren't incinerated? Yet revisionists don't doubt that toll. Just the Jewish one. Strange.
6) Human soap is not a lie. Small quantities were made at Stutthof near Danzig by Prof. Spanner. But it was made from the corpses from prisons and insane asylums rather than Jews from camps. (see:
7) An external witness can easily mistake, especially during winter, engine exhaust for steam. Next.
8) No German was hung for the Katyn massacre, in fact it was not even accepted by the IMT even though the Russians wanted to frame the Germans.
9) Babi Yar happened. We have even have Nazi documentary evidence of its exact death toll. And one of the above author's debating points against it is that what happened "sounds laughable". Great counter, I'm sure that convinces people.
10) Yet he cannot name how many Jews reached Central Asia prior to WW2. How strange.
11) WRONG again. The Western Allies did liberate camps that had homicidal gas chambers where thousands of people were killed. Camps, whose homicidal gas chambers can be visited to this day. Name of camp? Mauthausen in Austria. (see: i . imgur . com/6oNt818)
12) Correct. J . C. Pressac said 95% of zyklon delivered to Auschwitz was used for delousing, and only 5% for homicidal gassing. That's all it takes, though, considering any chemistry or medical book on HCN will state 300ppm is all it takes to kill humans. I fail to see the problem.
13) Richard Krege is a liar. To date he has not published his GPR findings as a science report anyone can independently examine and verify for themselves. He just said he went there and found nothing "...and ya better believe it!" He claims he found no soil disturbances. Impossible, if even fellow revisionists agree that a camp once existed there, but a transit camp, that was built and dismantled. That has to leave behind soil disturbances. Krege is therefore a liar.
14) Stealing from Jews for PERSONAL gain was a grave offense, yes. Himmler says so in his 1943 Posen speech. But Nazis did loot Jewish possessions for the Reich, from jewelry to art. Which was apparently fine: Just personal gain = corruption. That's your documented case. The rest are generic guidelines how to treat POWs written in pre-war books handed out to the camp guards. Where is proof the Nazis followed those orders? For example you can begin showing me all the documented executions of Nazi guards by Nazi authorities for mistreating Jews. Oh right, you cant.
15) Germans have no history of genocidal behavior? Coming from the guy who, on another day of the week, reminds us Jews have been kicked out of 109 nations in the past, and Germany was definitely the site of dozens of pogroms during the Middle Ages. Nice try.
16) Wrong. Hoess was only beaten up on the day of his capture, and then sleep deprived and roughed up until he started talking. If Hoess was the commandant of a by-the-book, clean-as-a-whistle labor camp, why did he go into hiding under a FAKE NAME until his capture?
17) Eisenhower exterminating 1.5 million German POWs is a fairy tale hoax concocted by Canadian fairy tale author James Bacque in his novel "Other Losses". No historian supports him. (
18) Vrba did not invent the gas chamber story. The first rumors came as early as 1944 from Polish resistance, tons of people who didn't even know Vrba like all the other Sonderkommando who testified independently. See Daniel Behannais, Henryk Tauber, Miklos Nyiszli, or Filip Müller right off the top of my head. Even Germans like Franz Suchomel, Kurt Gerstein etc.
19) says "numerous memoirs", then only lists 2. lol. And Elie was stationed at Monowitz, no gas chambers there. And outdoor cremation was a thing, yes, hence the burning pits, see Sonderkommando photos.
20) I will ignore comments that are pure ad hominem in nature.
- "Volk ausrotten" never means and never meant physically uprooting a people. Ask any German native speaker if you don't trust me. ( And in all the documents Nazis used the term "Liquidierung", I assume you're gonna tell me they wanted to make the Jewish people fluid? LOL.
- there is no link between allied bombing and supply lines to camps being affected to the extent that this resulted in inmate-starvation in camps. No book, document, historian, or testimony has so far been able to prove this apart from a handful of isolated incidents that had no measurable consequences at all.
- German commanders refused to follow Hitler's Commissar Order of 1941? Wheres the proof of this? Oh right, no proof is presented.
- except we have written documents which clearly state Einsatzgruppen killed Jews (yes Jews) in the six figure numbers. And thats just from one of the several squads/groups that had hundreds of local collaborators. (see:
Understanding the demographic composition of the holocaust's death toll

One big mistake people of either side make, wittingly or unwittingly, is to mentally picture any given number as being unilaterally comprised of adult males. For instance, when someone makes the claim that 600 people were shoved into a gas chamber, the mental picture many get is of 600 adult men of similar size being shoved into one. This is perhaps the source from where revisionists get their idea of calling certain feats "impossible". The same applies to the capacity of a cremation oven muffle or mass grave.
When you look at the demographics of any western country today, the amount of able-bodied adults aged 20-50 is actually LOWER than the amount of those that do not fall into this category. I.e. infants, small children, teens, elderly, disabled and pregnant women. As proof that this claim can also be applied to the past, take for example the population pyramid of a large western country during the 1940s, e.g. the United States:
You will be able to observe that those aged 10-20 outnumber the amount of people in any other single age bracket that is 10 years apart. Similarly, those aged 0-10 are more numerous than any single age bracket starting with 30-40 and above. Combine these two, and add all age brackets above 50, add the disabled, and pregnant women, and you get a chunk of the populace that is slightly outnumbering that comprised of non-pregnant, non-disabled people aged 20-30, 30-40 and 40-50.
The Jews of Europe that fell victim to the holocaust were from all walks of life, infant to extreme old age. Furthermore, there was routine tendency at camps like Auschwitz and Birkenau to select those from among them that knew trades, and/or were fit for hard labor before the rest were marched onward and processed in the extermination facilities. Therefore, the demographic that reached the extermination facilities is far likelier to have looked like, comprised a total mass, and occupied the volume of, the group in the above right of the image, and NOT like the unrealistic depiction to their left.
This factor is key to understanding cremation numbers, muffle capacity, total volume and mass PER body count mentioned in testimony and in surviving cremation documents, gas chamber capacity and so on, and any person trying to sell you the idea on the image's left is either stupid or deliberately deceptive.
Dimensions of Birkenau's Krematorium II and III gas chambers

Here is a diagram that shows the length, width and height of the identically shaped morgues of Krematorium II and III, which were used as gas chambers between mid 1943 to late 1944.
You can see that each of them has an area of 210m². Testimony claims up to 2000 people were crammed into these gas chambers, although I consider a more realistic figure to be between 1000 - 1500. Keeping in mind what I mentioned here ( and considering how former revisionist Charles D. Provan managed to provide photographic evidence that 8 people can fit into an area of 0.3m² (therefore 26 people in 1m²) here: (, it is very realistic to assume 1500 people could routinely be murdered in this gas chamber, corresponding to a comfortable 7 people per square meter rather than Charles' crazy (yet photographically proven) 26 people per square meter. If you still have trouble believing, here is a video of how calm people remain in densities far greater than my assumed 7 people per square meter:
The video shows a rush hour commuter train in Toyko, Japan. And unlike our gas chamber, the commuters are mostly young and healthy people rather than wartime malnourished infants, children, mothers, sickly and elderly who take up less space considering the healthy, broad-shouldered and able-bodied had already been absorbed into the camp's labor force during the Selektion performed in Birkenau upon disembarkation at the main rail ramp.
Next, let us consider the total amount of Zyklon-B poured into the gas chamber for a homicidal gassing. Dr. Franciszek Piper, one of the Auschwitz-Birkenau museum's curators, said in his book "Auschwitz Nazi Death Camp", (1996), that between 5 and 7 kilograms of Zyklon-B were typically used for a gassing of 1500 people. This would equivalate to eight 200g Zyklon-B cans per opening in the gas chamber roof, yielding 6.4kg in total. Alternately as another source, we have former camp commander Rudolf Hoess testifying on May 20th, 1946, that "5 to 7 Kg of Zyklon B with 1 kg each were needed for gassing 1500 people; the number of cans varied depending on the size of the gas chamber, and the weather conditions, which is to say, during cold weather, 2 or 3 additionnal cans were needed."
There is, however, evidence to lower amounts being used for a homicidal gassing, as SS-Unterscharführer Perry Broad testified during the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trials to two 1kg cans being used to gas 2000 people. And Barbara Schwindt said in her book on Majdanek “Only minute amounts of Zyklon B would have been required for the killing of human beings. A mere four grams of the gas would have caused a person’s death.”
Considering 300ppm HCN concentration is all you need to start killing human beings en masse[1], it is likely that the wholesale murder could be achieved with a smaller total amount of Zyklon. However, what's important is that for the majority of testimonies to remain valid, the killing process must be complete well within half an hour.
This means, that from the bottom of the 4 wire-mesh Kula columns (where the Zyklon-B had fallen into) that connected the gas chamber floor with the ceiling openings, the gas needed to spread to all corners of the chamber within 10-15 minutes. And this is an air volume of some 420m³ if 1500 people are in the chamber and we subtracted the volume occupied by the concrete pillars supporting the roof, whose number and dimensions can be obtained from the surviving blueprints stored in the Auschwitz archives.
Can gas emanating from 6.4kg of Zyklon, evenly distributed in quantities of 1.6kg in four places, spread to 420m³ to achieve a contamination of 300ppm in 15 minutes at room temperature? Short answer: Yes.
Long answer:
At the end of the day, the above remains nothing but a theoretical thought experiment with the intention of having everyone in the gas chamber die from inhaling a fatal dose of hydrogen cyanide. That this corresponds to what really happened in the gas chambers of Birkenau, would be a stretch of the imagination. Because in reality, it is far likelier that in a writhing mass of panicking people trapped in such a gas chamber, many deaths would have occurred by other means, such as people getting crushed in this throng of bodies, as anybody can tell you how dangerous it is to be trapped inside a crowd which begins to panic, upon realizing there is no way out, and that poison gas is emanating from columns, as people closest to these Kula columns were the first ones to die.
How body temperature influences gas chamber temperature

The usual denier argument goes something like this:
"The air in the gas chambers had to be warm since the poison contained in the Zyklon-B pellets, hydrogen cyanide gas (HCN), was contained in liquid form and the liquid only boils at around 26°C. These are facts you can look up in any chemistry book."
One doesn't have to possess extensive knowledge of physics and chemistry to see why this is nonsense: It's like saying that water can only evaporate at 100+°C.
The truth is, HCN evaporates below the boiling point and as German specialists experimentally established during the war, HCN outgasses from the Zyklon B pellets even at freezing temperatures:
Now in the above image, even denier Carlo Mattogno admits that in a crowded gas chamber, with over 1800 people, the generated body heat alone would be enough to make pre-heating unnecessary.
This is where your average denier realizes his "gas chambers are too cold" theory is bunk, and then retreats to his next line of defense:
"While the air in a gas chamber could indeed be warmed up by the thriving mass of warm human bodies, the cold gas chamber floor certainly cannot in the same time frame, and since the Zyklon pellets, once introduced into the gas chamber, would land on the floor, the cold floor would inhibit their release of HCN."
While in winter time the floor surface would have certainly exhibited lower temperatures, in the biggest gas chambers - those of Kremas II and III - the pellets NEVER came in contact with the floor at all, since they were inside the wire-mesh Zyklon-B introduction columns. Therefore, to the pellets inside Krema II and III, only the air temperature applied, rather than the temperature of the gas chamber floor!
In other words, many deniers use the wrong scientific parameters to argue their case, assuming that the typical temperature in the gas chamber would have been at least 10°C below the boiling point of HCN, while in reality, as even Carlo Mattogno concedes, it would have been well into or even above room temperature, which results in qualitatively different evaporation rates.
The "Getting 2000 people into a gas chamber is impossible!" argument

Once the deniers realize they are losing the "temperature inside a gas chamber" argument, they switch to their next argument, which is about the logistics of getting thousands of people into the gas chamber in the first place. Their argument goes something like this:
"2500 people stuffed into a space with no air inflow, and all of them breathing. Let me do the math for you using Leichenkeller 1 which has a volume of 506 cubic meters. 2500 people have a volume of 178 cubic meters which leaves 328 cubic meters of air. An average person inhales 8 litres of air per minute so 2500 people would inhale and exhale 20 000 litres of air in 1 minute which is 20 cubic meters per minute. This means that the total air will be exhausted in 16.4 minutes. Panic would set in a long time before all the air has run out, let's say at around 10 minutes, so it would have been impossible to get 2500 people via a narrow doorway into the gas chamber in just a handful of minutes!
Look at the layout and the military operation to get 2500 people lined up like soldiers waiting to die in a room where air was being depleted rapidly. And the door, a single one from the changing room to the alleged chamber, is at right angles through a narrow corridor. It simply could not happen. The whole scenario is incredibly ludicrous, outrageous and a total fabrication. The leichenkellers were just that, morgues for the dead often from typhus."
The first critical flaw in the denier's above calculation is that it's actually 16.4 minutes only once ALL the 2500 people are in the room. So, if only 1250 people were in the room, the air would last twice as long, i.e. 32.8 minutes, or 65.16 minutes if there were 625 people, and so on...and since a room fills up in a gradual manner, the above calculation does not make sense at all, for two further, key reasons:
One of them, is that the denier's calculation relies on the fraudulent assumption that air that has been breathed in and breathed out once is no longer usable. In reality, when we breathe out, there's still 16% oxygen in the exhaled air.[1]
And two, and this is the most important issue, how can the air inside the gas chamber deplete if the gas chamber door has not even been shut? Only once the door has been shut can we begin to properly assess for how long the remainder of the air will last before panic sets in, but there's no point in doing that because the door has already been shut so it is utterly meaningless when the crowd starts to panic because there's no escaping anyway!
THIS IS WHY holocaust historians do not waste their time with such idiotic calculations which holocaust denying self-styled scholars love to spend hours on.
So the bottom line is, people were introduced one after the other into the gas chamber, and while it is true that the first person who entered the gas chamber would have had to wait the longest till the door was finally shut compared to all others, he would have also had the least reason to panic because it was roomy when he entered and made his way to the far side, he had plenty of air to breathe the entire time despite having to wait the longest, and he was simply assuming that the shower would begin once the last persons of their group were inside.
Oh and by the way, regarding panic and the need to get out, you underestimate the nature of the victims: most were elderly, women and children who were exhausted by their stay in the camp or by days-long transport in the cattle wagons.
Even if you manage to convince a denier that it was possible to get them inside without the air running out, he will move the goalposts to his next line of defence, which is the "once they were trapped inside, the panicking people would have broke down the door and burst their way out! Do not underestimate the power of a throng of desperate people!" argument which I have refuted here:
The delousing chambers

There are two buildings (BW5a and BW5b) located on the south side of Auschwitz II Birkenau, which were used to delouse clothing and bedding with Zyklon-B, the same gas used in the homicidal gas chambers. These two buildings are shaped like the letter T and are mirror images of each other. The photo above shows building BW5b which is located in the B1b section of Birkenau on the left side of the camp as you are standing at the entrance gate into the camp.
Holocaust deniers very often make the claim that the homicidal gas chambers in Birkenau were not built properly enough for mass murder, that the lethal hydrogen cyanide gas could escape and kill everyone in the vicinity of the chambers. To which allegation I often respond: well, what about the delousing chambers you chaps have no trouble believing in? Were they built in a much better manner? If not, why didn't their frequent use end up being lethal to anyone outside the buildings? The answer is simple: HCN dissipating into open air rapidly loses its lethality.
The delousing/fumigation chambers at Auschwitz II Birkenau were NOT hermetically sealed either. They were of a primitive design (in comparison to, say, the DEGESCH delousing chambers at Dachau). Someone had to enter the chamber wearing a gas-mask and spread the Zyklon-B pellets on the floor which would fumigate the bedding and clothing that had been hung up. After the pellets were distributed, the person would leave and lock the door, which was made of wood and iron bands, and therefore was not hermetically sealed. This door would remain closed for about 24 hours and then the clothing would be removed.
Returning back to our homicidal gas chambers, regarding Kremas II and III, they possessed a mechanical ventilation as blueprints prove here: (, here (, here (, and here ( Kremas IV and V also had ventilation as evidenced here ( Krema I, located in the small main camp of Auschwitz I however, did not. And so deniers try and attack that as an Achilles heel, claiming if it didn't have a mechanical ventilation system, how on earth could the poisonous HCN be removed after a gassing in that chamber? First of, it was a comparatively smaller chamber and let's look at the holes through which the Zyklon-B pellets were cast into the chamber, which were on the roof, which worked as a natural way to ventilate the chamber after a homicidal gassing: The hydrogen cyanide gas from the pellets, due to being lighter than air[1], naturally rises up, so once it passes through the vents (after their covers were opened to let the gas out) it would continue to rise up. It did not spread all over the camp like some sinister mist from a Hollywood movie. That shouldn't be difficult for deniers to grasp.
Secondly, do deniers also not grasp how big the camp was? Or how little Zyklon-B was used for each homicidal gassing (about 5 to 7 kilograms, according to the curator of the Auschwitz museum, Franzisek Piper in his book, for the big Kremas, less for Krema I). Do deniers actually think this amount, once spread into the air above Krema I, was enough to wipe out hundreds of people? Are they really that stupid?
What then remains is the Prussian Blue argument: why are the walls of the delousing chambers stained blue, while the homicidal gas chamber walls aren't? Is this proof of the holocaust being a holohoax? Nope. Consider the amount of HCN and the amount of time it takes for a delousing to kill the HCN-resistant cold-blooded louse, to the time it takes to kill the far more susceptible warm-blooded human.
The Prussian Blue argument is debunked here in far more detail:
The coke records of Auschwitz-Birkenau

Holocaust deniers often claim that there was never enough coke/coal at Auschwitz-Birkenau to cremate the remains of the 1.1 million people who were murdered in the camp complex.
This claim of theirs is built on a strawman to begin with, namely the strawman that everyone who was cremated at Auschwitz-Birkenau, was cremated solely in the camp's crematory ovens. No holocaust historian is claiming this.
Because next to cremation in the camp's 15 ovens which had double-muffle[1], triple-muffle[2], and eight-muffle layouts (with a total of up to 52 crematory muffles in the camp complex), there were also outdoor cremations: open-air burning pits were dug behind Krema V[3] and beside a cottage called the 'white house'[4] (which had operated as a gas chamber prior to the four dedicated gas chambers which started operation in spring 1943). These outdoor cremations were done especially during the Liquidation of the Hungarian Jews[5] in the summer of 1944, a horrific act forever captured by the Sonderkommando Photographs[6] I have written about here: These outdoor cremations became necessary when even the large number of ovens at Auschwitz-Birkenau (compared to ANY other Nazi concentration camp)[7] could no longer cope with cremating the dead from the gas chambers, as well as the dead collected from the camp's labor force.
Deniers have tried attacking these outdoor cremations as well, either claiming the photos are fake (allegations that I have debunked here: or claiming that Auschwitz-Birkenau was built on marshland, therefore had a high water table, which for mystical, magical reasons could not be drained, therefore making outdoor cremation in pits and trenches impossible (another claim I have refuted here:
But returning to the crematoria themselves, holocaust deniers claim (based on their own, arbitrary calculations) that gigantic amounts of coke were needed, and should therefore have been visible in the air photos (such as or that were taken by allied (and also Luftwaffe) reconnaissance planes that flew over Birkenau in the summer and autumn of 1944. Since a giant pile of coke was photographed at the I.G. Farben industrial area near Auschwitz III Monowitz (for example reproduced by the denier John C. Ball in his "Air Photo Evidence" book), deniers insist that such gigantic piles of coke should have also been visible in the crematoria courtyards of Birkenau, and since this isn't the case in any Birkenau air photo, that therefore not enough coke was present in the camp to fuel the cremations and meet the numbers as alleged by documents such as (
This is an argument you wont just find on fringe right wing forums and youtube comment sections - it was even part of the famous Lipstadt trial (David Irving v. Penguin Books Ltd. and Deborah Lipstadt) in 2000, where the denier David Irving claimed that the alleged lack of coke at Auschwitz-Birkenau made the murder and cremation of hundreds of thousands of prisoners impossible. And this goes hand in hand with denier math, where they claim something akin to "1 body requires 30 kg of coke to be cremated. Therefore, 2 bodies require 60 kg of coke, 3 bodies 90 kg of coke" and so on, and using this kindergarten logic they multiply the coke required for 1 body with 1.1 million victims to then tell us the amount of coke needed vastly exceeds that which the air photos & coke records show. This is what's called denier math.
So why is this argument not addressed in most holocaust history books? Are historians trying to cover up some kind of huge issue? No. The truth of the matter is, the alleged need to calculate how much coke was used at Auschwitz-Birkenau for all cremations is an exercise that is futile by design. This isn't an issue at all for four reasons:
1) As mentioned before, nobody is claiming everyone cremated, was cremated in the coke-fired ovens.
2) Multiple corpses of varying sizes were stuffed into one muffle and cremated at the same time, greatly enhancing fuel efficiency at the expense of the dignity of the dead (and rendering single-body denier calculations meaningless), a fact that is even proven by documentary evidence (see
3) The ovens were for extended periods of time in continuous use, being fed by alternative fuel sources such as the fat contained in the bodies themselves (see explanation of the pictured document above, which will follow further below).
4) Open-air burning pits were also used whenever the capacity of the ovens was exceeded, an act which is not only supposed by testimony but also by both ground photos (see Sonderkommando photos linked to earlier) as well as air photos (see the giant trail of smoke emanating from a pit outside Krema V at
And, frankly, we do not know how much coke (coal) was delivered to Auschwitz-Birkenau in total from 1940-1945 because scholars have shown that the available records of the coke delivered to Auschwitz-Birkenau which survived the war are incomplete: The records only run from February 16, 1942, to October 1943, with a significant gap in the middle. These records show that 497 tons of coke were delivered in 240 deliveries.[8]
Going back to point 3). regarding the use of coke, Sonderkommando Henryk Tauber testified:
“…we used the coke only to light the fire of the furnace initially, for fatty bodies burned of their own accord thanks to the combustion of the body fat. On occasion, when coke was in short supply, we would put some straw and wood in the ash bins under the muffles, and once the fat of the body began to burn the other bodies would catch light themselves.”[9]
According to Tauber’s testimony, there was no direct correspondence between the amount of coke used and the number of corpses that could be burned. Once the fires were started, it did not take as much coke to burn more bodies.
Finally, this leads us to the above picture, which is proof that the ovens were designed to reduce fuel usage if continuously operating. This critical piece of evidence is a memo of the oven builders Topf & Sons issued to the Bauleitung, dated March 17, 1943. The memo, headed “Estimation of coke usage for Crematorium II K L, according to data from Topf and Sons from March 11, 1943.” suggests that the coke usage could be “reduced to 2/3rds of the amount otherwise needed” if the ovens were operating on a continuous basis, what the memo says in German: "Bei Dauerbetrieb vermindert sich diese Menge wesentlich, sodass mit 2/3 der Menge gerechnet werden kann."
...which meant that each crematorium would use 2800 kilograms of coke in a 12 hour period. In the eight muffle furnaces of Kremas IV and V the fuel savings were even greater. When those ovens were worked continuously they would burn 1120 kilograms of coke in a 12 hour period. This means that all four crematoria (II, III, IV, V) could operate on 7840 kilograms of coke in a 12 hour period (2800 each for Kremas II and III and 1120 each for Kremas IV and V). The Bauleitung concludes: "These are top achievements. It is not possible to give a number for usage for the year because it is not known how many hours or days it will be needed to heat it."
This document is reproduced in Jean-Claude Pressac's "Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers", page 224.
You can read the cremation debate in its entirety, refuting all claims made by holocaust deniers at:
[8]: John C Zimmerman, “Body Disposal at Auschwitz: The End of Holocaust Denial” (“Fuel Consumption”)
[9]: Robert Jan van Pelt, The Van Pelt Report (“IV Attestations, 1945-46”)
Exposing the fraudulent "denier maths" done at Treblinka II

Back when Eric Hunt was a full blown holocaust denier and busy making his films "Treblinka Archaeology Hoax" etc., he also had plans to open up a website called "holocausthoaxmuseum" which was supposed to be a 3D rendered virtual tour of a museum where the visitor can walk around and look at exhibits (read: redpill infographs) that debunk the holocaust. I believe the above image was made by him during this time. The website never came to fruition, but said image has been saved and continues to be spread by deniers on forums like 4chan's /pol/, so let me address the claims therein.
What the above image tries to do is to portray the Treblinka II extermination camp site as too small for the number of people killed there. It does this, by stacking 10 Los Angeles Memorial Coliseums on top of one another to demonstrate "the absurdity" of 900,000 people having been processed here.
Let us first address the absurdity of using the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum (or any stadium for that matter), as a good way of portraying the capacity of a place to contain human beings. It is absurd, because a stadium is one of the least efficient ways to harbor people, because a good portion of a stadium's total area is purposely left EMPTY so that games can take place there. The spectators are seated in a ring-shape around the playing field, and therefore the area we should be considering, is not the total area of the stadium, but rather the area of the annulus wherein the spectators are seated. If we would take only the area of this shape, and remold it to, say, a circle, then suddenly the total area would shrink by a lot.
That is point 1. Point 2 is even if we only limit ourselves to the area of the seating arrangement, there is still plenty of space wasted considering the area attributed to 1 person (the size of the seat, the leg-room before the next row of seats begins and so on). People aren't squeezed next to each other, not by a long shot.
Point 3: The volume, considering that we're talking about a three dimensional mass grave rather than a two dimensional area. Loosely stacking the stadiums one on top of the other as Eric Hunt has in the above image is a tremendous waste of space like no other. Watch this video, especially mark 3:35 onward, as it describes how humans can be stacked next to each other efficiently: https://www . youtube . com/watch?v=_eEXM0raA5M
At 4:55 onward, the 3-D option is explored.
If we take the video's calculation of stacking 7.478 billion humans on earth yielding a cube of 2.436 billion cubic meters, then we can, via simple maths, find out how big a cube (read: mass grave) the 900,000 dead bodies of Treblinka stacked in the same fashion would need:
2,436,000,000m³ / 7,478,000,000 humans = 0.33 m³ per human
0.33m³ * 900,000 humans = 293,179.99 m³
Now 293,180m³ is the total volume of a cube that is approx. 66.4 meters in length, breadth and depth (cubic root). These would have to be the total dimensions of the mass graves in Treblinka II, were they to hold 900,000 corpses. Note how the dimensions are infinitely smaller than the dimensions of Eric Hunt's stadiums (a single one of the pictured Los Angeles Memorial Coliseums has an area of 72,843m² of which a much smaller segment makes up the seating arrangement, which itself is a rather comfortable way of stacking humans next to one another, and he stacks 10 of these on top of one another). Eric Hunt's stadium stacking is therefore an example in how to waste space, rather than any kind of realistic assessment, and its main purpose is, by methods of gross exaggeration, to bait the viewer into denying the events at Treblinka II.
We still need to return to the elephant in the room though, which is our mass grave of 293,180m³ needed to hold 900k corpses. Keep in mind this cube can be split into smaller mass graves of varying lengths and breadths - it's just that the total volume has to remain the same. But regarding the volume, it is based on the loose assumption made in the video linked above, regarding how many humans can somewhat fit in 1m³ and not how many can possibly be squashed into 1m³. The latter however is the case when you start dumping corpses into a mass grave: the weight of the corpses above squashes those underneath, and there is generally very little room left by the time the grave has been filled.
But we're still leaving out an additional factor, and that is the composition of the corpses (size, weight etc.). I don't know what dimensions the author of the video above took for his, but I am wondering if he took infants, children etc. also into the equation to reduce the average volume of the term "1 person" than what we would usually picture in our mind. Here is my article showing why a good chunk of the demographics of those gassed were comprised of infants and children (remove .jpg ending from your URL bar to read the article):
With all these additional factors considered, would the minimum combined volume of the Treblinka II mass graves still be 293,180m³? I am convinced it would shrink even further.
Which leads me to the last and perhaps most crucial points in this post that make all the above exercises in mental gymnastics at the end of the day quite worthless:
1) No historian is claiming that many corpses, or even the tiniest fraction of that are still buried in Treblinka II, considering that they were exhumed and cremated as per Himmler's Enterdungsaktion.
2) No historian is claiming that the Treblinka extermination camp's total death toll had been reached BEFORE the first cremations began. This means that even during the camp's hayday, there never was a point of time when that many corpses were buried in Treblinka in total. Exhumation and cremation began while the camp still operated and continued with its killing process.
Now that we've purged the idea of having to find room for 900,000 corpses from our heads, the ash question still remains. 1 adult human body produces about a shoebox full of ash, as agreed upon by both revisionists and nizkor, see: http://www . nizkor . org/features/qar/qar46 . html
Again, assuming there were no dead infants and no dead children in Treblinka and instead assuming each cremated person in Treblinka produced a shoebox full of ash, we'd have some 900,000 shoeboxes full of ash.
What is the average size of a shoebox? Let's just take the biggest average ones we can find, which are shoeboxes containing shoes for adult men: usually 35 . 56 centimeters long, 25 . 4 centimeters wide and 12.7 centimeters high according to this website:
This gives us a shoebox volume of 35 . 56cm x 25 . 4cm x 12.7cm = 11,471 cm³, which is 0.01 cubic meters. Therefore, 900,000 cremated adult corpses each producing 1 standard adult male sized shoebox full of ash would total a heap of ash that would require a mass grave of exactly 0.01m³ x 900,000 = 9,000m³ to be buried.
Which, taken the cube root, translates to a mass grave approx 21m in length, breadth and depth. We've come a long way from that corpse-holding mass grave 66.4 meters in length, breadth and depth, haven't we?
Now, is it possible to find a combined mass grave in the dimensions of 21m length, breadth and depth in today's Treblinka II area? Either way, this observation leads us to the last among the crucial points:
3) No historian is claiming ALL the cremated ash is reburied in mass graves. Lots of it was strewn in the surrounding fields, and post-war would-be looters who came to this area looking for Jewish gold and valuables have made observations of ash upto and including bone fragments.
What we can conclude from this study, is that holocaust revisionists deliberately make false assumptions in their quest of using "simple maths" to convince the broad public about the physical impossibility of the AR sites having functioned as killing centers with the current numbers. They do this by building the strawman that historians are claiming hundreds of thousands of corpses are buried there, or all were buried there before the first cremations began, or assuming 1 corpse = 1 adult corpse and the ash of every cremated corpse was also buried back, and so on.
"Teeth remain after cremation! There should be millions of teeth strewn about the Aktion Reinhard camp sites!"

This is roughly how another tidbit of 'revisionist science' goes:
"Human teeth are made out of materials the majority of which are composed of enamel and dentin. These materials are made out of hydroxyapatite. Hydroxyapatite has a melting point of 1670°C, far hotter than any cremation oven temperature at Auschwitz (800-1100°C), never mind the temperature of outdoor cremations. Therefore, cremating millions of people should leave behind some tens of millions of human teeth. Where are they?"
Except this analysis is wrong.
The destruction of teeth by fire has been a matter of professional interest to forensic dentists involved in the identification of bodies. Many studies show most adult human teeth do not survive cremation.
For example, a study conducted by German forensic dentists in 2001 (Klaus Rotzscher, Claus Grundmann, Sven Benthaus, “The effects of high temperatures on human teeth and dentures: Conclusions regarding the degree on destruction and the influence of time,” published in Journal of Dentistry and Oral Medicine, No. 6(1), 2004) found the following:
- After 30 minutes in fires with temperatures of 752 degrees Fahrenheit (400 degrees Celsius) the front teeth are totally destroyed. The molars (the grinding teeth in the back of the mouth) start to crack.
- At between 45 and 70 minutes in fires with temperatures between 1832 degrees Fahrenheit (1000 degrees Celsius) and 2012 degrees Fahrenheit (1100 degrees Celsius), all the teeth are totally carbonized.
Source to the study:
In the mass cremations in the camps it is possible that a few of the sturdier molars of the adults might have remained in the ashes along with some larger remnants of bone. However, these teeth would be cracked, weakened or fallen from the jaw and could have been destroyed relatively easily in the bone crushing process that involved tools as simple as wooden mallets. Certainly, the tiny milk teeth of babies and children (which made up a sizable percentage of the victims) would have been utterly destroyed in the fire.
Let's take a look at another study: "Effects of high temperature on different restorations in forensic identification: Dental samples and mandible" by Kalpana A Patidar, Rajkumar Parwani, and Sangeeta Wanjari, retrievable at:
This study shows, with images, how teeth are affected by fire. The pic above clearly demonstrates how even sturdy adult molars are badly affected after a mere 15 minutes in temperatures ranging around 1100°C. We know that the outdoor incineration of corpses at Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor and even places like Birkenau lasted A LOT longer than this, many many hours until the fires died down. While temperatures as high as this found inside a crematory muffle might not have been reached, the duration of cremation was longer outdoors. Therefore, no, teeth did not survive cremation, and those few that might have, could have easily been pounded by the other cremains to dust with the tools the Sonderkommando used, one of which is photographed at the Janowska concentration camp, a repurposed grinding machine, a ball mill (Kugelmühle), used to get rid of cremains.
Image source:
Returning to the claims of our revisionist scientists, keep in mind they are too dumb to differentiate between melting and combustion. Wood is one material I can think of that has a lower combustion temperature than melting temperature.
And lastly, the fact remains that the few whole, intact teeth that would have gotten through the burning and pulverization process by happenstance, are either scattered across or buried under acres of land or were dumped into local rivers and ponds. Finding them in the thousands of tons of human and wood ash would be purely accidental. Nevertheless, find them we did:
Polish judicial authorities performed excavations on the site of Treblinka in October 1945. They dug nine holes or trenches in the area believed to the extermination part of the camp. They found “. . . a large number of human bones . . . such as skulls, parts of skulls, vertebrae, ribs, collarbones, shoulder blades, arm bones, wrists, fingers, pelvic bones, thigh bones, lower legs and foot bones. From the size of the various bones one can conclude that they belong to persons of different age groups, from two-year-olds up to very old people, as borne out by toothless jaws and numerous dentures.”[1]
[1]: “Protokoll der Leichenschau” (Report of Coroner), October 13, 1945. ZStL, 252/59, vol. I, pp. 1123f (translated from Polish into German). For the German translations from Polish of the excavation protocol dated 12 October 1945 and coroner Dr. Mieczyslaw Pietraszkiewicz’s report and opinion of 13 October 1945, see BAL B162/208 AR-Z 252/59, Bd. VI, f. 1121 ff.
Credit to: Denying-History & Gord from the SkepticForum
"Human cremation ash would permanently scar the environment!"

One of the less frequently used debating points I have come across by deniers is their claim that while wood ash is commonly used as a fertilizer, the ash from cremated humans is not good at all for the environment, using sources like this:
They go on to say that: "If truckloads of cremains from over a million humans were strewn across fields and the countryside, this would therefore severely damage the topsoil rather than nourish it, and should have left behind visible marks, such as reduced grass growth. And yet, today we do not see any massive bare patches where nothing grows around Treblinka II or the other killing sites. Therefore, this is proof that that much human ash was never strewn anywhere, as it would have visibly damaged the environment!"
Let us first examine what other elements, in powdered form, would be present in human cremation ashes: bones, blood and fecal matter (the latter is an assumption of mine, that a noteworthy portion of the cremated corpses had soiled themselves due to the violent, panic- and fear-laden way in which they had died). So we have in powdered form bones, blood and fecal matter.
1) If bone meal (powdered animal bones) is a good fertilizer, I fail to see how human bones can't be:
2) If nitrogen-rich blood meal (dried animal blood) is a good fertilizer, I fail to see how human blood can't be:
3) Human excrement is a good fertilizer.
Finally, keeping in mind that during cremation, some of the human cremains would have become mixed with remnants of the underlying combustible material, i.e. wood ash (which is also a good fertilizer), we can make a solid case that the ashes of several hundred thousand to a million people would have, at best, temporarily, rather than permanently, damaged soil fertility around the Aktion Reinhard killing sites, especially when we keep in mind that rather than everything being dumped on one spot, the ashes were distributed more evenly across the surroundings, as well as part of them being dumped into nearby ponds and rivers and even used as road salt on the roads leading to the camps during winter.
The pictures above show aerial photographs of the killing sites taken shortly after homicidal activity had ceased there (1944) and in the decades that followed. You can clearly see how the soil had become bare in the immediate aftermath of the camps' closure, and how plant life grew back in the decades that followed. The image reel on the extreme right shows 1940s ground photographs of Treblinka taken both during the camp's operation and after its closure. Again, notice the barren soil. This corroborates with reports of ash and bone fragments, testimony by Polish scavengers who had come to the site in search of gold and other Jewish valuables purportedly buried there.
The Kinna Report ("Poles have to die from natural causes, unlike the method employed on Jews...")

A particularly unpleasant German war-time document on Auschwitz for revisionists is a report by SS-Untersturmführer Heinrich Kinna from 15 December 1942. Kinna was deporting Polish people from Zamosc to Auschwitz, including those who were not considered fit for work. In his conversation with the camp leader Hans Aumeier (misspelled Haumeier) he was informed that they are killing Jews who are not considered useful for labor, but have trouble dealing with Poles not useful for labor as these, unlike the method used on the unfit Jews, ought to die from natural causes according to RSHA order.
The report was submitted as evidence at the Frankfurt Auschwitz trial on 2 July 1964. Previously, the examining judge demanded to verify the authenticity of the document and so Kinna himself was questioned on the report. He confirmed its authenticity.
You can read the full translation here:
What follows is a transcription of the relevant paragraph:
"Beschränkte, Idioten, Krüppel und kranke Menschen müssen in kürzester Zeit durch Liquidation zur Entlastung des Lagers aus demselben entfernt werden. Diese Maßnahme findet aber insofern eine Erschwerung, da nach Anweisung des RSHA entgegen der bei den Juden angewendeten Maßnahme, Polen eines natürlichen Todes sterben müssen."
"Imbeciles, idiots, cripples and sick people must be removed from the camp as soon as possible by liquidation to unburden it. But this measure has insofar complications as, according to RSHA order, contrary to the measure applied on the Jews, Poles must die from natural causes."
So what we have here, is a smoking gun that yields us two key facts:
The first fact is we can confirm the word "liquidation" really does mean killing (rather than revisionist attempts, e . g. from Arthur Butz, to explain the word away in a non-lethal manner such as 'to make an asset, in this case people, mobile, like a liquid, so they can be moved across Europe') because taking the next sentence into consideration, a group (Poles unfit for labor) that has to die from natural causes implies a faster method of liquidation is being performed on the other group (Jews unfit for labor). Disease (like typhus) cannot be brought into this discussion because the document talks about Jews being subjected to a certain method of liquidation. Catching disease in a camp is a passive act and not a "Maßnahme", an applied method. A Maßnahme is a deliberate act performed by someone.
The second fact we attain is the following: A document that not only says "Poles cannot be liquidated in the same manner as Jews but ought to die of natural causes", but also says this is according to the RSHA (the Reichssicherheitshauptamt) is therefore proof positive of the involvement of the higher ups concerning the physical extermination of Jews. You see, I have seen my fair share of revisionists argue (in an effort to vindicate the higher echelons) that the implementation of the final solution in form of physical extermination ("if it did end up happening in some isolated incidents", as they say) wasn't an order that came from above, but the end of a slippery slope carried out by sadistic lower echelons. This document throws that idea into the garbage bin of history.
To recap: This document, presented during the Frankfurt Auschwitz trial in 1964, makes clear the meaning of the word "liquidierung", points out Auschwitz couldn't be further burdened by invalid Poles, but at the same time they couldn't be liquidated like the Jews and had to die of natural causes somehow, and that this was an order that came from above (RSHA). So much for there being no hints (in written form) to any order for the final solution to the Jewish question by means of physical extermination...
And let's not forget another interesting section in the beginning of the document which speaks of 14 people who managed to escape the train transport and that any open hatches must be secured with barbed wire next time.
Now let's take a look at how revisionists react to this damning document:
Tactic 1: "This report surfaced from communist Poland in the 60's. Therefore untrustworthy."
Kinna was stationed in Poland. Kinna confirmed its authenticity during the trial in West-Germany.
Tactic 2: "In this report Kinna says NOTHING about what exactly happened to the Jews in Auschwitz."
Why not ask Hans Aumeier himself? If anybody knew, then certainly him. Hans Aumeier told the British on 8 October 1945 in Oslo:
"After the arrival, the prisoners were separated into fit for work and unfit for work. The people fit for work were sent into the camp and admitted by Political Department, they were registered there by number and name for the first time. The people unfit for work were sent to the gas chambers."
Tactic 3: "Okay, so if this is evidence for extermination, why was Kinna not charged for his actions during the trial? Strange, isn't it?"
Kinna had deported Poles to Auschwitz, not Jews; nor did he kill Jews in Auschwitz. He was not involved in the extermination of Jews. But he did put into writing (including signature) a valuable document that tells us about the fate of Jewish undesirables compared to Polish undesirables.
Keep the following observation in mind: Why would a document need to stress the fact that Polish invalids need to die from natural causes?
Every person dies from natural causes eventually (unless he dies earlier from unnatural causes). Therefore, an order that stresses Polish invalids have to die from natural causes contrary to the method Jewish invalids are being subjected to, can only mean the latter are being subjected to a death by unnatural causes. And passively catching disease in a camp does not fall under the category of "being subjected to a method of liquidation", because this involves an action carried out by a party.
credit to Hans from Holocaust Controversies
Jews of both sexes and of ALL AGES were executed for "aiding Partisans"

This document is a photocopy from the Israeli police archives, of IMT document No-2825, part of Ereignismeldung 133.
In it, the execution ("liquidiert") of different amounts of Jews, from dozens to thousands, is noted, and explained because of them housing, supplying and otherwise aiding Partisans and/or participating in acts of sabotage against occupied Nazi rule.
The key here however, is the word "aller Altersklassen", i.e. "of all ages", meaning elderly, children and even infants of mothers were shot under the pretense of having aided the enemy.
Full translation:
"5) Special Actions.
83 of the several hundred inmates from the forced labor camp in Mogilev were liquidated on October 15, 1941, for being racially inferior elements of an Asiatic strain. The responsibility for their retension in the Rear Army area could no longer be taken.
According to a report ny Infantry Regiment 691, the Jews of Asmony in every way possible supported the partisans still holding out in the immediate area. On October 9, 1941, during a moppng-up operation in that area 81 Jews were shot for breaking regulations of the German occupying forces. Russian uniforms were found in several Jewish dwellings.
As a result of numereous complaints about their provocative behavior in Gorki (northeast of Mogilev) as well as in the surrounding area, a total of 2,200 Jews of all ages were liquidated in mopping-up operations in eight localities. They were, for the most part, Jews who had immigrated from the district of Minsk. Like the rest, they committed offences against the regulations of the German [occupation] forces. The operation was carried out in close cooperation with the Military Police.
In Mstislavl, about 80 km east of Mogilev, 900 Jews were liquidated for breaking regulations of the German forces, harboring partisans in transit, and providing them with food and clothing.
On October 19, 1941, a large-scale operation against the Jews was carried out in Mogilev with the aid of the Police Regiment 'Center.' 3,726 Jews of both sexes and all ages were liquidated by this action. These measures were necessary because, ever since the town of Mogilev was occupied by German troops, the Jews ignored the authority of the Occupying forces. In spite of previous measures taken against them, they not only failed to desist but continued their anti-German activities (sabotage, support of partisans, refusal to work, etc.) to such an extent and with such persistance that, in the interests of establishing order in the rear areas, it could no longer be tolerated.
On October 23, 1941, to prevent further acts of sabotage and to combat the partisans, a further number of Jews from Mogilev and the surrounding area, 239 of both sexes, were liquidated.
Sonderkommando 7a carried out 173 liquidations during the period covered by this report."
Reprisals (Massacre at Pančevo)

No, this is not some post-war movie still, but a frame from a wartime video shot by German cameraman Gottfried Kassel[1], capturing the execution of civilians at the cemetery wall of the city of Pančevo, Serbia. Along with this there are also photographs taken by Gerhard Grönefeld from another angle.[2]
In April 1941, Soldiers of the Division Grossdeutschland committed a war crime in the city when 36 randomly picked Serbian civilians were executed by hanging and shooting as a reprisal for the deaths of 9 Danube Swabian members of the paramilitary formation Deutsche Mannschaft, a member of SS Division Das Reich and a wounded member of that division, shot by unknown soldiers of the Royal Yugoslav Army after Yugoslavia's surrender. Propaganda photos and film of the executions were used decades after the event to help chronicle the Wehrmacht's complicity in German atrocities during the war.[3][4][5][6]
This was a common occurrence all across the Eastern Front - partisans would damage or blow up sections of railway lines or ambush and kill German units, and as both immediate reprisal and to make an example, the Germans would take revenge on innocent locals they merely suspected of supplying the partisans, without any kind of proper investigation, nevermind the fact that summary execution itself remains inexcusable.
[3]: Ulrike Jureit and Hans Mommsen, Verbrechen der Wehrmacht, Hamburg 2002, ISBN 3-930908-74-3, p. 536-537.
[4]: Jürgen Martschukat and Silvan Niedermeier, Violence and Visibility in Modern History, New York 2013, ISBN 978-1-137-37868-2, p.182.
[5]: Donauschwäbische Kulturstiftung, Leidensweg der Deutschen im kommunistischen Jugoslawien, Volume 2, Munich 1993, ISBN 3-926276-17-7, p. 131-133.
[6]: Crime of the Wehrmacht, Pančevo in April of 1941—different numbers of victims, audio commentaries, sequences, film scores of TV-documentaries with original materials: version 1 (36 Serbs) (in German) and version 2 (18 Serbs) (in German) on the Website by YouTube, Retrieved on 2017-05-22.
The Bochnia Massacre

No, this is not a movie still. This is a blowup of a real, wartime photograph taken from the private album of a captured German officer[1] who, on December 18, 1939, had captured a scene showing the execution of 56 Polish citizens in Bochnia, near Kraków, in German-occupied Poland. The "reason" for the shooting of civilians was as a reprisal for an attack on a German police office two days earlier by a local underground Polish resistance organization named Orzel Bialy ("White Eagle"). And this isn't even considered the first of the truly large(r)-scale civilian massacres committed by the Germans in what was to become the Generalgouvernement: That is credited not even 10 days later to the Wawer massacre (near Warsaw), the execution of 107 Polish civilians on the night of 26 to 27 December 1939 by the Nazi German occupiers. That execution was a response to the deaths of two German NCOs killed by two Poles. In "retaliation", 120 random civilians of all ages were arrested and 114 shot, of whom 7 survived. Many, many, many other massacres were to take place in occupied Poland, but revisionist deniers will always ONLY teach you about the Katyn forest massacre, for which Germans were falsely blamed by the Soviets. For more German crimes in occupied Poland outside any concentration/extermination camps, see: (see death tolls below) (1,200 - 5,000 civilians executed) (20,000 civilian deaths in 760 mass executions)śnica (an estimated 12,000 - 14,000 victims) (upto 7500 shot) (around 1700 murdered) (upto 50,000 liquidated)
Several other such photographs showing executions of civilians by German soldiers have survived the war, more famous ones like the "Last Jew of Vinnitsa" ( or "Judenaktion in Ivangorod" ( and ( - as always, remove .jpg endings from your browser url to read my attached articles - already discussed, and revisionist/denier claims to label them as Soviets (or the even more hilarious 'Soviets in German uniforms') utterly demolished, in my main blog:
Mental breakdown of the Einsatzgruppen

Pic related shows the massacre of Jewish women and children at the lip of a mass grave in Liepaja, Latvia, December 1941.
Deniers have often contested Himmler's transition from Einsatzgruppen shootings to gassings (due to the mental impact repeated shootings of civilians had on the Einsatzkommandos), asking for proofs concerning the EK/EG's mental deterioration.
Some references, with source, on the mental strain and its consequences come from West-German investigations. The adjutant of Einsatzgruppe B Karl Schulz testified:
"the nerves of the members of the shooting squads were subjected to tremendous strain"
(interrogation of Schulz of 9 March 1959, BArch B 162/5066, p. 114).
Erwin Cz. of the police reserve battalion 9, whose companies were assigned to the Einsatzgruppen up to December 1941, recalled:
"my comrades and I - and I can easily say all comrades - were physically and mentally totally done after such action"
(interrogation of 23 January 1962, BArch B 162/3275, p. 196).
According to Albert Hartl, head of the RSHA office IV B on ideological enemies and "visitor" of Einsatzgruppe C, the group's head Max Thomas explained that people assigned to the shooting squads developed "the worst sadistic drives" or suffered from "hysterical crying" and "health breakdown" (interrogation of Hartl of 16 January 1957, BArch B 162/1254, p. 986).
Georg Bi. of the police reserve battalion 9 remembered a case when some "Sergeant Gan. got a nervous break down during the [two day lasting] execution" (interrogation of of 25 July 1965, BArch B 162/5654, p. 3547).
As the police battalion was withdrawn from Russia in December 1941, its new commander Arthur Se. noticed that "these people had experienced rough times" and that they "had to disable one man and sent them to an asylum after he made use of his duty pistol without any reason" (interrogation of Seidel of 12 December 1963, BArch, B 162/964, p. 1320).
Von dem Bach-Zelewski himself suffered under a "nervous state of exhaustion" related to the "shooting of Jews supervised by himself and other heavy experiences in the East" according to a contemporary document from the Reichsarzt SS Ernst-Robert Grawitz (letter Grawitz to Himmler of 4 March 1942, Figure 3, from Bartoszewski, Erich von dem Bach, p. 97).
Albert Hartl also mentioned sexual impotence:
"Thomas told me that a common appearance among the members of the shooting squads was temporarily sexual impotence."
It was quite possibly also Thomas who passed on this to a German SD deflector reporting to the Swiss in February 1944:
"Most men of the Einsatzkommandos were supposedly totally drunken, often up to 40% loss due to breakdown of the nerves. Achievement: brutal persons, who do not back off of any crime. Murder thugs lacking any discipline. Are all nuts as human-beings."
(Schweizerisches Bundesarchiv, E27#1000/721#9928-6*, p. 61)
credit to Hans from Holocaust Controversies
Himmler and the Korherr Report

In March 1943, the Inspector of Statistics, Richard Korherr, drew up for Himmler a detailed report (Nuremberg Document NO-5193-5198) and an abridged report (the latter destined to be presented to Hitler) on the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question" (I have written about the Korherr report itself in more detail here: Let's first take a look at the first document.
In the original version of the report, Korherr had used the term Sonderbehandlung, i.e. "special treatment", with regard to the Jews mentioned in this section of his report. This term, a bureaucratic euphemism for killing[1] commonly used in the context of the Final Solution, had become too worn and thus transparent by the time Korherr submitted his report to Himmler, for which reason Himmler's adjutant Karl Brandt, in a letter dated 10 April 1943, required Korherr to refrain from using the term Sonderbehandlung and to phrase the quoted paragraph as it was finally worded:
"To the inspector of statistics, PG. Korherr
B e r l i n
The Reichsführer SS has reviewed your statistical report on "the Final solution of the european Jewish question". He wishes that the term "special treatment of the Jews" be nowhere mentioned. Page 9, point 4, must read as follows:
"Transportation of Jews from the
eastern provinces to the Russian East:
The following numbers were sifted
through the camps in the General
government .....
through the camps in the Warthegau ......."
No other formulation may be used. I have sent the copy of the report already draughted to the Reichsführer SS with the request to amend page 9 accordingly and send it back again.
(Karl Brandt)"
Holocaust deniers, who otherwise try to explain away the term "Sonderbehandlung" as (also, but as they maintain, primarily) having had a non-lethal meaning, will have a tough time being able to explain why then, Himmler explicitly forbids the use of this allegedly non-lethal term, and asks Korherr, via Brandt, to use an even less ambiguous and more innocuous term: Durchschleusen? Unless of course, "Sonderbehandlung" means exactly what historians say it means, i.e. the increasingly worn-out euphemism for killing Jews.
And so we move on to the second document, which is the aforementioned page 9 of the revised Korherr report. Point 4 is typed exactly as Himmler had requested in the letter (see translation above).
The third image is what Himmler had written a day earlier, on April 9, 1943 (Nuremberg Document NO-5197), to the Chief of the Sipo-SD (Kaltenbrunner):
"I have received from the Inspector of Statistics the statistical report on the Final solution to the Jewish question. I consider this report to be pretty good as potential documentation for future times, namely for camouflage purposes. Presently it must neither be published nor disseminated.
The most important thing for me, now as previously, is that as many Jews as humanly possible [author's note: not humanely, but humanly!] are to be transported to the East. In the short monthly briefings of the SiPo, I merely want to be informed about how many of them have been sent each month and how many Jews still remain at the given time."
Himmler's order makes it clear that the Korherr report was classified and not meant to be distributed. Perhaps because, as the fourth and final document in the image above shows, the message is all too clear: This was a report about the massive reduction (over four and a half million, i.e. half!) of European Jews (as per 1937) by the end of 1942, of which only upto half, i.e. a quarter of the previous total, was estimated to have been due to emigration to other parts of the world ("davon ist wieder nur die Hälfte, also ein Viertel, den anderen Erdteilen zugeflossen..."). The Holocaust would continue for over two more years after this report had been written, and the dead would continue to pile up until we have the number that we have today: six million.
You can read the entire Korherr Report in the German original here:
[1]: See Nuremberg Document NO-4634. See also Eichmann session 79, W1-Y1
"Mainstream (((historians))) repeatedly LIED about Auschwitz and here is proof!!"

Some of the smarter revisionists have realized that in their quest to "debunk the official holocaust story", they won't get far if they use falsehoods contained in novel excerpts and newspaper articles as proof of large scale brainwashing going on, but rather if they try and find these same "lies" in actual history books about the holocaust written by holocaust historians and read by tens, if not hundreds of thousands of people across the world, and therefore showing that holocaust historians were peddling falsehoods is a much better shot at shaking the foundations of holocaust historiography. The above "infograph" contains a grand total of 2 such examples. Both authors are historians. But the revisionists have more on offer:
".. in Oswiecim (Auschwitz) and its subsidiary plants, almost 4,000,000 Jewish lives were snuffed out."
- 'The Jewish Book of Knowledge' (1986)
"Approximately four million human beings, about half of them Jews, had perished in Hitler's chief death camp."
- My World As A Jew (1984) - Israel Goldstein
"Of the approximately 4 million people killed at Auschwitz a minimum of 2 million were Jews. All of them were citizens of various European countries, but they were killed as Jews."
- "Beyond Belief: The American Press & the Coming of the Holocaust, 1933-1945" (1993) - Deborah Lipstadt
"And if four million Jews were not exterminated in Auschwitz-Birkenau, where are those four million now?"
- Return to Auschwitz - Kitty Hart Moxon (1983)
Authorities on the holocaust, and who I hold in high regard, are historians such as Raul Hilberg, Yitzhak Arad, Christopher Browning, Lucy Dawidowicz, Gerald Reitlinger etc. Note how no revisionist has managed to write a full refutation to any of these yet. Except for Walter Sanning and Jürgen Graf, who tried to tackle Reitlinger independently of each other, but failed as is detailed here:
Revisionist "research" already shows how lacking it is in every aspect if they say a book called "The Jewish Book of Knowledge" exists - it doesn't. They can't even get its name right because it is called "The Book of Jewish Knowledge". Next, instead of citing an entire book as source (like a school boy would do) revisionists should try providing the proper page number or at least chapter. If they can't, that'll make it tough for us to accept the alleged quote is contained in the book at all.
Israel Goldstein. A historian? Nope, a rabbi. At least a holocaust survivor? NOPE. Spent all his life in the safety of the USA. Tell me again why a book called "the memoirs" of an American rabbi who wasn't even involved in the European holocaust should be considered a history book? Exactly. Deniers lose again.
Deborah Lipstadt made a big mistake, correct. How interesting that she isn't seen as a famous holocaust historian by anybody. She got most of her international fame from her Irving trial and her books about the trial and the ones attacking deniers. Deborah Lipstadt never wrote any famous holocaust history book used in any educational institution as source material. Therefore, her poor research back in the day isn't any kind of blow to holocaust historiography, as revisionists would otherwise like us to believe.
Kitty Hart-Moxon's alleged quote in her book once again comes with no page number, and rather an entire book listed as source. Yet another example of how pathetic revisionist research is. In any case she is not a historian and her book is a novel/memoir, not a history book. Kitty, as a prisoner/survivor, was in no position to know how many people had been killed at Auschwitz.
What then remains is Martin Gilbert's error. That is duly noted, but it's also the only legit example I have seen so far. If this is the best revisionists can muster when finding "holocaust historians lying to us", their case looks meager indeed...
"The ever decreasing figures of Auschwitz prove we've been lied to countless times"

Another well circulated image among holocaust deniers is the one above. Credit belongs to Gilles Karmasyn for the debunking that will follow:
The 9 million gambit in Night and Fog is a pure invention by Robert Faurisson from the beginning of the 1990s, one that has been fully debunked since 2002 (in french), here:
What must be underlined is that the famous "decreasing" list of Auschwitz death tolls (presented on e.g. codoh) is a manipulation by Robert Faurisson: most figures are NOT from historians and therefore have no academic value. Furthermore, they are displayed not in chronological order but in decreasing order, so as to give the reader the feeling that no serious toll was ever given and that it always kept going down. Sources are given in evasive ways in order to make any verification difficult, if not impossible. The list has evolved and been modified, and enriched with time, but it's a big fraud:
For example, the 8 and 7 million figure stem from the same book, authored by Eugene Aroneanu who, in 1945, gathered in the heat of the war's end some data and testimonies in a simple, not scholarly way at all: Camps de concentration (Office français d'édition, 1945). Aroneanu purports to cite an official report from the O.R.C.G (Office de recherches des crimes de guerre) for the 8 million figure, but that report is nowhere to be found and that figure has never been used by anyone else anywhere else. So NO, it's not the "French War Crime Research Office, doc 31", as the Faurisson list says, that gives that figure, but rather Aroneanu, allegedly from a source that nobody has ever been able to check. The post continues with the 7 million figure also attributed to the "French War Crime Research Office". That's also a lie. It's again taken from Eugene Aroneanu's little book. It stems from a witness, Raphaël Feigelson, who is mentioned only once, only there to say that "according to Raphaël Feigelson there were 7 million victims". So of course, this figure is NOT from the "French War Crime Research Office". In both cases, deniers fail to cite the proper source (Aroneanu) and do not provide any way to verify (unfortunately for the denier morons, Gilles Karmasyn from phdn did!)
The 6 million figure is NOT in Nyiszli's book (there is the classical 4 million figure though). The 6 million figure attributed to the famous Miklós Nyiszli is due to his translator (to french) Tibère Kremer, who put up this number (without source or even qualification) in a preface to the first appearance of Nyiszli's story in french in 1951, in the french periodical, Les Temps Modernes («S.S. Obersturmführer Docteur Mengele. Journal d'un médecin déporté au crématorium d'Auschwitz», Les Temps Modernes, mars 1951, no 65). This number disappears from the first edition as a book, in 1961 (Médecin à Auschwitz: souvenirs d'un médecin déporté, Juillard), even though Kremer provides a preface to that edition as well. Kremer, though he was in the French Resistance, had no particular qualification to be able to properly estimate a death toll for Auschwitz. So this figure is like most of the others in the list: it has no significance within Auschwitz historiography, no impact at all and Nyiszli should of course not be held responsible for it.
The 5 million figure from Le Monde in 1978 is mentioned in a small insert in an article about the 35th birthday of the Warsaw ghetto uprising. Auschwitz is not even the subject of that insert, the figure is merely part of a sentence without source. It's bad journalism and has absolutely NO significance or impact on the actual historiography regarding Auschwitz's death toll. More than that: the alleged "1,433,000" figure from french newspaper Le Monde in 1989 is a lie. Le Monde never wrote there were 1,433,000 victims in Auschwitz. Another example of deniers being morons who can easily be debunked.
In fact it's easy to see that NONE of the figures above 4 million have any significance or impact. They were never uttered by historians, never used by historians, even never used at all anywhere else, outside the source they're taken from (if it's not a complete hoax source, as with the 9 million in Night and Fog, as claimed by Faurisson).
Figures taken from survivors have of course not much value since they were not in a position to know precise numbers, only to guess the scale of the murder. In fact if you take out witnesses, journalists and non-historians, what emerges is a very unsurprising distribution between one and two million (with anomalies well known and studied by Pressac, Meyer, and the infamous Soviet 4 million number).
Very interestingly, the deniers who love Hoess fail to mention his main, most important, most valuable evaluation of the Auschwitz death toll, the one he wrote in his memoirs (from 1946!): 1,13 million.
Yet again an exhaustive and seemingly damning list gets torn apart with ridiculous ease by phdn scholar Gilles Karmasyn, proving deniers are nothing but a charade-ridden bunch of incompetent falsifiers.
The last figure lists the number of official deaths (as recorded by Nazi clerks) from the camp inmate population, in the camp death books. Keep in mind all the children, infants with mothers, sick, cripples, elderly and others who didn't make the cut during the Selektion process right off the train ramp were never admitted into the camp in the first place and were instead marched off along the train tracks toward the Crematoria buildings, where the "showers", aka the gas chambers were - they make up the bulk of Auschwitz's 1.1 million death toll. They never appear in any of the camp's "Sterbebücher" further discussed here:
Refuting the claim "Jews played a significant role in the slave trade"

Not directly related to the holocaust but often part of many truth-bomb and redpill dumps on the internet, the top left and left part of the image above are peddled as proof that a huge amount of slave ships were owned by Jews, and that historians "cover up their role as it would go contrary to their current victimhood".
Notice how the 'source' provided is completely vague. No page number, no chapter. Via this link you can see for yourself if Elizabeth Donnan really is the author of the above table:
Protip: She isn't.
The actual source of these claims, in reality, is a book called "The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews" that was distributed by the NOI (Nation of Islam; Louis Farrakhan should ring a bell) and goes hand in hand with the Black Hebrew Israelite movement in the United States that also likes to cling on to theories such as "out of Khazaria" (something I have debunked here: to discredit Ashkenazi Jews' ties to the Middle East, and instead, label themselves as the true Israelites. Yes, we're knee deep in lunacy already, but let's return to the subject at hand:
"The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews" was released in 1991 by the Nation of Islam and asserted that Jews dominated the Atlantic slave trade. The American Historical Association issued a statement condemning claims that Jews played a huge role in the Atlantic slave trade,[1] and historians such as Eli Faber, Wim Klooster and Seymour Drescher concluded that the role of Jews in the overall Atlantic slave trade was, in fact, minimal.[2] Critics of the book assert that it uses selective citations in order to purposefully exaggerate the role of Jews.[3]
The book has been labeled an antisemitic canard by some historians, including Saul S. Friedman, who contends that Jews had a minimal role in the New World slave trade.[4] Henry Louis Gates, Jr., head of the department of Afro-American studies at Harvard University, called the book "the Bible of new anti-Semitism" and added that "the book massively misinterprets the historical record, largely through a process of cunningly selective quotations of often reputable sources".[4]
Here are two a somewhat brief summaries citing examples of how the NOI's novel distorted history:
The publication of The Secret Relationship spurred retorts published specifically to refute the thesis of The Secret Relationship:
1992 – Harold Brackman, Jew on the Brain: A Public Refutation of the Nation of Islam's The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews.
1992 – David Brion Davis, "Jews in the Slave Trade," in Culturefront (Fall 1992) pp 42–45.
1993 – Seymour Drescher, "The Role of Jews in the Atlantic Slave Trade," Immigrants and Minorities, 12 (1993), pp 113–125.
1993 – Marc Caplan, Jew-Hatred As History: An Analysis of the Nation of Islam's "The Secret Relationship" (Published by the Anti Defamation League).
1998 – Eli Faber, Jews, Slaves, and the Slave Trade: Setting the Record Straight, New York University Press.
1999 – Saul S. Friedman, Jews and the American Slave Trade, Transaction.
Wim Klooster wrote: "In no period did Jews play a leading role as financiers, shipowners, or factors in the Transatlantic or Caribbean slave trades. They possessed far fewer slaves than non-Jews in every British territory in North America and the Caribbean. Even when Jews in a handful of places owned slaves in proportions slightly above their representation among a town's families, such cases do not come close to corroborating the assertions of The Secret Relationship."[2]
[1]: Encyclopedia of American Jewish history, Volume 1, pp. 199.
[2]: Wim Klooster (University of Southern Maine): "Review of Jews, Slaves, and the Slave Trade: Setting the Record Straight" by Eli Faber. "Reappraisals in Jewish Social and Intellectual History" William and Mary Quarterly Review of Books. Volume LVII, Number 1. by Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture. 2000.
[3]: "Allah in the West: Islamic movements in America and Europe" by Gilles Kepel, Stanford University Press, 1997 pp. 68-69.
[4]: "Jews and the American Slave Trade", Saul S. Friedman, Transaction Publishers, 1999 pp. 2, 40.
The myth of "Judeo-Bolshevism"

An allegation that is raised in almost every revisionist literature I can find is that the Bolsheviks were mostly comprised of Jewish intellectuals, and that therefore a "foreign element" was responsible in the subversion and hostile takeover of Russian society (overwhelmingly White and Orthodox Christian), leading to countless dead. But how Jewish were the Bolsheviks really? Pic related contains the amount of actual Jews (i.e. people whose Jewish ancestry can be verified). Compare that to various revisionist claims in their info-graphics that up to 95% of all Bolsheviks were Jewish. There are two approaches that they take:
The first approach, is creating an INCOMPLETE list where they have cherry picked Jewish Bolsheviks, providing first name and last name, photo, date of birth, place of birth, short biography etc. and sprinkled in a handful of non-Jews to make the list look more authentic and then state "here's the list, as you can see, more than 80% Jews!". Except that list is nowhere near complete, i.e. we don't know how many party members there are, and therefore only a selective snippet into which the revisionist has put in as many Jews as possible and thus created a % of his own choosing.
The second approach is creating a list of communist Jews, again providing first name and last name, photo, date of birth, place of birth, short bio etc, and claiming "wow, look at this exhaustive list of communist Jews!" One such example is here:
However, as the name suggests, this list is no longer limited to Bolsheviks in Russia but has seemingly scraped together any and all communist Jews across the world and across many decades. For example, even Chile's Salvador Allende from the 1970s is included! Until you realize Salvador Allende was not a Jew in the first place. That means this list is full of bullshit. But even if for argument's sake we assume every person on this list was really jewish, even then this list does not give you the complete picture, because first of all it has gone off-topic (from "what % of Bolsheviks were Jews" to "what % of Jews were communists?") and by doing so, it has become incomplete again because the number of Jews worldwide who were communists pales in comparison to the number of Jews worldwide who are capitalists, like you and I. By the way, the existence of communist Jews and capitalist Jews is another nail in the coffin of all those who like to see Jews as some kind of hive mentality united in their fight against the gentiles.
The third approach is by producing a much longer list of only Bolsheviks, that also overwhelmingly contains Jews: But what they do here, is copy-paste a long list of only family names, without first names, making independent verification all the tougher, and stamp the word "JEW" next to almost every one of them, while providing no sources to back up their conclusion. But I will address the authenticity of this list later. As to my image, you can look up each of the listed figures' bio in any encyclopedia and confirm what I have posted.
Some revisionists who think themselves particularly clever point out to the picture of Lenin not having a Jewish Star and begin to accuse me of having gotten the simplest of facts wrong. Many revisionists call Lenin a Jew even though the only Jew in his entire bloodline was, on the side of his mother Maria Ulyanova, born Blank[1], Lenin's great-grandfather Moshe/Moshko Itzkovich Blank[2], a Shtetl Jew who later converted to Orthodox Christianity and changed his name to Dmitry Blank (and whose son, Srul/Israil Moshevich Blank, i.e. Lenin's grandfather, was baptized Alexander Dmitrievich Blank[3]), while the entire rest of his bloodline wasn't Jewish. Now some of the tryhards might say "silly goy, it doesn't matter whether Lenin or his mommy were baptized, because Jewishness is inherited through the mother[4], therefore Lenin is a Jew!" But using this very same Jewish Matrilineality, Lenin's Mother Maria inherited her "jewishness" from her (jewish, but baptized) FATHER, and NOT her (non-jewish) mother! Therefore, as per the laws of Jewish Matrilieality, the Jewish line ended with the now baptized Alexander Blank; it was not passed down to his daughter Maria Blank; she was never a Jewess, neither practicing, nor even by lineage, and therefore her son Lenin wasn't one either.
Even if you ignore Jewish Matrilineality and just use racial makeup, let me ask you this: Is it fair to point the finger at a man (let's call him Bob) and call him a White man if his entire family is comprised of Blacks except one great-grandfather who was White, but later in life started to self-identify as Black (just like Rachel Dolezal), and whose son (racially also White) also self-identified as Black, and this son had a half-black daughter, also fully identifying herself as Black, who in turn had a son, namely our Bob, a three-quarter Black? Is that enough to turn Bob into a White man? Hell no. Barack Obama is far more racially White than Lenin was racially Jewish (half vs. quarter). Yet nobody in their right mind calls Obama a White man. So why the revisionist insistence to label Lenin a Jew? This is yet another case where you realize they aren't historians, or even scholars, but anti-semitic ideologues weaving their own make-believe "history": Because labeling the Bolshevik leader as a JEW plays perfectly into their narrative compared to calling him an atheist who was a baptized Orthodox Christian, whose daddy (and mommy!) were baptized Orthodox Christians and her daddy in turn was a Jew baptized into orthodox Christianity, and his father in turn was an actual Jew who later received an adult baptism.
Other revisionists try to pin the whole thing on Putin as a credible authority, saying "well, the PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA, who certainly ought to know things better about his own country than some random schmuck on the internet I'm trying to explain this to, said in a 2013 speech, and I quote: 'The decision to nationalize this library was made by the first Soviet government, whose composition was 80-85 percent Jewish.'" Now the picture above is of the USSR's First Central Committee in 1924, so what about earlier? Going through the 16 names on the first Council of People’s Commissars under the Bolsheviks, there is precisely one Jew among them, Leon Trotsky. Except for the Ukrainian Lunacharsky and the Pole Teodorvitch, everyone else was Russian. Therefore, the proportion of Jewish members even back in 1917 was not 85% or even 80% but 6.25%.[5]
Come to think of it, there were many Jews in leadership roles in the Party of the Mensheviks and the Socialist Revolutionaries, but very few among the Bolsheviks. The numbers are something like under 10% Jews in the top & middle tiers of Bolshevik leadership, around 25% or 30% among the SRs and close to 40% among the Mensheviks. What all three had in common was that they weren’t the tsars, but they fought each other, and the more Jewish Mensheviks ended up losing. So much for the revisionist theory about Jews as a singular political force, united against the goyim, trying to take over a nation together...
Read more:
It's also funny how the handful of powerful Jewish Bolsheviks like Leon Trotsky (Commander of the Red Army) or Gengrikh Yagoda (director of the NKVD) actually got expelled and executed by fellow Reds.
So to sum up, on the eve of the February Revolution in 1917, of about 23,000 members of the Bolshevik party, 364 (about 1.6%) were ethnic Jews.[6]
And according to the 1922 Bolshevik party census, there were 19,564 Jewish Bolsheviks, comprising 5.21% of the total, and in the 1920s of the 417 members of the Central Executive Committee, the party Central Committee, the Presidium of the Executive of the Soviets of the USSR and the Russian Republic, the People's Commissars, 6% were ethnic Jews.[7]
But let's get to the heart of the issue. On the internet, whether it is among clearly far-right forums such as stormfront and the political boards of 4chan and 8chan, or even among more neutral and family-friendly places such as youtube (and its comment section), twitter, and reddit, in discussions involving the Russian Revolution, there is always this certain long list of allegedly Jewish Bolsheviks in circulation. This list wasn't made up by some right-wing troll in the recent past, but has actually been in circulation since 1921, created by a man called Robert Wilton. Robert Wilton was based in Moscow as a Journalist for the Times of London throughout the period of the Bolshevik revolution. In 1919, he claimed that the Soviet Press provided a list of 556 of the top figures of the Soviet Government, identifying their ethnicity, and Wilton included it as an appendix in his book, "The Last Days of the Romanovs," 1920. The list included 17 Russians, 2 Ukrainians, 11 Armenians, 35 Letts (Latvians), 15 Germans, 1 Hungarian, 10 Georgians, 3 Poles, 3 Finns, 1 Czech, 1 Karaim (Jewish sect) and 457 Jews.
This list is regurgitated on many websites, some examples below:
...and also featured in revisionist Benton L. Bradberry's somewhat widely disseminated novel "The Myth of German Villainy". The list is presented as proof that Jews dominated the early government of the Soviet Union. To begin with, Robert Wilton was an antisemite[9]. More importantly, the list is made up. For example, take one of the more exotic sounding names like Schillenkuss. Type it into google (to try and find more about this person). What do you get? ONLY the same copy-pasted list on various far right sites.
For me, another red flag is when going through that list, in most instances only the family name is given, making it hard for a non-scholar to fact check whether that person really existed, who he or she was, and to verify their Jewish origin.
Furthermore, "Spitzberg", "Kaufman" and "Lelina" were never commissars and were in all likelihood made up people who never existed. There were no "Hygiene" and "Refugee" commissariats either: Robert Wilton made them up as well.
For specific examples, Karl Lander was a Latvian, not Jewish. Jan Anvelt was an Estonian. He was not the head of the nonexistent "Hygiene" Commission, but rather the commissar of a Military academy. Alexander Schlichter and Vasily Schmidt were not Jewish, but of ethnic German Descent.
Long story short: this widely disseminated list is A HOAX. Wilton gives no source in his book, because he made it all up. That's what "Jewish Bolshevism" is. Made up nonsense.
In the entirety of the USSR's Communist Party in 1922, it is a historic FACT that Baltic peoples were actually more over-represented than Jews but you'll NEVER hear a revisionist scholar make an issue out of that, will you? Nope, of course not. THIS[8] was the composition of the entire CPSU in 1922:
72% Russian (53% of the USSR's population)
6% Ukrainian (21% of the USSR's population)
5.2% Jewish (1.8% of the USSR's population)
4.6% Baltic & Polish (0.6% of the USSR's population)
3.4% Trans-Caucasian (2.5% of the USSR's population)
2.5% Central Asian (7% of the USSR's population)
2% RSFSR minorities (4.3% of the USSR's population)
3% others (6.4% of the USSR's population)
Now let's talk about the Politburo, the highest policy-making government authority under the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Ethnic Slavs dominated the Politburo from its establishment in 1919.[10] From 1919 until 1991, 89 members of the Politburo were Russians (which makes up 68 percent).[11] In distant second were Ukrainians, who had 11 members in the Politburo, making up 8 percent.[12] In third place are both ethnic Jews and Georgians, who had 4 members respectively.[12]
In the Civil War, 22,000 ex-Tsarist officers served with the Red Army in 1918 and a total 48,000 in the entire Civil War. This element was crucial in preserving the Bolshevik Revolution. Needless to say, there was not a Jewish element amongst ex-Tsarist officers. Neither was there a Jewish element amongst the primary commanders of the Red Army: The Latvian Riflemen leader Joachim Vatsetis became commander-in-chief of the entire Red Army from September 1918 to July 1919. He was replaced by Sergei Kamenev, who was a Russian. Other important leaders of the Red Army were Vladimir Antonov-Ovseyenko, Mikhail Tukhachevsky, Mikhail Frunze (Romanian), Klement Voroshilov, Vasili Bliukher, and Semyon Budyonni (Cossack).[13]
Thus, it has been proven that there was a limited Jewish presence amongst the Bolsheviks whether in the state, in the party, or in the military.
[6]: Political Activity and Emigration. Beyond the Pale. The History of Jews in Russia. (Exhibition by Joke Kniesmeyer and Daniel Cil Brecher)
[7]: source: Herf, Jeffrey (2008) "The Jewish Enemy: Nazi Propaganda During World War II and the Holocaust", page 96
[8]: T.H. Rigby, "Communist Party Membership in the USSR, 1917-1967"
[10]: Lowenhardt, John; van Ree, Erik; Ozinga, James (1992). The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Politburo, page 155-156
[11]: ibid, page 139
[12]: ibid, page 136
[13]: Cameron, Kenneth Neill, "Stalin. Man of Contradiction". Toronto: NC Press, c1987, p. 75
Stalin's alleged "Torchmen Order" no. 428

The document you see above is what became known as "Stalin's Torchmen Order", in German as "Stalins Fackelmänner-Befehl", and confirmed by Russian historian Dmitri Antonovich Volkogonov, and is the high command of the armed forces in the Soviet Union, the Stavka's order Nr. 0428, which was decreed on November 17, 1941 with the approval of Joseph Stalin, as a scorched-earth tactic to prevent the German armed forces from occupying and resupplying in conquered villages and cities during Operation Barbarossa. To ensure this, the document reads as follows:
"1. All settlements, in which German troops are found, up to a depth of 40 - 60km from the main lines of battle, are to be destroyed and set on fire, also 20-30km from the roads. For the destruction of the settled areas in the required radius, the air force will be made available, also artillery and rocket-launchers will be used extensively, as well as intelligence units, skiers and Partisan divisions, who are equipped with explosives, grenades and bottles with flammable liquid. 2. In each regiment, hunting expeditions of 20 to 30 men are to be formed to detonate and incinerate the settlements which enemy troops are occupying."
But here's the reason why I bring this document up in my blog, and why it's relevant to the holocaust. According to deniers/revisionists, the document also contains the following passages:
"These hunting expeditions in their activities of destruction are to be dressed to the greatest extent in German soldier's uniforms and uniforms of the Waffen-SS looted from the German army. This will ignite hatred toward all fascist occupiers and make the conscription of partisans from the outlaying areas of fascist territories easier. It is important to have survivors who will tell about "German atrocities". For this purpose every regiment is to form hunter-units of about 20- 30 men strong with the task to detonate and incinerate the villages. We have to select brave fighters for this action of destruction of settled areas. These men will be especially recommended to receive bravery awards when working in German uniforms behind enemy lines and destroying those settlement outposts. Among the population we have to spread the rumor that the Germans are burning the villages in order to punish the Partisans."
As you can see, holocaust deniers wave this translation around as proof that any and all photos showing German troops committing atrocities toward civilians on the Eastern Front are in reality Russian forces dressed as German soldiers, all part of Stalin's propaganda machinery. They use these additional passages as proof to deny the Einsatzgruppen atrocities during the holocaust as well, in that they blame it on the Russians.
In reality, the entire second paragraph is a HOAX that does not appear in the above original document at all. And neither does that last sentence added to the first paragraph regarding Russians dressing up in German uniforms. If you can read Russian, you'd already know this. If you can't, here is the rest of the document translated into english by Roberto Muehlenkamp from the Holocaust Controversies blog:
The fake translation of the Order 428 was made up by a barely known German "historian" who went by the name of Fritz Becker, in 1995, since these additional passages were first mentioned in his book: Becker Fritz: “Stalins Blutspur durch Europa: Partner des Westens 1933-1945”. Kiel: Arndt-Verlag, 1995. S. 268. A second German researcher going by the name of Franz W. Seidler wrote a book titled: "Verbrechen an der Wehrmacht, Kriegsgreuel der Roten Armee" 1941/42, 3. Auflage. Pour le Mérite, Selent 1998, S. 30 f., where he cited Becker's hoax passages as part of Order No. 428 as well.
Since both of these are just secondary sources rather than primary ones, to further lend an air of authenticity and credibility to the added hoax translation, deniers also cite the following "original" source:
Archive Series 429, Rolle 461, General's Headquarters of the Army, Division, foreign Units East II H 3/70 Fr 6439568. Filed: National Archive Washington.
The German historian Christian Hartmann and the German historian Jürgen Zarusky, both from the Munich based Institut für Zeitgeschichte, investigated this mysterious "Rolle 461" and found nothing. Revisionists often invent hoax sources, more news at eleven. These two historians were able to demonstrate that, as concerns the previously cited secondary sources, Seidler truthfully relied on Becker's book and cited it as his source, while Becker in turn cites the aforementioned Russian historian Volkogonov as his source, although inspecting the works of Volkogonov does NOT reveal a transcription of Order No. 428 with the added passages. It can therefore be concluded that Fritz Becker is the original author of these additional hoax passages that instruct the Red Army to dress up in German uniforms.
For more info read pages 394 to 397 in the chapter "Stalins „Fackelmänner-Befehl“ vom November 1941. Ein verfälschtes Dokument" in the book Christian Hartmann: "Der deutsche Krieg im Osten 1941–1944. Facetten einer Grenzüberschreitung", Oldenbourg, München 2009
The bottom line is: There was no order by the Soviet high command to have their soldiers dress up in German uniforms before burning down villages. It has been debunked as a translation hoax invented by Fritz Becker.
The myth of German efficiency

Often brought up during holocaust arguments (by deniers) is the fabled claim of "German efficiency", which is then used by them to point out that because Germans did not genocide the Jews in the most efficient manner, that therefore the holocaust didn't happen at all. One of Fritz Berg's favorite arguments. Let's take a look at this myth of "German efficiency", shall we?
- Horse-drawn carriages made up a good chunk of the Wehrmacht's logistics early on in the war (pic related shows Germany's invasion of Poland using said horse-drawn carriages).
- tanks were either worse than tanks of their opponents (compare early war German tanks to their French equivalents), or over-engineered expensive crap that couldn't go 50 km before breaking down (such as the King Tigers)
- had good pilots and planes but used them in a retarded manner which meant they all died after racking up irrelevant kills which made the Luftwaffe impotent late in war (compare this to the Allies who used their veteran pilots as instructors to train a new generation of pilots rather than expend them on the battlefield)
- Wehrmacht sent to invade the largest cold country on planet Earth using summer equipment only.
- had initial numerical advantage, both in terms of troops and manpower, and almost entire Europe at their disposal, yet they were slowed, stalemated, and then wrecked by Soviets fighting on basically 1 main front for 3 years straight, from mid 1941 until mid 1944. Therefore, the "Germany lost because of 2 fronts" is a lie. Victory over the Soviet Union had become impossible for Germany even before the first Allied soldier landed on the beaches of Normandy.
- Lend-Lease is not an argument, because the so-called Battle of Moscow was a defeat before any relevant quantity of LL equipment had reached the Soviets, and LL at the time (late 1941) only made up around 10% of Soviet production.
- The famous German kill-death ratio also evaporates away when you consider that in reality, combat deaths on the Eastern Front were less than 2 to 1 in Axis favor, because slaughtering and starving civilians doesn't relate to combat prowess and you should rather look at how many Soviet soldiers were killed (8.7 million[1]) compared to every Axis soldier who was killed by Soviets on the Eastern Front (5.3 million, of which 4.3 million were part of Greater Germany[2]). The Axis performed worse in the other fronts (Western Front, Sicily, Tunisia etc.)
- The V projects cost nearly as much as the Manhattan Project (2 billion USD), yet they were literally useless for the war effort. [3]
- Head of Luftwaffe, Hermann Göring, an ineffective and talentless idiot.
- inferior in every area except rocketry and submarines to UK and USA
- had a Führer who was high on meth and actually believed a 1000 ton tank (Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte) was a realistic project. This same leader believed the first Jetfighter (Me-262) should be used as a bomber.
- leader who tried to micromanage everything and tried to control battalions fighting 2000 km away, and involved himself in stuff like tank design
- leader who sent 300,000 troops to Tunisia to get captured, unable to comprehend that the Mediterranean was lost and there would be no way to supply them properly
- leader who left the 6th Army at Stalingrad to encirclement and destruction because he didn't believe in tactical withdrawal.
Now, can this "German efficiency" meme finally die? Thank you.
[1]: Tally mentioned in several books on this subject by Russian military historian Grigori F. Krivosheev
[2]: Rüdiger Overmans, Deutsche militärische Verluste im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Oldenbourg 2000.
[3]: Stephen J Zaloga, V-2, page 36
Did Nobel Prize Winner Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn name the Jew?

The above is another image I have repeatedly come across on right-wing image boards. They repeatedly stress the fact that Solzhenitsyn won the Nobel Prize (sometimes falsely crediting him with having won the Nobel Peace Prize when in reality he was a laureate of the Nobel Prize in Literature of 1970), and yet, having called out Bolsheviks as being Jews.
However, as usual, the far-right are world champions in creating hoax quotations. The above quote is entirely fictional. Its origin traces back to "PhD historian Dr.*" David Duke, former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, who attempted to make capital out of Solzhenitsyn’s work by publishing a book in 2013 titled "The Secret Behind Communism". His book introduction contains the above quote which he attributes to Solzhenitsyn on the occasion of a meeting he had with the Nobel laureate in 2002. Of course, we ought to take the good man at his good word and just believe him, as no other proof is offered. Hmm.....
This hoax-quote sets the scene for Duke's elaborate thesis which posits the Soviet regime as effectively being the instrument for Jewry’s vengeance against the Russian and Ukrainian people. Duke argues that the deaths of millions of Orthodox Christians at the hands of a ‘Jewish-led’ government was a crime “unparalleled in history”; and that the Holodomor, during which anything from 5 to 8 million people in Ukraine starved to death, were part of a state-sponsored policy aimed at diminishing Ukrainian nationalist sentiment, and, as Duke states, a tragedy which not only rivals that of the later Shoah but in fact surpasses it. His idea therefore is to change the nature of the discourse from what he considers to be the defensive posture imposed on Gentiles by "organised Jewry" in regard to the issue of the Holocaust and Jewish accusations of Gentile complicity and inaction, into one where Jews are accused of perpetrating mass genocide on Gentiles. Duke is also keen to claim Lazar Kaganovich, an ethnic Jew, as having had the key role as overseer of the Ukrainian policy. Kaganovich is to Duke surpassed in genocidal culpability by Genrikh Yagoda. That Yagoda, a man who cultivated a distinct moustache identical to that of Adolf Hitler’s, is not known to the wider public as a mass murderer is as telling to Duke as is the lack of public consciousness about the Holodomor.
But these are references to Solzhenitsyn’s work made by those who have fallen out of the spectrum of contemporary historical orthodoxies due to their race-based political and social standpoints. AKA fact-twisting revisionists with a clear agenda of their own. Solzhenitsyn’s views and his book had motives clearly divergent from those intended by those advocating the White nationalist cause.
For instance, while the far-right revisionist view postulates a Jewish conspiracy in the early 20th Century upheavals in Russia, Solzhenitsyn was categorical in his explanation that the Jews were not the orchestrators of the revolutions of 1905 and 1917. And of the latter event he clearly stated that “one layer rushed headfirst to the revolution”, while “another, to the contrary, was trying to stand back.”
At the end of the ninth chapter, Solzhenitsyn denounces “the superstitious faith in the historical potency of conspiracies” by which Jews have been attributed responsibility while ignoring “Russian failings that determined our sad historical decline.” Another clear distinction between Solzhenitsyn and revisionists is his berating of the ‘White Russians’, the supporters of the Tsarist ancien regime, for condoning violence directed at Jews in general as opposed to those Jews who were combatants in the ensuing civil war.
Yet another key point of distinction between Solzhenitsyn and revisionists such as David Duke is the interpretation given of the Holodomor. Unlike White nationalists, he does not posit this event as a racial massacre of a Christian people by vengeful atheistic Jews. While acknowledging it as an exceptional tragedy, he fits it in to the overall context as a calamity which was the by-product of the ruthless Bolshevik decrees geared towards fulfilling grain procurements. For Solzhenitsyn the idea of the Holodomor having been a policy of deliberate genocide is an act of historic revisionism. The Ukrainian tragedy in his view was not different from the Russian famine of 1921.
* In September 2005, Duke received a PhD in history from a Ukrainian private university called "Interregional Academy of Personnel Management" (MAUP), an institution that has been described by the Anti-Defamation League as a "University of Hate." Duke's doctoral thesis was titled "Zionism as a Form of Ethnic Supremacism." However, the PhD program of MAUP was not accredited by the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine and is not accredited by this state body's successor, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, so the PhD diplomas issued by MAUP are not recognized by the Ukrainian state as academic degrees.
The ADL maintains the MAUP is the main source of antisemitic publishing in Ukraine, and its antisemitic actions have been strongly condemned by Foreign Minister Borys Tarasyuk and various organizations.
Duke has taught a course on international relations and a history course at MAUP. On his website, Duke now refers to himself as "Dr. David Duke PhD." and "Dr. Duke." I'm laughing because it is a meme degree.
Gitta Sereny was not a holocaust denier

Images like the above are another cheeky effort by deniers on the internet, in their game of pinning holocaust denial not on themselves, but on famous holocaust scholars instead. They've tried it with Winston Churchill (, Dwight D. Eisenhower (, Yehuda Bauer (, Simon Wiesenthal (, Deborah Lipstadt, Kitty Hart-Moxon and Martin Gilbert ( Now they point to Gitta Sereny, a, as they stress, biographer, historian, investigative journalist, and recipient of the CBE, a Commander of the Order of the British Empire. With all these credentials and fame, SHE, of all people, said Auschwitz was not an extermination camp, in an interview the deniers provide with complete source. Was she therefore a revisionist?
No. As usual, deniers have ripped that quote out of context. To better understand the background, Gitta Sereny was known for her interviews of, apart from Albert Speer, also Franz Stangl, commandant of the Treblinka extermination camp, published in "Into That Darkness: An Examination of Conscience". In the London Times article from August 29th 2001, she was stressing that Auschwitz was a different kind of camp compared to the (pure) extermination camp Treblinka - Auschwitz was not like Treblinka. In the interview, Sereny wished for the attention of the public to shift away from Auschwitz for a change, and shine the spotlight on other places as well, such as the Aktion Reinhard extermination sites incl. Treblinka.
Deniers and neo-nazis rip her quote out of context, wholly omitting all her previous references to Treblinka. Treblinka was a pure extermination camp, with "death on arrival" being the only purpose of the camp, a small skeleton crew running it, while Auschwitz was a dual purpose extermination (its gas chambers) AND labor camp (for the healthy off the trains who passed Selektion at the rail ramp) considering its vast arrays of barracks and the IG Farben industrial plant closeby. Ideally, Sereny should have said "Auschwitz was not just an extermination camp for those deemed unfit for labor, but also a camp where those that could work were mercilessly exploited via physical labor".
Here is her full quote, in which she explains why she is also particularly scathing about the popular identification of Hitler's evil with the death of ONLY the Jews:
"I deplore it [the usage of the word holocaust] because what happened to the Jews was the worst thing that was done -- but it has now become the only thing. And that is totally wrong. If one wants to be disgustingly numerical, one would have to say that Hitler killed more Christians than Jews. But we don't want to be like that. It's all wrong. But if we concentrate entirely on what happened to the Jews, we cannot see its parallels -- and you know many in the Jewish community refuse to see such parallels because they think it diminishes their suffering. But it's not just terrible to kill Jews -- it's terrible to kill anybody. This whole thing of the murder of the Jews -- we must never forget it, it is part of history, children as long as the world lasts must know that this happened -- but we badly need to accept it now as part of a terrible history, not the terrible history. I don't want anyone to think that I diminish it, I don't diminish it. It was the worst thing. But it was not the only thing.
Untruth always matters, and not just because it is unnecessary to lie when so much terrible truth is available. Every falsification, every error, every slick rewrite job is an advantage to the neo-Nazis. Why on earth have all these people who made Auschwitz into a sacred cow. . . why didn't they go and look at Treblinka? It was possible. There were survivors alive when all this started. Nobody did. It was an almost pathological concentration on this one place. A terrible place -- but it was not an extermination camp. The distinctions are important, but - death is death."
The full article is available on David Irving's site. Even though he had a personal grudge against Sereny for having published articles attacking him, he was at least honest enough to reproduce the article in full:
More fake quotes...

In line with the far-right's vehement belief in the existence of a "Kalergi Plan" (which I have debunked here:, they frequently create images like the above to give you the impession that the European Migrant Crisis was a coordinated effort by International Jewry to replace White European populations. This belief system is why you hear so many far-right folks tout the buzzword "White Genocide" about as frequently as proponents of political correctness yell the word "Nazi!" in a discussion. this quote genuine?
Of course not. It is a fake quote, as it does not show up here at all:
The fake quote seems to have been translated at stormfront and come from these particular blogs, which themselves do not provide any kind of citation either, leading me to the conclusion it is wholly fabricated:
In similar fashion to make us aware of all these "cohencidences", antisemites try to underscore the notion that feminism and the LGBT movement are inventions of the Jewish Lobby by providing two simple, mainstream links: show "proof" of massive over-representation of Jews among feminists and LGBT advocates. But this is merely an exercise in deception, because they know full well that the majority of Jewish persons involved in those lists are secular, and therefore have nothing to do with religiousness, while the other persons are, despite their religiousness, proponents of said categories and therefore artificially limited in number because, as we all know, religions are anti-feminist and anti-homosexual in nature, including Judaism. But because Judaism is not just a religion but also an ethnicity, on any wikipedia list of "Jewish X,Y or Z", both religious Jews and non-religious Jews are lumped into the same basket, while e.g. secular Whites will never find themselves in the same category as "Feminists by religion", and therefore do not show up there at all, leaving the Jews there not just as the only group with both religious and non-religious proponents, but therefore seemingly in massive over-representation as well.
"How Jewish is CNN?"

Open the image in a new tab to be able to read the names.
This isn't related to the holocaust at all, but another virulent image that made the rounds in mid 2017 as part of President Trump's media-feud with companies he deemed "fake news" - an infograph created by an anonymous author to "prove" that one of the world's biggest and most famous mass media news corporations is (as the image suggests on first glance) overwhelmingly kosher, and therefore, another "proof" that Jews control the western world's media (and by extension, therefore would have an easy time fabricating history as well).
So I decided to tackle the content and only about 10 minutes of fact-checking yielded me the following:
1st row, 2nd from left Doug Shapiro is not a Jew
3rd row, 1st from right Kate Bouldan is not a Jew
3rd row, 2nd from right Brian Stelter is not a Jew
4th row, 4th from left John King is not a Jew,
5th row, 1st from right Izzy Povich is not a Jew,
5th row, 5th from left Donna Speciale, is not a Jew,
6th row, 5th from right Juliette Kayem is not a Jew,
and neither is Turner CEO John K. Martin.
Note how there's absolutely no mention of famous CNN anchors like Anderson Cooper, Brooke Baldwin, Don Lemon, Hala Gorani, Becky Anderson, Fareed Zakaria, Christiane Amonpour, Jim Acosta, Isha Sesay etc.
tldr: CNN has around 3,000 employees, of which the anti-semitic image maker clearly trying to highlight those of Jewish origin only pictures 125*. From this we can deduce that the majority of everyone not included in the picture, but who are part of the CNN network (there's a lot more employees, after all) aren't Jews.
*and my lazy attempt to debunk it has already exposed an error margin of 5%. What's more, not only are a ton of famous/influential non-jewish CNN personel left out, and not only are the majority of those pictured in this infographic literal who's in terms of power and influence in the company (read: pencil pushers), but their bio's are sparse and hard to piece together as well, so that we can find out how legit their classification as Jews really is. Unless the creator of the image above publishes a detailed list of sources as to how he determined all of them are Jews, we can't take the Star of David on each photo as a legitimate branding. I'm thinking a lot of his "research" merely involved looking at the family names and any German-sounding ones were automatically considered to be proof of Jewish ancestry. If that's the case, the image is more laughable than I thought.
Hitler's Last Will and Testament

I am going to end this series ( as well as, this journey to prove holocaust deniers are wrong, and that the holocaust really happened, a journey of research that lasted for three years of my life, on a sombre note: Another piece of documentary evidence. One, that once again makes it clear that not only did the holocaust happen, but that Hitler knew everything he needed to about it, and was satisfied with it.
Let us first remind ourselves of an excerpt from the speech Adolf Hitler gave several months before the war began, in the Reichstag on January 30th, 1939:
"Ich will heute wieder ein Prophet sein: Wenn es dem internationalen Finanzjudentum in und außerhalb Europas gelingen sollte, die Völker noch einmal in einen Weltkrieg zu stürzen, dann wird das Ergebnis nicht die Bolschewisierung der Erde und damit der Sieg des Judentums sein, sondern die Vernichtung der jüdischen Rasse in Europa!"
"Today I want to be a prophet again. If international finance Jewry within Europe and abroad should succeed once more in plunging the peoples into a world war, then the consequence will be not the Bolshevization of the world and therewith a victory of Jewry, but on the contrary, the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe!"
Throughout the war, Hitler believed in the "alt-testamentarische" (old testamentarian) "eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth" mentality, which in reality stems from the Code of Hammurabi. When thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of German soldiers started dying on the battlefields, and German civilians back home also dying after being bombed by the Allies, Hitler, a man who was fanatically convinced that the war was forced upon Germany by Jewish advisors to the leaders of the Allied nations, found the perfect excuse to start exacting lethal vengeance on the millions of Jews that were under the control of the Reich. The estimations were presented and tallied at the Wannsee Conference, but the plan to begin implementing the procedures of exterminating European Jews was made earlier, on December 12th, 1941 - the day the "Fuhrer Order" was given (which deniers claim is missing, just because it didn't survive the war in written form), as has been established by the German historian Christian Gerlach.
short version:
long version:
Goebbels mentioned the ongoing extermination in his diary entries:
Himmler did so in his famous Posen speeches:
Hans Frank, the governor-general of occupied Poland (Generalgouvernement):
Auschwitz doctor Johann Paul Kramer in his diary as well:
And all of the above are proofs from BEFORE the Nuremberg Trials, before any chance of anyone being "tortured to extract a forced confession", as the deniers claim. Then we have the Sonderkommando photos capturing a moment of bodies cremated outside a gas chamber in Birkenau
...again, taken before the war was over.
The Einsatzgruppen reports tallying the shootings of tens of thousands of Jewish "partisans" per month. Documents talking about gas vans. The reports from Polish resistance, the list is endless.
At the Nuremberg Trials and others that followed, both victims (from a multitude of nationalities, speaking different languages, unable to understand each other) and perpetrators all created a coherent image with their testimonies, that is backed by further evidence in the form of documents.
Set down in Berlin, April 29, 1945, 4.00 o’clock, Hitler's Will was dictated in the closing days of the European Theatre of World War II, one day before Hitler did the best thing he had ever done (shooting and killing Adolf Hitler). A will, which once again tried to stress the Nazis' erroneous belief that the invasion of Poland was justified and the defense pact that was triggered was somehow not their fault, and therefore the war forced upon them.
A key section of this speech is highlighted in the pic above. Here is the translation:
"But nor have I left any doubt that if the nations of Europe are once more to be treated only as collections of stocks and shares of these international conspirators in money and finance, then those who carry the real guilt for the murderous struggle, this people will also be held responsible: the Jews! I have further left no one in doubt that this time it will not be only millions of children of Europeans of the Aryan peoples who will starve to death, not only millions of grown men who will suffer death, and not only hundreds of thousands of women and children who will be burned and bombed to death in the cities, without those who are really responsible also having to atone for their crime, even if by more humane means...."
Let us recap: Through his actions, Hitler had made sure to leave behind no one in doubt, that the people (he believed were) behind the war, would atone for their crime, by more humane means than being starved or being burned and bombed to death in the cities. And that is exactly what being summarily shot by the Einsatzgruppen outside their towns, or (as Hitler believed) being gassed to death in the gas chambers, or being worked to death in other camps was: not as bad as being firebombed to death.
But this silent admission of a done deed, this "I have made sure to leave no one in doubt...that the people who started this war atone for their crime, even if by a more human means...than being bombed" is the ultimate proof anyone ever needs, that Hitler ordered and saw to it, that the holocaust happened.
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